Infinite Killing Evolution

: Five Hundred Sixty-Six Juggernaut's War Intent

Besides, Lin Yi was in Leshan Town. After swallowing the 23 blood bodhi and leaving everyone behind with a pretense, he took the black widow and left Leshan Town.

Next stop: The World Meeting.

Because he knew that the next two major events were about to be staged.

Both of these scenes will be staged at the World Conference.

If you don't watch such a good show, it's too unreasonable.

He doesn't go during the day, but waits for the night, and rides an evil spirit motorcycle to the world.

Originally, it was more than ten days for him to arrive in one night.

When they arrived at Tianxia City, Nie Feng, who had left a day earlier than him, had not yet arrived.

So he and the black widow disguised themselves and spent a few days in this world.

Within two days, news spread everywhere in the city: Three days later, Xiongba was about to fight the Juggernaut.

In this life, Xiongba wants to defeat two people most: Nan Wuming and Bei Jiansheng.

These two are the two most pinnacle kendo masters in the martial arts.

In fact, the most powerful thing about the hero is not the three-point return to vitality, but the sword.

He is also a very strong kendo master, but he doesn't use the sword very much, so the world doesn't know it.

Kendo masters naturally want to challenge other kendo masters.

Seven years ago, he had challenged Nan Wuming, but he was defeated by Nan Wuming's Wanjian Guizong.

But he thinks that because the Juggernaut came too suddenly that time, he didn't have time to use the sword.

And three days later, he will challenge the Juggernaut.

The sword saint was named Dugujian, the elder brother of Wushuang City Lord, and the descendant of Wushuangjian.

Born to be a sword idiot, he was five-year-old Feijian, nine-year-old became famous, and thirteen-year-old fully understood the sword.

His twenty-two style of the sword of the Holy Spirit, although not as powerful as Wanjian Guizong, was created by him himself.

How strong is a person who can create his own sword?

He used to fight with the martial arts first killer organization-Tianchi 108 for seven days and seven nights. In the end, only the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi, the highest martial artist, escaped.

This shows the strength of Juggernaut.

However, Xiongba believes that after seven years of continuous practice, his swordsmanship has made great progress.

Moreover, he snatched the Wushuang Sword from Wushuang City, and Wushuang Sword was also one of the top ten magic weapons. With Wushuang Sword, he could definitely defeat the Juggernaut.

Therefore, he invited all the heroes of the world to watch the battle.

He wants to defeat the Juggernaut in front of the heroes of the world.

As long as he defeated the Juggernaut, he would have the confidence to challenge Wuming again.

The heroes of all sects in the world, some really want to see this unprecedented battle.

But there are many heroes, but they will come to the world.

But few people dared to go against the world, so in the end, apart from Jianzong, other sects sent representatives to watch the battle.

Even former martial arts giants like Shaolin and Wudang had to send representatives to watch the battle.

The Black Widow did not know where to get the invitation, Lin Yi and the Black Widow both got into the spectator team and slowly climbed up the mountain.

After more than ten years, he once again came to the Tianxiahui.

Last time, he came to make a big mess in the world;

And this time, he is here to end the domineering!

Not long after Lin Yi went up the mountain, Nie Feng also slipped into the crowd.

When everyone came to the mountain, the banquet had already been set up by the World Association.

They claim that the gang master won the Juggernaut and will be the best in the world. This is a wedding banquet to celebrate in advance.

Lin Yi and the black widow mingled at the table, eating while waiting for the upcoming Juggernaut.

At this time, a group of dozens of people dressed in linen and filial piety suddenly rushed in.

The first person pointed at Xiongba and cursed: “Xiongba, you have slaughtered our Wushuang City and robbed our Wushuang Sword. Today we are going to avenge our Wushuang City more than 500 people!"

This person is the only son of Wushuang City Lord, Du Guming.

When Ri Xiongba gave in to Jingyun to slaughter Wushuang City, he happened to be out of town, so he escaped.

Xiongba laughed, waved his hand domineeringly, and said: "I want revenge? Very good, I'm here, you can take action."

Dugu Ming's Ruhong's momentum suddenly weakened, and said: "I only hate my inferior skills and can't kill you. I'm here to send the battle book for my uncle."

Saying that he threw a paper tube in his hand.

Xiongba opened it up and saw it read: The ten-year covenant ends today. At three quarters in the noon, a fight for life and death.

Male domineering: "Okay, I have been waiting for this day for ten years!"


Half an hour later, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, it was summer, and the sun burned the earth desperately. In the entire Xiongba Hall, the heroes of the world were constantly waving their hands or sleeves and fanning the wind.

On the hills of the entire Tianxiahui, there was silence.

The grasses, insects and birds seemed to be weakened by the sun.

At this moment, Lin Yi's biological tracking suddenly found a figure in front of the Jiejian Monument halfway up the mountain.

I saw this person is about 1.8 meters tall and looks very burly and tall.

He is wearing a gray robe.

Long gray hair, draped messily on his shoulders;

The gray beard was three feet long, and it was spread messily on his chest.

Even the eyebrows are The half-foot-long gray eyebrows hang down from both sides of the eyes.

This person is the Northern Sword Saint, Dugu Sword!

Since being defeated by Anonymous more than 30 years ago, he has been living in seclusion until Wushuang City was slaughtered, and he did not come out today.

However, at this time his age is already high, and the end is approaching.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is too old to be old anymore.

He looked up at the remaining five hundred steps, and took a few breaths.

He is too old.

For him, these five hundred steps are insurmountable.

In the Xiongba Hall, Xiongba also felt, his squinted eyes suddenly opened, and said: "He is here!"

But soon, he felt the aura on the Juggernaut, it was so weak that it couldn't be weaker, and it could be described as Qi Ruowei.

The male tyrant laughed, and under the push of internal force, his laughter echoed across the mountains of the world: "Juggernaut, you are finally here! It's a pity that you are too old to walk. What a pity, hahahaha..."

The Juggernaut naturally heard the laughter.

In his muddy old eyes, there was a hot look.

"Old...they are old, and the fighting spirit will not change!"

After saying this, he took a few more breaths.

His right foot finally moved forward again and stepped up a step.

After taking a few breaths, he felt that he could no longer walk.

"No, I want...fight..."

He said silently.

After taking a few breaths, he moved forward again and stepped up another step.

There is really no strength.

The strength of this life seems to have been used up.

He looked at the top of the mountain, his eyes glowing unabated.

"No, I can't die, I...I want...fight..."

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