Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 551: Fire Attack Sword Sect

Three months later, Jianhui retreated and practiced back to Tianbing Jue.

Jian Chen handles all matters large and small on the mountain.

On this day, Jianzong disciples practiced swords as usual.

Lin Yi talked to the senior brother Jian Chen, and went down the mountain with the black widow to Mujia Village.

This is also the privilege of Lin Yi as the master's apprentice.

Ordinary disciples, within half a year of getting started, cannot go down the mountain casually.

Only the direct disciple of the sect master, who belongs to the same generation as the big brother, can go down the mountain.

Lin Yi and the others came to Mujia Village, Wuming remained the same as before, sitting in front of the door, facing the river, pulling the erhu.

When the surrounding people enter and leave the mountain village, they always greet Wuming enthusiastically.

Lin Yi and the Black Widow have come more often, and some villagers can already know them and greet them.

Wuming saw that Lin Yi and Black Widow were coming again. He shook his head and said, "I said it earlier. In my life, I will never use force again."

"I've already said that, Senior, you must still use force in the future."

Lin Yi replied: "Besides, Senior, I didn't tell you to use force. I just asked you about the incomprehensibility of Ten Thousand Swords Return."

"You have only been up the mountain for a few days, so the master passed the 10,000 swords back to the clan to you?"

Wuming said.

"It was not passed on to me. I have a martial arts skill that can probe everything within a radius of one hundred meters. Therefore, I have discovered the Sword Genealogy of the Return of Ten Thousand Swords."

Lin Yi answered truthfully.

At this time, it seems unreliable to say that all other reasons are not reliable, so it is better to tell the truth.

Wuming smiled and said, "Is there such a kung fu? Can you even detect the contents of the book?"

Lin Yi replied: "Yes."

The unknown general Lin Yi glanced up and down a few times, and said: "Detection is found, that counts as your ability. As for whether you can understand it, it depends on your own ability and understanding."

Lin Yi gave a wry smile, was about to speak, but saw a large group of people coming here in the distance.

Those people are all dressed up, the leader holding a big flag in his hand.

Daqi wrote the word "Tianxia".

Lin Yi said: "People in the world."

Thousands of people and thousands of horses passed by the road in front of Mujiacun.

Lin Yi saw this and said, "There will be so many people here, and they will definitely attack Jianzong again. Senior, I will leave first!"

Speaking of being with the Black Widow, following the people in Tianxiahui from a distance, towards Jianzong.

Wuming didn't seem to see all of this, and continued to face the river, pulling his erhu.

In the sound of the music, there is also a slight sadness as always.

Since there is only one way up the mountain, people in the world have already walked up this way.

Lin Yi could only take the black widow to the side of the cliff.

Then he used dark red bio-energy to condense on his hands and feet, clinging to the cliff, carrying the black widow on his back, and climbing upwards.

About fifteen minutes later, he came to the top of the cliff, and then quickly found Jian Chen who was practicing swordsmanship: "Big brother, people from the World Association are going to attack Jianzong."

Jian Chen's heart shuddered and asked hurriedly: "Attack Jianzong? Where are they?"

"Already on the way up the mountain, I am afraid that I have already reached the kendo at this time."

The so-called kendo is the section of the mountain that only allows one person to pass, and the cliff on the left side of the cliff on the right.

"How many of them are there?"

"I'm afraid there are thousands of people."

Lin also replied.

Jian Chen was flustered when he heard it.

Although he was in charge of the sect alone before, he had dealt with many things.

But he has never dealt with such a major event today.

He quickly said: "In this case, we must report to Master."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Master is in retreat. This is the critical juncture for the practice of returning to the Sky Ice Jue. What if you disturb Master and become crazy?"

Jian Chen listened, turned around, and said again and again: "What can I do? What can I do?"

Lin Yidao: "Brother, look for the great elder, let him immediately lead a hundred disciples to the kendo to block the world society. The kendo is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack. If a man is a gate, a man cannot open it. A hundred people can at least hold him. This thousand people half an hour."

Jian Chen shook his head and said: "But since the other party dares to attack our Jianzong, he must be prepared. I'm afraid it won't be too long."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yes, it won't take too long. Therefore, among our remaining 400 people, let the second elder, third elder, and fourth elder each take one hundred people. It is necessary to spend half an hour on the top of the mountain. Set it up. Prevent them from sneaking on the cliffs to the east, west and north."

"and then?"

Jian Chen really had no idea at this time.

Lin Yi said, "Then, as long as you lead them to a wide area, I will leave the rest to me."


Jian Chen puzzled: "Although your sword aura is powerful, you can't deal with more than a thousand people, right?"

Lin Yi replied: "Yes, but I have my own way."

"Then...A hundred people are left?"

"Master, you and the five elders, leading the remaining one hundred people, are only responsible for protecting Master's safety. At this time, Master's Huitian Bing Jue is being practiced at a critical juncture. Don't be disturbed."


Jian Chen responded and hurriedly arranged.

More than ten minutes later, on the Kendo side, the Great Elder took a hundred people and guarded them here.

Ma Ying, the pioneer of the World Society, took eight hundred people and stormed from here.

But kendo allows only one person to pass through, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is difficult for them to attack easily here.

The world would hurt more than forty people, but Jianzong didn't even hurt one person.

Ma Ying was so angry that he yelled and cursed: "The rice bucket! It's the rice bucket! If you can't attack it today, none of you want to go back alive!"

So everyone can only fight hard again.

At the same time, the bat took the remaining 200 people and planned to climb up the cliff.

But when they worked so hard to climb to the top of the cliff, they were hit by the Jianzong disciple who had been ambushing here.

There were more than two hundred people, and in an instant there were only more than 80 people left.

Bat suffered a setback and could only lead the remaining 80 people back.

Originally, their more than 1,000 people today were all riding fast horses and suddenly attacked. Want a surprise attack.

Unexpectedly, Jianzong had already prepared Ma Ying cursed: "Grandma, I don't know who leaked the wind, Jianzong was actually prepared. We killed and injured more than a hundred brothers."

Bat said: "Before leaving, the facilitator confessed that while taking the sword sect, try to preserve the original things of the sword sect. But now it seems that I can't take care of these. Prepare for fire attack!"

So Ma Ying asked him to take out the igniting object that he had prepared long ago—similar to an incendiary bomb, burned with gunpowder, and then flew up to the mountain to ignite the vegetation.

This sudden fire attack caught Jianzong disciples off guard.

The entire kendo is full of red. ...


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