Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 596: Dog blood plot

What plane is this?

With such doubts, Lin Yi looked around.

There is a large field here, with green hills in the distance and green water nearby.

There is a dirt road not far away.

It looks like a pastoral scene.

"Well, the scenery is not bad."

Lin Yi said.

"and many more……"

When Lin Yi inadvertently raised his head, he suddenly noticed a black cloud in the sky.

It's weird.

Where are the dark clouds on this sunny day?

Lin Yi looked at the dark cloud carefully—to be precise, it didn't seem to be a cloud.

It was like a large black scarf appeared in the sky.

"This is... a wormhole?!"

Lin Yi suddenly remembered an animation.


Lin Yi said.

Because among all the film and television dramas, only "The Seminary" has such a weird thing in the sky at the beginning, that is, a wormhole.

It has been several months since this wormhole appeared in the sky. Scientists and the military have used various methods to make this thing disappear.

The system was looking forward to it and said: "To be precise, it should be "Battle of the Heroes Company of Tianhe"."

"Theological Seminary" is an animation based on the characters in the game "League of Legends".

The characters and names in it all involve copyright issues.

In addition, the picture quality was a bit poor, so a remake was made later, and after the remake, it was called "Xiong Bing Company"

"Xiong Ba Company" is divided into three parts, and "Xiong Soldier Company of Tianhe Battle" is the first part.

While Lin Yi was still thinking about this, the system’s somewhat silly voice said, “I’ve wanted to come to this plane a long time ago. The women in Nima are all white and beautiful with long legs. People can't hold it. Especially in the seminary, whether it's the female teachers or those girls, tsk tsk...hurry up and go to Juxia City Theological Seminary."

Lin also chose to remain silent for such a beautiful system.

But having said that, the women in this plane are really goddess level.

As a man, Lin Yi naturally wanted to see it.

It's just that the system is not so anxious.

Lin Yi came to the dirt road, took out his Harley, and stepped on the motorcycle, not fast or slow, and drove forward.

It didn't take long for him to meet two farmers. He asked the two farmers the direction of Juxia City, and he wanted to leave.

At this time, one of the farmers said to the farmer next to him: "Yaowen, haven't you always wanted to buy a motorcycle? Look at this motorcycle, how is it?"

"Such a beautiful motorcycle, it must be too expensive to afford."

Lin Yi suddenly turned around and looked at the farmer: "Are you Cheng Yaowen?!"

Cheng Yaowen looked at Lin Yi suspiciously: "Do you know me?"

"Of course I do!"

Cheng Yaowen, the heart of the earth, is also a class fighter.

But right now, he is just an ordinary farmer.

Cheng Yaowen was even more puzzled: "Why have I never seen you?"

"It doesn't matter, we will meet frequently in the future, in seminary."

Lin Yi said.

"Theological school? University? I'm a farmer, why go to university?"

Lin also didn't explain, but just smiled indifferently, moved the motorcycle and rode the dust.

It was far away from Juxia City, and Lin Yi rode for four hours before reaching Juxia City.

This Juxia City looks like a big city in reality.

People come and go, busy.

Lin Yi walked for four hours and was hungry. He found a Lanzhou ramen restaurant and asked for a bowl of ramen.

Then he quietly admired the waitress in the noodle restaurant.

In this plane, even an ordinary waitress looks so cute.

Compared to Avril Lavigne, it's a bit comparable.

But why does this girl look familiar?

But for a while, Lin Yi couldn't remember it.

I haven't eaten ramen for a long time. Although this ramen is not very authentic, Lin Yi still eats deliciously.

Even the soup and noodles were cleaned.

After checking out, Lin Yi was about to leave.

But I heard someone suddenly cursed at the back: "Don't be shameless, I can look down on you if I touch you!"

Lin Yi turned his head and saw a little **** with a vicious tattoo on his shoulder, holding the waitress's hand.

The other gangster next to him also had an obscene smile and said, "Little sister, our brother invites you to watch movies and sing. What do you think?"

The waitress kept struggling and said, "I won't go, let me go!"

But how can her strength be earned?

The people around who were eating out of the noodle shop one after another.

Doing more is worse than doing less.

The system said: "Nima, we have come across such a **** thing? If this is the bridge of the novel, the reader will definitely be complaining. The author can be drowned by saliva. But it doesn't matter, the author is scolded anyway. It's not us."

Lin Yi said in his heart: "Where do you come from so much nonsense."

Then he walked forward in two steps, grabbed the tattooed man by the shoulder, and said, "A big man, bullying other girls, okay?"

"It's your shit, get out!"

As soon as the tattooed man turned around, he broke Lin Yi's finger with one hand.

Obviously, this guy has also learned a little self-defense, and he knows how to break his fingers.

However, when he grabbed Lin Yi's finger, he made a violent effort, but he couldn't even move it.

Lin Yi's left hand is still holding his shoulder.

The ridden man was taken aback, let go of the waitress, and shook Lin Yi's left little finger with both hands.

But he blushed with his neck was thick, and the blue veins on his arms were bulging out, but Lin Yi's fingers remained motionless.

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the tattooed man.

Imagine that when you exhausted all your energy and couldn't touch another little finger, no matter who it was, you would be terrified.

Lin Yi shook his left hand lightly.

The tattooed man was easily thrown out the door and lay on the street.

A car happened to be parked less than one meter from his head.

The tattooed man was terrified.

After getting up, he stumbled and left.

The other **** will also run away.

But it would be too shameful to run away like this.

He put on a cruel sentence: "Boy, you have a seed, you can wait for me."

Lin Yi smiled indifferently: "I'm very busy, how can I wait for a little like you?"

Several people on the scene saw Lin Yi easily let an adult fly more than ten meters away, and they were all amazed: a lot of strength!

After the two gangsters left, Lin Yi seemed to have done nothing and planned to leave.

At this time, the waitress shouted behind Lin Yi: "Wait."

Lin Yi turned her head and looked at the waitress.

A maid outfit, short skirt.

It's no wonder that those two gangsters are attracted to it.

"Thank you."

The waitress said gratefully.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's just a small effort."

The waitress then said anxiously: "Brother, you leave quickly, they are not ordinary gangsters."

"No matter how common it is, it's a gangster after all."

Lin Yi said jokingly.

The waitress said anxiously: "We have a Heather Organization here called the Chuangwang Gang. They are the people who have broken the King Gang."


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