Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 564: Mine is all mine!

"Brother Lin, how did you know our family's Bingxin Art?"

Nie Feng asked.

Lin Yi smiled and edited: "Your father entrusted you to me to take care of you, and he was afraid that you would not practice Bing Xin Jue well, so he gave me the formula and let me supervise you to practice it. I think you practiced very seriously. , I didn’t say it.”

Nie Feng said again: "Back then, my father was dragged into the cave by the fire unicorn. Presumably its bones are still in the cave. I want to bury my father."

Soon, they found King Nie who had already become a skeleton in the cave.

After they buried King Nie, they found two bones in the cave.

Nie Feng said: "It is rumored that our ancestor of the Nie family, Nie family, is afraid of madness and harm the world. So I locked myself in the Lingyun Cave. Presumably this chained bone is the ancestor of the Nie family. Another one. , It should be the swordsman of Nanlin. Xiongba said that back then my father and Duanshuai competed on the Buddha, and then both were dragged into the cave..."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's what Xiongba told you?"

"Yes. What's wrong?"

Nie Feng asked.

Lin Yi replied: "Of course he would say that. In fact, the matchup with your father back then wasn't a cut-off."

"That is……"

"It's Xiong Ba himself. It was he who knocked your father down the Buddha, and was finally dragged into the cave by the fire unicorn."

When Nie Feng heard this, his fists clenched tightly: "It turns out to be a hero!"

Then he said: "But if the male tyrant killed my father, why would he adopt me? But why would he kill me now?"

Lin Yidao: "This is all because of Ni Bodhisattva's comments to Xiongba. If Xiongba wants to achieve great things, he must get the situation, so he adopted you and Bu Jingyun. And the latter half of his life will be controlled by the situation, so he wants Kill you and Bu Jingyun."

Nie Feng suddenly said: "That's it! Killing my father's vengeance is not shared. I must avenge my father!"

Lin Yi took out the three blood bodhi and handed it to Nie Feng: "This blood bodhi, you take one, and you give in to startle the cloud with two. Your two will greatly increase your skill. If you fight against the hegemon, you will have a great chance of winning. "

Nie Feng took the blood bodhi and said gratefully to Lin Yi: "Thank you, Brother Lin. By the way, Brother Lin, you said that we must work together with Brother Yun to deal with Xiongba. Where is Brother Yun now?"

Lin Yidao: "Bu Jingyun's entire Bujiazhuang was slaughtered by the male tyrant. He will definitely seek revenge from the male tyrant. If you go straight to the World Club, you will naturally encounter Bu Jingyun."

"Thank you Brother Lin for your advice."

After Nie Feng thanked Lin Yi, he left the rental house and went straight to the world meeting.

Lin Yi returned to his bamboo house.

The black widow asked, "Aren't you going to kill Xiongba too? Why don't you go with Nie Feng?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "We still have things to do here."

After more than ten years, the Black Widow and Lin Yi have already had a deep understanding.

Hearing what Lin Yi said, I knew what Lin Yi was going to do. He smiled and said, "I've already asked people about it. All major sects, including the World Club, the Sword Villa, and the Cthulhu Palace, are all waiting for the Blood Bodhi to appear tomorrow. When will we do it tomorrow?"

It turns out that the blood bodhi in Lin Yi's rental house is actually just a copy of the blood bodhi in the real Lingyun Cave.

Lin also took the one from the rental house, but the real authentic product has not yet been released.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "Let's not hurry. Tomorrow their various sects will inevitably have some competition. We will give them a oriole in the back without any effort."

The black widow said: "I knew you had this idea a long time ago. It's really bad."

"Men are not bad, women don't love."

Lin Yi said contentedly.

The black widow embraced Lin Yi's neck and said, "You are really right, I still love you like this."

Then he came up.


Early the next morning, the Black Widow asked the Sword Sect disciples to inquire about the news.

By noon, all major sects had sent their disciples into the Lingyun Cave.

But the strange thing is that Tianxiahui did not send anyone in.

By the afternoon, the fight was over.

All major sects have suffered deaths and injuries, not only when fighting for blood bodhi. There are also disciples who were bitten to death by Huo Qilin.

Fortunately, they all grabbed the blood bodhi.

Few one grabbed one, and the more grabbed four or five.

Next, they each returned to Leshan Town, planning to make a simple repair, and immediately returned to the sect.

However, at this moment, there will be thousands of people in the world, already surrounding the entire Leshan Town.

Although the eagle and the bat were not there, the people in charge of them also came up.

His name is Black Sparrow.

Standing on the top of the tallest building in Leshan Town, Heique used his inner strength to say: "Listen to me, everyone, put down the blood bodhi you got, and leave safely, otherwise, you will be an enemy of the world!"

The disciples of those sects heard it, and each of them was itchy with hatred.

They worked so hard and even sacrificed the lives of some of their disciples to rob the blood bodhi. Would the world say that they wanted it?

But at this time, the world would be the number one power, and in the entire world, apart from Jianzong, no sect would dare to be an enemy of the world.

As a result, there are a few people from the sect, who handed over the blood bodhisattva in their hands to the disciples of the World Association.

Sure enough, the world will let them leave safely.

Of course, there are still many sects who are unwilling to hand in bleeding This blood bodhi can increase your skill greatly by just one blood bodhi.

This is their hope for the revival of the sect, how can they easily give it to the World Association?

Hei Que saw that these people were unwilling to hand it over, although he had expected it a long time ago, he laughed a few times and said: "You are not told, among the food you have eaten in Leshan Town these past few days, we have already secretly cooked it. Hands and feet. Now you can exchange the blood bodhi for the antidote. Otherwise, within half an hour, you will die here."

When everyone listened, they panicked.

"What a vicious world meeting!"


"They are like this, but they have pitied the sects who have handed in blood Bodhi. They took the initiative to hand in, but they don't know that they have been poisoned. The world will be a thing!"

However, these people said so, but the reality of Chi Guoguo made them have to pay blood to Bodhi.

After all, life is more important than increasing skill.

The 23 Blood Bodhi were all placed on a plate downstairs.

Very tempting.

Hei Que smiled and said, "That's right."

He said to the disciples of the Tianxiahui: "Bring out the antidote to them."

The disciples at the meeting that day immediately took out dozens of bottles of antidote and distributed them to those in the sect.

However, there are disciples of the sect who expressed doubts: "How do we know if this is a poison or an antidote?"

Hei Que smiled and said, "This is easy to say, just grab a bottle and let me try it."

Soon, a disciple took a bottle of antidote to Black Sparrow.

After taking it, the black bird did not have any abnormalities.

The disciples of the other sects were relieved to take it.

However, less than a stick of incense, all the sect disciples all fell to the ground in pain, foaming at the mouth.

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