Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 576: Datonghui's plan

To be honest, when Zuo Yiran first confessed to Lin Yi, Lin Yi actually refused.

Because he only had Gongsun Lue in his heart.

But now after passing the Wind and Cloud Plane, he has accepted the black widow outside Gongsun Lue.

Now Zuo Yiran is so gentle and considerate, Lin Yi is actually not as resistant as before.

If Zuo Yiran is as passionate as the black widow, he will come forward. I'm afraid Lin Yi could only follow her.

How many men can withstand such a gentle, considerate and beautiful girl and so active?

But Zuo is also not a black widow, even if her heart is hot, she will only express it in a subtle way.

Zuo Yiran was in a daze when seeing Lin Yi not eating, she asked Lin Yi: "What? The food is not delicious?"

Lin Yi finally recovered and shook his head and said, "Zuo Yiran, a good girl like you, really should find a boyfriend who can treat you well."

Zuo Yiran looked at Lin Yi and said: "You know what I think in my heart."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, and said, "But if you are here with me, I am afraid you can't get anything. If you can't get the happiness you want, you can't even be around you often."

Zuo Yiran continued to give Lin Yi a glass of water and said, "I never wanted to get anything from you. What I did was voluntary. Besides... Besides, I didn't do anything."

At this moment, Lin was only silent.


In the next few days, when Lin Yi is free, he will go out of the city and find a place to practice Wanjian returning to the clan.

At the same time, he was thinking hard about what to do next.

People now know that zombies really exist in this world.

So most people began to panic. Although the official always said that the zombies were under full control, at this time the official credibility of the zombies had already become unnecessary.

Once they said that there were no zombies, the jigsaw directly came to a live broadcast, letting everyone know the official lies.

So now, basically, more than 50% of people don't trust the government.

Lin Yi has already understood the plan of the Tatung Association, so he expects that the Tatung Association will definitely take action at this time.

Sure enough, in the next ten days, a pharmaceutical company called "New World" held a press conference, claiming that they had developed antibodies capable of viruses.

As long as these virus protectors are injected, they will not be infected by the zombie virus.

And the company also announced the evolution of the evolution, saying that there are actually a part of the evolution in the world, has been hidden among people, but people do not know it.

They also made a special documentary and interviewed many evolutionists.

Those evolving people also demonstrated different abilities.

There are more and more evolving people, and many people have already said that there is such a type of person.

Now that this company announces this way, at least half of the people believe it.

Next, the company announced that they not only developed antibodies against zombie viruses, but also developed evolution agents that can make ordinary people evolve.

This evolutionary agent can not only turn normal people into evolutionary ones, but also cure many diseases.

Of course, many people still question the production of such a video based on what they say orally.

So the pharmaceutical company launched a 20-day free experience event, and the whole process was broadcast live.

Of course, few people tried their medicine at first.

But in the afternoon of the third day, the first person appeared.

This person has esophageal cancer, and it is advanced.

Due to multiple chemotherapy, his hair has all fallen off, his face is pale, and his face is swollen.

He was only thirty years old and there was still a long way to go, but his life was about to end because of cancer.

Ever since, he signed up with the attitude of giving it a try, and then injected the evolution agent.

Turns out, hey, it works!

This evolutionary agent is not only effective, but also very effective.

By the end of the day, his waist was no longer sore, his back no longer hurts, he walked vigorously, and he had healed his cold legs for many years.

Now the legs and feet are quite handy.

In the morning of the next day, after going to the hospital for an examination, it was found that all the cancer cells in his body had disappeared.

By the morning of the third day, the swelling on his face had disappeared. After a comprehensive physical examination, he turned out to be a completely healthy person, even healthier than a healthy person.

With this first one, next second, third...

More and more people believe in evolutionary agents.

Of course, many people take the injection with the attitude of giving it a try.

But after the injection, the effect was far beyond their imagination.

After only ten days, the number of people who signed up for the test every day exceeded a thousand.

After fifteen days, the number of applicants each day reached as many as 5,000. New World Pharmaceutical Company fully met these people's requirements and all injected them with evolutionary agents.

People have praised the magic of this evolutionary agent.

Although no one is willing to try to inject antibodies after being bitten by a but at least the effect of this evolutionary agent is very real.

Of course, a discerning person knows at a glance that this is just a set of New World Corporation.

After everyone believed in the evolution agent, they began to sell it at a high price.

Lin also naturally knows that behind this New World Pharmaceutical Company is Datonghui.

If Datonghui only sells evolutionary agents, it would be fine.

Lin also feared that Datonghui would not satisfy their appetite by only selling evolutionary agents.

After all, the evolution agent they sell is a monopoly product, and it will inevitably be sold at a high price, and many people will inevitably be unable to afford it.

Lin is also afraid that they will release the zombies again, so people will naturally buy their evolution agent (the evolution agent is actually the virus antibody) under the fear caused by the zombies.

At that time, I am afraid that all the money from the whole world will flow to Datonghui.

Lin Yi told Shui Ruobing about his worries. After careful consideration, Shui Ruobing said, "This possibility is very high."

Lin Yi said, "Then I have to find a way to stop the Datonghui. But I don’t know much about Datonghui so far, so I have to ask you for help, mobilize the power of the Shadowmoon Group, and help me investigate Datonghui thoroughly. ."

Shui Ruobing said: "Don't worry, sister will check it for you. But sister can tell you in advance that the Datonghui is very powerful. If you want to be an enemy, you'd better be prepared."


Lin also hung up the video call.

Looking back, I was about to talk to Zuo Yiran, but suddenly I looked outside the window and there seemed to be a shadow.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered and immediately activated the creature tracking skills.

However, the previously unfavorable creature tracking skills failed this time.

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