Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 850: 7 saints

The Bull Demon King who was inexhaustible before, at this time in front of Monkey King Monkey King, is completely a vegetable.

Played like a monkey by Monkey King.

Seeing this, the bull devil made a blindfold and jumped out dozens of feet away.

Then he shook his body and called out: "Look at my invincible bull lice."

Hundreds of cow lice fell on him.

These bull lice also turned into bull demon kings one after another, attacking Monkey King.

Monkey King laughed and said, "There are so many lice, I'm so scared..."

Speaking, pull out a vellus hair and take a breath.

This vellus hair instantly turned into hundreds of monkeys, all of them wearing hand-held wands, and fighting those bull lice.

Seeing that Monkey King was so powerful, the Bull Demon immediately yelled at the monsters around him: "What are you doing in a daze? Let's go together!"

Those little demons are naturally timid and afraid to step forward.

However, the demon kings within a few hundred miles have all stepped forward to help out.

But these demon kings also have some intelligence.

A demon king said: "This Great Sage Qitian is so powerful that we can't beat him. It's better to catch his master first and force him to submit. Then he won't be able to help him."

All the demon kings listened and agreed.

At the same time, the demon kings also jumped towards Lin Yi.

Bajie and Drifting also came over at this time, helping Lin Yi to protect Tang Seng together.

But the strengths of Bajie and Drifting were a bit short, and the skills of these demon kings were not weak.

Especially the five Demon Kings are extremely powerful.

Which five?

The Great Sacred Flood Demon King;

Huntian Great Sage Peng Demon King;

The Great Sacred Lion Camel King of Yishan;

Ventilated Great Sage Macaque King;

Exorcising the great saint Yu King.

These five, plus the Pingtian Great Sacred Bull Demon King, they are the six worshiping brothers that Sun Wukong made when he visited the heroes in Huaguo Mountain.

They are known as the Seven Great Sages.

And now, Monkey King converted to Buddhism and turned against the Bull Demon King.

The remaining five people also followed the Bull Demon to deal with Monkey King.

Taking advantage of the bull devil being abused by Monkey King, the five great sages all flew towards Tang Seng.

Tang Seng here, although there are eight precepts and sand monks guarding them, how can the strength of the two of them be as good as these five great sages?

In just a few rounds, he was knocked into the air by these five great saints.

The sand monk was seriously injured.

When Tang Seng saw it, he quickly asked with concern: "Wu Jing, do you want it? Or I will ask a doctor."

The five great sages defeated the Bajie and Drifting, and attacked Lin Yi again.

Lin also knows how powerful these five people are.

Their strength is all equal to that of the Bull Demon King.

A bull demon can't handle it by himself, let alone five people out.

What's more, there are so many little demons around, if you make a mistake, those little demons will surely rush forward.

Thinking of this, he took Tang Seng directly and teleported away.

Unexpectedly, the ventilated King Macaque, teleporting faster, directly stopped in front of him.

Since the Great Sage of Ventilation is called "ventilation", it is obvious that his characteristic is speed.

Among all the seven great sages, no one is faster than him, even the Monkey King, the great sage of the sky, is a little bit behind his speed.

This ventilated King Macaque stopped Lin Yi, and Lin Yi directly transformed into a clone and teleported to the other side.

As a result, the ventilating great sage was not fooled, and teleported to him again and stopped him.

It turns out that the "ventilation" of this ventilating great sage, in addition to being fast, also means that he can know astronomy as well as geography, knowing 500 years before and 500 years later. All things in the world can be seen clearly and clearly.

This is also a major feature of macaques.

Lin Yi was stopped twice in a row, and the other four great sages had already chased him.

The five of them surrounded Lin Yi round and round.

Lin Yi looked at these five people, one with a dragon head, one with a peng head, a son's head, a macaque monkey head, and a golden monkey head.

A group of beasts surrounded him and Tang Seng.

Tang Seng is still thinking about it: "When I traveled through time and space, I visited a world where there was a zoo. People kept animals in cages, and they could watch these animals outside. Now these animals will not treat us as animals. Now, will they watch us in turn?"

The Flood Demon King sneered, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Tang Seng directly.

Lin Yi directly turned into an evil spirit knight, reaching out his hand and grabbing at the Flood Demon King.

The Flood Demon King also seemed to feel the fierceness of Lin Yi's flames. He didn't fight Lin Yi head-on, but greeted him: "Brothers, let's go together. How capable is this kid? He was not overwhelmed by us in minutes. ?"

So the five attacked Lin Yi together.

Lin Yi was quickly unable to support under the attack of these five people.

Although he has a lot of cards.

But these five people are also considered to be people with great abilities.

Especially the ventilated great sage macaque king, who could understand all Lin Yi's thoughts.

He knew what Lin Yi wanted to do.

As a result, Lin Yi is even more difficult, and he will lose the battle just now.

Tang Seng shouted at the Monkey King on the other side: "Wukong, don't patronize yourself to play, come and help Monkey King took a look here and nodded: "Understood! "

Then he flew here.

But the Great Sage of Ventilation knew the opportunity, grabbed Tang Seng directly, and teleported out.

The others also scattered and fled.

Only Lin Yi was left.

Monkey King also looked a little helpless, and said, "This ventilated King Macaque is too fast, and it can understand anyone's psychology, I can't help him."

Lin Yi said, "But you brothers, you can handle at least two or three, right?"

"of course?"

Sun Wukong quickly understood what Lin Yi meant. After knocking on the Bull Demon King a few more sticks, he chased the sea-covering Great Sacred Flood Demon and Huntian Great Sage Peng Demon in the direction they fled, and soon disappeared.

Lin Yi used biological tracking to explore, and soon discovered the location of the ventilated King Macaque.

He teleported, and he came to the macaque king.

Seeing that only Lin Yi was the only one, the macaque king sneered: "The mere demon, dare to challenge the ventilating master?"

Two people jumped out from the side, a great sacred lion camel king, and a great saint tamarin.

They all looked at Lin Yi with a sneer, as if Lin Yi was already in their bowl.

Although Lin Yi is strong, but now one enemy three, especially this macaque king can see the first opportunity and know what he is thinking.

In this case, even if he becomes a ghost knight, he can't be killed by them.

But it is impossible to defeat them.

Ever since, Lin did not hesitate, and said directly in his mind: "Use the Superman Skill Pack."

In the next moment, he felt like he was full of infinite power.

With a slight movement under his feet, a pit as deep as half a foot was stepped on the ground.

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