Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 591: Ghost Rider VS Raikage

Lin Yi swallowed the fighters sent by Lei Ying and instantly gained 100,000 evolution points.

Seeing this situation on the roof, Lei Ying was slightly angry.

I originally wanted to throw away the fighters and frighten this kid, but I didn't expect to be swallowed by this kid, which is totally unreasonable!

Thinking of this, he jumped down from the top of the seven-story building, and the lightning in his hand slammed down towards Lin Yi.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi's head suddenly burst into flames.

However, when he had not completed the transformation of the evil spirit knight, the Lei Ying in Lei Ying's hand had already hit Lin Yi severely.

This huge thunder and lightning force caused Lin Yi to fly upside down more than fifty meters in an instant, smashed through the wall of the building, and came out from the other side of the building.

Looking at his chest again, a hole as large as his chest has been blasted out.

Not to mention the ribs, even the heart has been blasted into scum.

And the flame that was burning on his head gradually extinguished.

Lei Ying looked at Lin Yi and jokingly said, "So you guys are the so-called evil spirit knights, huh, you can't stand a blow!"

After speaking, he glanced at the afterglow in the sky, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a call: "Group leader, the kid who killed Yanying has been killed by me."

On the other end of the phone, a very low, slightly hoarse voice appeared to have been processed by a voice changer: "Are you sure it is him?"

"Yes, it's him. And this kid is actually the ghost knight who was in Shanghai last time."

The voice over there was silent for a while, and said, "This kid has a very hard life, are you sure he is dead?"

Lei Ying said: "I blasted a big hole in his chest, and even his heart is gone. Even if he is a monster, he should..."

At this point, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because he saw that the extinguished flame on Lin Yi's head suddenly began to burn again.

The flame quickly burned the skin and flesh on his head, and his head became a skull with a blazing flame.

Seeing this, Lei Ying almost couldn't help taking two steps back.

Look at Lin Yi's chest again.

From the holes in his clothes, you can see that his body is also burning with raging flames.

After a while, the flesh and blood of his body were also burned clean by the flame, leaving only the skeleton inside.

His broken ribs were slowly recovering in the burning of this flame.

When Lei Ying saw it, he was surprised: "Nima, is there such an operation?"

As he spoke, purple electric lights flashed across his body.

These electric lights finally condensed into a purple spear in his right hand.

The whole gun body is about two meters long, with arm thickness.

On the thick body, purple electric light is constantly shining.

This is Raikage's natal weapon.

Lei Ying had never used his natal weapon before. The lightning he used was actually an energy attack.

Even when facing those few fighters, he didn't use his life weapon.

And this time, facing the strange situation that Lin Yi seemed to be resurrected, he finally revealed his life weapon.

As soon as the purple spear appeared, the tip of the spear stabbed Lin Yi's skull.


The barrel of the gun tipped on the skull and slid to the side with a soft sound.

Lei Ying was stunned for a moment, her purple electric spear was invincible, and it was not easy to pierce people's heads?

Unexpectedly, I stabbed this kid in the head today, but he couldn't break it.

However, although he was a little surprised in his heart, the movements in his hand were not slow at all, and the purple electric spear slammed down at Lin Yi.


At this moment, the purple electric light and Lin Yi's flames mixed and spattered.

Several bones in Lin Yi's body were directly broken.

It seemed that Lin Yi's bones were all falling apart-they were falling apart in the true sense, so he had to take a broom and a dustpan to sweep him into a pile.

However, the next moment, the flame not only did not go out, but it burned more and more vigorously.

In the flames burning, Lin Yi's bones began to reorganize one after another, slowly converging into a human form.

This time, Lei Ying couldn't help feeling a little hairy in her heart, and she took a step back unconsciously.

But then he became a little angry: "What the **** are you, I don't believe you can't kill you!"

Talking about it, he was twenty meters high, holding the barrel with both hands, and the electric light condensed on the tip of the gun.

Then he stabbed down at Lin Yi on the ground.


The moment the tip of the gun touched Lin Yi's head, the purple electric light scattered all over.

A purple shock wave spread over 500 meters in an instant.

Within 500 meters, all buildings collapsed at this moment.

Above the ground, flying sand and rocks, even stones weighing tens of kilograms, were rolled away by the shock wave.

This can be regarded as Raikage's strongest blow.

When the smoke dissipated, the thunder shadow in the center slowly appeared.

He still maintained the posture of holding the gun in both hands, panting heavily.

On the ground, Lin Yi's bones had already been scattered within a radius of more than ten meters.

The skull also rolled to the side.

However, flames were burning on all the bones.

These flames spread on the ground like flowing water, and quickly joined together.

Then in the flames, Lin Yi's bones began to reorganize again.

And the hellfire had already started to burn under Lei Ying's Lei Ying was shocked, and quickly jumped out twenty meters away.

Then he hurriedly stepped on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame on his shoes.

However, as long as the hellfire burns, he has to burn the target cleanly before he is willing to give up. Could it be that he can step on it twice?

Lei Ying had no choice but to throw off his two shoes quickly.

As soon as the two shoes were thrown into the air, they were already turned into ashes, and the wind scattered.

Lei Ying was shocked.

This ghost knight is simply too weird.

Is this a bone spirit?

Seeing that Lin Yi could not be killed, Lei Ying could only turn around and ran away quickly.

About five minutes later, Lin Yi's skeleton was assembled again.

He stood up slowly and looked around.

This feeling that you can't kill no matter how you kill it, cool!

It's a pity that he still can't fully exploit the potential of Hellfire.

Otherwise, it can be recovered in an instant, even if Raikage can't beat him, the trouble can annoy him.

After that, Lin Yi stepped on a Harley motorcycle, which was demonized by hellfire and turned into an evil motorcycle.

Lin Yi riding on the evil spirit motorcycle can be described as a fast speed.

On the street, although there are cars parked at random.

But the evil spirit motorcycle did not evade in the slightest, and galloped past.

Boom boom boom boom -

The cars behind kept roaring.

And the soul chain in his hand was constantly waving, swallowing those zombies.

However, this is still too slow after all.

There are tens of thousands of zombies in this city. He swallows the past one by one. When will they have to swallow?

Ever since, Lin Yi used his mind.

How can you quickly devour zombies?

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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