Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 601: Super Seminary

The peerless sword at this time, shining with purple light.

It looks like a translucent purple lightsaber.

Lin Yi held such a wonderful sword, only to feel the energy surging inside the sword body.

Like the sea under a storm, there is endless energy to pour out.

At the same time, Lin also fully felt his opponents with the same energy.

That is an alien, alien warrior!

Lin also met this man while watching the animation.

In the first season, there were two such alien warriors.

They are gluttonous warriors.

The gluttonous civilization belongs to the Styx galaxy.

There is a supreme lord god-death **** Karl.

Since the **** of death Carl likes to study death, the creatures in the galaxy like to kill each other to please the **** of death.

Nowadays, the gluttonous warrior came to the earth for nothing but to create death.

This gluttonous warrior is extremely powerful, even those super warriors of the Super Seminary who are equivalent to level 15 evolvers can't defeat them one by one.

But now Lin Yi only feels that the peerless sword in his hand contains endless energy.

He has an illusion: with such energy, he can fight anyone.

Ever since, he wielded this purple, peerless sword, and stabbed at the gluttonous warrior two kilometers away out of thin air.

With his gesture, the purple energy on the sword quickly condensed into a purple giant sword that was 100 meters long.

Even the biological energy in Lin Yi's body that was compressed in the corner was integrated into the purple giant sword without his control.

The purple giant sword flew towards the gluttonous warrior at the moment it was condensed.

When the gluttonous star warrior saw him, he was shocked and backed away quickly.

However, it was too late.


The purple giant sword blasted into the chest of the gluttonous star warrior in an instant.

The armor on his entire body splashed in all directions in an instant.

And his whole person is like a stone thrown out, flying a hundred meters away.

After landing, a fist-sized blood hole appeared in his chest.

The skin on his body was burned by that energy and there was no place in it.


He screamed like a pig.

Then he looked in horror in the direction where the giant sword had just flown.

Then he exclaimed: "I was attacked by an unknown creature, pick me up quickly, pick me up quickly!"

The next moment, a purple wormhole appeared around his body and swallowed him instantly.

Then the wormhole suddenly disappeared.

Lin Yi felt all this, and said with difficulty: "The micro wormhole... move..."

After speaking, he tilted his body and fell to the ground.

In the few attacks he had just taken, his internal injuries were already serious.

In addition, the biological energy in the body was emptied in an instant, and it felt like the body was hollowed out.

Although hellfire energy is still supporting him, his body has never withstood the impact of a peerless sword.

So some couldn't hold it, and collapsed to the ground.


I don't know how long he has been asleep, Lin Yi's consciousness gradually wakes up.

The darkness passed, a ray of sunlight flicked his eyelids.

His eyelids quivered slightly, and he continued to barely open.

The light he hadn't seen for a long time made him feel very dazzling.

It's like a sudden happiness, often people are not ready to accept it.

The sound of birds outside the window gave this quiet morning a little more life.

Wake up in such an environment, people will feel a sense of happiness that they have never had before.

Lin Yi slowly turned his head and looked around.

I saw that the room was very clean and tidy.

A few simple furnishings: my own bed, two chairs, and a bouquet of flowers exuding fragrance.

There is nothing else.

"here is……"

Lin Yi was in doubt, opened the door of the room alone and walked in.

Because Lin Ye was lying on the bed on his side, the first thing he saw was this person's legs.

Slender, tender and straight.

Wearing a pair of white knee-length boots on his feet.

The white professional miniskirt makes people unable to help but dream.

The upper body is in white professional attire, and the buttons on the chest are the same as Qilin.

Further up, there is a beautiful face.

Wearing a white women's hat on top of his head.

But the hat couldn't hide the long black hair that dangled behind.


Lin Yi said.

Yes, this person is a very ordinary nurse.

She wore a nurse's professional attire.

But this is not a nurse outfit like in reality, but an absolutely fashionable and interesting nurse outfit.

No way, these women in the animation are all too perfect. Even if they are just an ordinary nurse, when put in reality, they are definitely goddess.

The system halazi in Lin Yi's mind almost came out.

"I'm going to... stunner, stunner... Mommy, I can't stand it anymore. My bird is already hungry and thirsty!"

Lin Yi frowned and asked in his heart: "System, you said your personality is set according to Ai Li's personality?"

"That's still false."

"Elli is as shameless as you?"

"It should be said that I am as shameless as Ai The nurse saw that Lin Yi was awake, and said with joy: "Are you awake? "

Being cared by such a goddess-level nurse is full of happiness.

Lin also asked, "Here is..."

"Super Seminary, infirmary."

The nurse replied.


Lin Yi was immediately speechless.

I didn't want to deal with Super Theological Seminary, but if I was not careful, I got Super Seminary directly.

The nurse continued: "I watched the video of you fighting the alien. You are brave and powerful."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

The nurse said: "You are very strong, you should be a super soldier with super genes. The general asked us to bring you back. Your self-healing ability is also very strong. After such a serious injury, you basically have it all night. Completely recovered. After you recover, the general will definitely invite you to join the Super Seminary."

Lin Yi could only smile again.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the ward next door.

Qilin was also taken to Super Seminary.

It's just that her recovery ability is much worse, and there is still a blood hole about two centimeters in diameter in her chest.

Lin Yi probed all this and could only shook his head secretly.

No matter, since you have come to the Super Theological Seminary, you can be at ease if you come.

He also had some thoughts in his mind when he saw Lu Tiexing's micro wormhole transportation technology before.


[Recent Chinese New Year, walking with relatives, etc., is really busy. Even if I go to my relatives’ house and bring my computer, I still don’t write much code every day. So only three chapters per day. After school starts, things are less, and four more will be resumed. 】

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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