Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 852: The death of Zixia

Taking advantage of the three of them being unprepared, the bull demon stabbed at Monkey King with a steel fork.

But Monkey King was so alert. Although he turned his back to the Bull Demon King, his head turned 180 degrees and his arms turned 180 degrees in an instant. Then he grabbed the iron rod and turned towards the bull. The devil smashed.

Seeing the loss of a blow, the Bull Demon hurriedly teleported away from Monkey King's iron rod, and then hit Lin Yi's back.

At this time, five minutes passed.

The superhuman power in Lin Yi disappeared, and his speed naturally disappeared.

And because I had superhuman power just now, after the power disappeared, it brought side effects.

He suddenly felt weak, not only was the energy in his body temporarily unable to run, but also couldn't raise the speed.

Obviously seeing the bull devil about to stab him, but he couldn't escape.

Seeing this, the fairy Zixia next to him called out: "Be careful!"

Reached out and pulled Lin Yi aside.

The Bull Demon King’s steel fork failed to stab Lin Yi, but was impartial, stab Zixia.


Lin also shouted.


Monkey King also roared.

The Bull Demon was taken aback: "Huh? Zixia?!"

Monkey King did not expect that Zixia would end up like this in the end.

Although he cannot be with Zixia, he also hopes that Zixia will have a good result.

Unexpectedly, he was pierced by the steel fork of the Bull Demon King.

He was suddenly furious, and his hairs stood up like steel needles.

Roared: "Dare to hurt Zixia, I'm grass--"

The golden cudgel swung up and slammed towards the bull devil.

The Bull Demon hurriedly raised his cross to greet him.

But under the furious Monkey King's full strength, his steel fork was as brittle as a brittle angle, and it was directly beaten into two pieces.

Next, it was the Golden Cudgel's brutality against the Bull Demon King, beating the Bull Demon so that his mother could not recognize it.

At the same time, Lin Yi and Fairy Zixia were floating in the air.

Lin Yi hugged Zixia and said, "Zixia..."

And after Sun Wukong finished venting, he flew towards here: "Zixia..."

But when he was halfway through the flight, the diamond ring on his head had begun to tighten.


He was struggling in the air with pain.

But he still wanted to see Zixia.


The steel ring tightened more and more, and the pain made him almost unconscious.

However, the pain in the body is far less intense than the pain in the heart.

There is no pain in the world, it is more painful than seeing her beloved woman die without being able to do anything.

Zixia was in Lin Yi's arms, with a trace of blood hanging from her mouth, looking at Monkey King from a distance.

With a wry smile, he reluctantly said: "The person I like is a hero. One day, he will marry me with his feet on the seven-colored clouds and wearing a golden armor. I guessed the front but couldn't guess the ending..."

After speaking, the unwilling and helpless gaze in her eyes gradually went out.

At the same time, because their city is too close to the sun, it will explode soon.

Eight Jie and Drifting supported Tang Seng and shouted, "Big Brother, we must leave here immediately."

When Monkey King heard the calls of the two of them, his attention was diverted, and the steel ring on his head became looser.

He glanced at Zixia, and then took out the Moonlight Treasure Box from the corpse of the Bull Demon King, and said, "Here is the Moonlight Treasure Box. We can borrow it to leave."

At the same time, Lin Yi's energy was barely usable.

He took advantage of his gliding skills to hug Fairy Zixia and glide over.

With Monkey King’s “Prajna Paramita——”

Above the moonlight treasure box, a red light flashed.

Then, the golden light masterpiece swallowed everyone.

In the next moment, everyone, including the Moonlight Treasure Box, had disappeared.

As the city approached the sun, it finally exploded.


Let alone Lin Yi and the others, they were carried by the Moonlight Treasure Box.

After such a crossing, it came five hundred years later.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived in the Shuilian Cave five hundred years later.

The Shuilian Cave at this time is really like the Shuilian Cave.

From time to time, there are drops of water falling down, and drops of water fall into the pool, which looks so mysterious.

After Lin Yi woke up, he quickly looked at Zixia in his arms.

At this time, Zixia had no vitality.

After Zhi Zun Bao woke up, he quickly came to see Zixia.

Seeing that Zixia didn't have the slightest vitality, he suddenly regretted it, and blasted a punch, blasting a fist mark up to a foot deep into the cave wall.

But the next moment, the steel ring on his head tightened again, and the pain made him scream

I can barely calm down and stop thinking about Zixia.

The steel ring was loosened again.

Tang Seng also woke up and saw that Fairy Zixia had no life.

He folded his hands together and said: "Amitabha. Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. Fairy Zixia should have gone back to the Buddha to make wicks. Don't feel too sad."

Lin Yidao: "No, she won't go back to do wicks, and I will never let her go back to do wicks."

How could he just watch Fairy Zixia die like this?

Absolutely impossible!

On his head, blue flames appeared.

Blue flames have also emerged from his hands.

Then, his right hand stroked Fairy Zixia's cheek.

The blue flames began to spread throughout Zixia Fairy.

Monkey King said anxiously: "What are you doing?"

Lin also did not speak.

But under the burning of the blue flame, the wound on Fairy Zixia's abdomen was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood at the corner of his mouth also disappeared quickly.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised.

Monkey King was even more happy when he saw it.

In just a few breaths, I saw Fairy Zixia's eyes opened slowly.

She moved her lips and asked softly, "Where are we?"

" are awake!"

Lin also returned to his normal form.

"The fairy woke up, great!"

Bajie shouted.

Tang Seng also said: "It's great, save one's life and win the seventh-level buddha. Mr. Lin, really good ability."

Monkey King also recovered from his previous self-blame and guilt.

However, feeling that the steel ring on his head was tightening again, he could only give a wry smile and said, "Zixia, you are fine."

Several people rested in the cave for more than an hour, and Tang Seng said, "Now the matter is over, we should also go on the road."

"Okay, Master."

Bajie shouted.

Drifting is very active to carry the burden.

Sun Wukong gave a bitter smile and said, "Master, wait for me, here is coming."

Then he turned his head and said to Lin Yi: "Lin Yi, let's leave it alone."

Lin Yi nodded: "Yeah."

Monkey King glanced at Fairy Zixia again, and said to Lin Yi: "Fairy Zixia has your care, so I can rest assured. You must treat her well."

Lin also didn't know how to answer.

And Fairy Zixia seemed to recognize it clearly after her previous death and rebirth.

Although the heavens allowed Lin Yi and Zhi Zun Bao to draw the purple sword, he put a steel ring on Zhi Zun Bao.

Perhaps, I and Supreme Treasure are destined to have no fate.

She looked at Lin Yi next to her.

Fortunately, God left a good man for himself.

Looking at the distant Monkey King, she murmured: "The person I like is a hero. One day, she will marry me in a golden armor and a colorful cloud with her feet. I guessed the beginning..."

Then turned to Lin Yi, smiled slightly, like a spring flower blooming, and said with a smile: "But I didn't guess the ending. But...this ending is not bad."

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