Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 560: Lingyun Cave

Wuming once said that there will be three bottlenecks in the practice of returning ten thousand swords.

The first one is when it is about to control a hundred swords;

The second one is when it is about to control five hundred swords;

The third one is when it is about to control a thousand swords.

As long as these three bottleneck periods have passed, the back will be very smooth, and how strong the sword energy is, you can control how many flying swords.

Now Lin Yi is in the first bottleneck period.

In this bottleneck period, although it is about to reach a hundred flying swords, each additional flying sword is extremely difficult.

The only way to break through is to practice the return of ten thousand swords repeatedly.

When practicing ten thousand swords and returning to the sect, sword qi will continue to grow in the body.

When the sword qi in the body is strong to a certain level, using this powerful sword qi to break through the bottleneck is like flooding through a levee, and it will naturally pass the bottleneck period.

So what Lin Yi has to do every day is to continue to practice Wan Jian to return to the clan.

But the sword energy in his body grew too slowly.

In fact, his talent in kendo was not high, it was just the talent of an ordinary Sword Sect disciple.

It was with the sword aura of the Six Vein Divine Sword that Jian Hui and Wuming regarded him as an existence whose talent surpassed Wuming.

After practicing Wan Jian and returning to the sect, it was exposed.

At that time, the nameless practice of Wan Jian returned to the sect, that is, in three years, he has reached the realm of Dacheng.

But now, Lin Yi has been practicing for three years, but he has not even reached the first bottleneck.

Why is the gap between people so big?

Wuming and Jianhui saw this in their eyes, and secretly worried.

But they don't think that Lin Yi's talent is insufficient, they only think that Lin Yi has not experienced enough setbacks.

Back then, Wuming was abolished martial arts, the meridians were reversed, and he suffered all the torture, and finally he could become a sword and return to the sect, and successfully reached the realm of Dacheng within three years.

Now Lin has not been abolished martial arts, nor has his meridian been reversed, nor has he suffered much pain.

Having been in Jianzong for the past three years, it is understandable that he could not break through the first bottleneck.

On this day, Jian Hui called Lin Yi to the front, and said to Lin Yi: "Your ten thousand swords returned to the sect cannot break through the first bottleneck. In my opinion, it is not that you have insufficient qualifications, but that you have experienced insufficient pain. "

Lin Yi said depressed: "Master, then how can I increase the power of Ten Thousand Swords?"

Jian Hui said: "It is rumored that there is a Lingyun Cave at the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha, which contains a kind of god: blood bodhi. The injured person can heal immediately after eating it; eating it when there is no injury can increase the skill. Presumably this blood bodhi , It can greatly increase the sword energy in your body, thereby helping you break through the first bottleneck."

Lin Yi had known about the blood bodhi for a long time, but before, he had been practicing ten thousand swords and returning to the sect without thinking of it.

Jian Hui continued: "According to time calculations, the Blood Bodhi will appear in another seven years. When the time comes, the world will surely send someone to grab the Blood Bodhi. So you must plan early."

"I see, Master."

Lin also replied.

Jian Hui said again: "Also, it is rumored that the blood bodhi in Lingyun Cave is guarded by the fierce beast and fire unicorn. It is best if you can get the blood bodhi at that time, if you can't get it, you can temporarily retreat. Wait for someone in other schools After you get the blood bodhi, you can wait for the opportunity to **** it."


Lin also responded.

For the next seven years, Lin Yi continued to practice his sword and return to the clan every day, rain or shine.

Although Jian Hui said that the blood bodhi can improve sword energy, he can't relax.

Now practicing swords every day, when the time comes to break through the bottleneck, the sword aura will definitely grow faster.

Seven years passed in Lin Yi's sword practice.

In the last year, Lin also asked the black widow to go out from time to time to inquire about the movements of other sects.

Prepare to **** the blood bodhi.


Will be in the world.

Since the Xiongba took the Fengyun duo, in the past ten years, with the strength of the Fengyun duo, the world will fight in the north and south, defeating all sects.

Many sects have been merged into the World Association.

The world is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more than half a million people in the congregation.

Even Shaolin, Wudang and other thousand-year-old factions, at this time, have to subdue to the world.

However, since the last time Xiongba visited Jianzong, he had never dared to send anyone to Jianzong.

The return of the nameless Wanjian to the Sect really made him feel lingering.

As the saying goes, I was bitten by a snake once and I was afraid of well rope for ten years.

Except for Jianzong, there is no place in the world where a tyrant dare not go.

However, although the World Society is getting stronger and stronger, it has almost unified the martial arts.

But Xiongba still has a knot.

At the beginning, the mud bodhisattva and the **** fortune tell him: Are golden scales a thing in a pool, and it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm.

This was his fate for the first half of his life.

Now that he has gotten the wind and the wind and helped him dominate the world, these two criticisms have been realized.

But later, the mud bodhisattva left a big treasure box of yin and yang and five elements of the universe, and inside the box was his approval for the rest of his life.

It's just that there are 108 groups of the five elements of the yin and yang of the heavenly stems and earthly branches on the big treasure box, which can make countless combinations. You must make the corresponding combination before you can open the treasure box and see the commentary.

If it is forcibly opened, the gunpowder inside will ignite spontaneously.

It took ten years for Xiongba to open it.

But he couldn't wait any longer, so he asked Fengyun to retrieve the mud and opened the treasure box.

I saw two remarks in the treasure box: Jiuxiaolongyin has changed, and the wind and clouds will swim in shallow water.

He asked the mud bodhisattva to explain, and the mud bodhisattva said: "Ten years ago, the helper got the wind and cloud, so as to achieve the world's great event. But the so-called success is also the wind and the failure. The helper will be controlled by the wind and cloud in the second half of his life."

When Xiongba was furious, he imprisoned the mud bodhisattva.

At this time, the mud bodhisattva was covered with poisonous sores, and he seemed to be dying a long time ago.

He didn't realize that he was going to die in the domineering prison until the moment he was locked up.

He also recalled what Lin Yi said when he calculated his fate: Fengyun's fate is related to the hegemony and himself.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

After getting the wind and cloud, the world will prosper, and his mud bodhisattva has received special courtesy because he calculated the fate of the hero. The hero of the world, because he fears the hegemon, is respectful to him.

But now, the fate of the hegemony will be controlled by the situation.

Because of this kind of criticism, his mud bodhisattva was imprisoned by the tyrant and will die in prison.

He gave a wry smile: "God fortune teller, it really is a **** fortune teller."

At the same time, because of such criticism, Xiongba was naturally wary of Fengyun and planned to get rid of Fengyun.

He knew that Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng liked their daughter Kong Ci, so he deliberately promised their daughter to Nie Feng.

On the day of Nie Feng's wedding, Bu Jingyun came to grab the relatives, and the two fought.

Kong Ci was mistakenly killed by the Xiong Ba, but Bu Jingyun left the World Club.

In order to get rid of Nie Feng, Xiongba deliberately sent Nie Feng to Lingyun Cave to get the blood bodhi.

Although Lin Yi was in Jianzong, when he heard the news that the Black Widow came back, his heart moved: It's time!

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