Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 599: Rui Mengmeng

After Lin Yi left that alley, he knew that he had attracted the attention of the seminary.

Although he also wanted to visit the seminary, he thought that soon, the seminary would face a war between the four forces. And participating in such a war with one's own strength is basically cannon fodder.

So forget it, hide first and wait for the opportunity.

When he was free, Lin Yi found an unmanned forest and began to practice Wanjian returning to the sect.

He can now control a maximum of 230 swords at a time when he practices Wan Jian to return to the sect.

However, the ten thousand swords returned to the sect, the more the sword qi grew more slowly.

In the past, every time I practiced, I could almost control one more sword.

Now every five practice sessions, one more sword can be controlled.

If this continues, only the year of the monkey can be practiced to become a real return to the ancestors.

His talent in sword practice is not like the monsters like Wuming and Juggernaut.

One was practicing swords at the age of five and became famous at the age of nine;

One was practicing swords at the age of seven. He became famous at the age of thirteen and reached the peak of kendo at the age of twenty.

With such a talent, it is naturally like a god-assisted to practice Wanjian and return to the sect.

Lin also doesn't have their talents, so he only has to practice hard.

If there is no talent and no effort, then there is only gg.

After four hours of practice, Lin also felt a little hungry.

Although there is food in his rental house, they are all dry food. After all, there is no freshly cooked food that is delicious.

It was already past eleven o'clock at night.

Lin also plans to enter Juxia City and find a night market or something to have a meal.

The background of this plane is actually set according to the real world, so the RMB can be used here.

Lin Yi rode a Harley motorcycle and used bio-tracing to find a night market.

It didn't take long to find a night market.

The night market here is exactly the same as in reality.

Lin also didn't plan to spend much. He just wanted to have a plate of fried noodles and two bottles of beer. It was definitely a great pleasure in life.

Soon, he came to a stall and ordered fried noodles and beer.

While they were eating, they listened to the table next to them, and the two boys said: "Look, look, beauties!"

Another said: "What a beautiful woman, she is obviously a village girl."

"I don't know how to appreciate you, she just doesn't know how to dress up. If you dress up a little, it will definitely blind your golden titanium alloy dog ​​eyes."

Everyone has the love of beauty, and Lin is no exception.

He turned his head and looked in the direction the two men pointed.

I saw a girl about 1.65 meters tall, with her head tied casually, her lower body in gray slacks, a white shirt on the upper body, and a black vest.

The dress looks ordinary, if you don't look closely, you will really think that you are an ordinary girl.

But a closer look at the face reveals that the girl's face is actually very cute.

A pair of big eyes seems to be able to sing.

And this girl, Lin Yi had seen before, the restaurant waiter, Rui Mengmeng.

Sure enough, it looks very cute.

She was carrying an old schoolbag behind her back, holding bread in her hand, and eating while walking.

It seems a bit serious.

She came from the east of the night market, going straight across the night market and heading west.

She kept her head down, as if she didn't dare to look at others.

Often such people are the easiest to be bullied.

In the setting, when Rui Mengmeng was a waiter, she was often bullied.

When she passed the table next to Lin Yi, she accidentally ran into a brawny man who was eating and singing beer with bare arms. The beer in the strong man's hand suddenly spilled out.

When the strong man turned his head, he saw that he was a woman, so he didn't plan to care.

But when she saw that this woman was dressed so ordinary and she seemed to have a very low self-esteem, she said with an aura: "You have forgotten to bring your eyeballs when you go out."

"Right... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, sorry..."

Rui Mengmeng quickly apologized.

"It wasn't intentional, it was intentional. Tell me, how should I compensate?"

"I... I will pay you a bottle of wine."

Rui Mengmeng said carefully.

"Pay me a bottle? Are you so bad, uncle my mood, is it enough to lose one bottle?"

"That...two...two bottles."

Rui Mengmeng looked scared.

"Two bottles, are you kidding me?"

The brawny man patted the bread in Rui Mengmeng's hand: "You have to accompany Lao Tzu to drink if you destroy my mood."

Rui Mengmeng hurriedly wanted to break free, but she hadn't turned on her genes yet, so naturally it was impossible to break away from the strong man's hand.

She quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will lose you money, I will lose you money..."

The brawny man ignored her apology, picked up the wine bottle and poured it directly into Rui Mengmeng's mouth.

Although all the people around couldn't see it, no one dared to stop it.

The system in Lin Yi's mind has long been full of justice.

"In broad daylight, in broad daylight, I dare to commit crimes in the street. Is there still a king's law, is there any law of nature?" Then he asked Lin Yi, "Say Lang Lang plays the piano, right?"

Lin Yi ignored the system, stood up, and said to the brawny man: "Let go of that girl."

The system then added a sentence in Lin Yi's mind: "Let me come The brawny man turned his head and glared at Lin Yi and cursed, "Who are you so special!" "

Lin Yi directly reached out and grabbed the strong man's arm.


The strong man's face was distorted in pain.

Lin Yi flicked his right hand lightly, and the big man flew over 30 meters away directly over the heads of all the people in the night market.

At this moment, everyone in the night market was dumbfounded.

With a single hand, you can throw a person more than 30 meters away. My God, how strong should this guy be?

Simply non-human!

Rui Mengmeng looked at Lin Yi blankly, her big eyes kept unblinking, and her mouth slightly open.

She was cute, but now this shocked look is even more cute.

Lin Yi returned to his position as if nothing was born, and said to Rui Mengmeng, "Sit down."

Then continue to eat fried noodles.

Rui Mengmeng reacted and said with joy, "Lin Yi, it's you! You saved me again, thank you!"

When he said that, he stood beside Lin Yi.

But soon she turned around again, picked up the bread that had fallen on the ground, and put it in her schoolbag.

Lin also knew that her family was not well.

Both her parents are working, and she is also working, wanting to earn some tuition to go to college.

So reluctant to eat a bite at the night market, just nibble on the bread.

Even if the bread falls on the ground, I am not willing to throw it away.

Lin Yi said, "Sit down."

Rui Mengmeng sat timidly on the stool next to Lin Yi.

But as soon as I sat down, I seemed to think of something, and quickly stood up, came to the boss, took out twenty yuan, and said, "Boss, check out."

She was reluctant to take a bite by herself, but settled for Lin Yi, which shows how grateful she is to Lin Yi.


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