Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 854: Real-world lottery

When Lin also realized the powerful force in his body, the voice of the system came from his mind.

"You have successfully strengthened, with 86 million evolution points remaining."

Lin Yi nodded.

The next promotion is estimated to require 500 million evolution points.

Now there are 86 million left, and then only need to get more than 400 million points.

Now that he has newly acquired the Destroyer skill, if you use this skill to deal with that mysterious evolutionary, maybe...

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

Even if you have the Destroyer skills, you may still be far from enough if you want to deal with that mysterious evolutionary.

According to what Shui Ruobing said, the mysterious evolver is probably a level 22 evolver, and according to Shui Ruobing's guess, he may be stronger than the level 22 evolver and is the top level 23 evolve.

You know, after the strength reaches level 20, the gap between each level will be even greater.

Especially from level 22 to level 23, this is an insurmountable gap.

Because the previous 22 levels are divided by level.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it will be promoted to one level.

After reaching level 23, there is no more classification.

No matter how strong you are, you can only be divided into 23 levels.

Therefore, the strength of the 23-level evolutionary is far from what this number shows.

Therefore, a Destroyer skill is probably not enough.

This made Lin also a little worried.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, you have to wait for the next month to enter the film and television plane.

But even if he returns from the film and television plane, he is a 21st level evolutionary.

If I want to improve, I have to wait another month.

If you want to upgrade to level 23, you have to wait at least one month.

Will that mysterious evolutionary give himself so much time to grow?

Certainly not.

In this case, what can I do to save my life?

Lin Yi felt anxious for a moment, and suddenly had an idea, and asked the system: "Didn't you say that after reaching level 15, as long as you return to reality, you can draw a lottery?"

The system said: "It has always been like this."

"Then draw."

Lin Yi said.

"With your current level, a lottery draw in reality will cost 20 million evolution points. Are you sure you want to draw a lottery?"


Lin Yi gritted his teeth.

Although it hurts, compared with fate, such a little evolution is nothing.

At this time, Lin Yi's consciousness had involuntarily entered the dark space again.

Still a beam of light struck down, and a turntable still appeared.

It is almost exactly the same as when entering the film and television plane.

Looking at the words on the turntable, it is almost exactly the same as entering the film and television plane.

There are also several categories above: character, skill, props, pets, and consumption.

The characters, skills, props, etc. above are also the same as before.

Only this time when Lin Yi returned from the plane of Journey to the West, the characters of Monkey King and Fairy Zixia were added.

Seeing the four characters "Zixia Fairy", Lin couldn't help but feel a move.

But he also knew that it was not appropriate at this time.

That mysterious evolutionary didn't know where, even if he draws Fairy Zixia into reality, he can't protect her.

So Lin Yi dispelled this idea.

In the skill category, there are more words such as clairvoyance, downwind ears, seventy-two changes, and fiery eyes.

Each is a very powerful skill.

In the props category, there is one more wishful golden hoop.

Lin Yi was drooling.

If you can draw this wishful golden hoop, that would be awesome.

Of course, if you can draw the Monkey King skills again, or even draw a Monkey King or Superman directly, it should be easy to deal with that mysterious evolutionary, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was full of expectation, and said, "Start."

The turntable began to rotate slowly.

At first, it only spins slowly, but then it spins faster and faster.

When Lin Yi's eyes were so fast, he couldn't see clearly.

Lin Yi said, "Stop."

The turntable started to slow down again.

Gradually, slower and slower.

When the turntable moved only slightly, it entered the consumable area.

Sure enough, the consumption category occupies the largest area.

Lin is also a little speechless.

Soon, the pointer stopped, it was a prop bag.

Lin also checked the prop bag in his mind, and suddenly felt like a muddle.

It turned out that the black iron epee shown in the prop bag turned out to be.

Nima is a profound iron epee again, can you change it?

With Lin Yi's current strength, what use is this profound iron heavy sword?

Do you sell scrap iron?

With the profound iron heavy sword, it was not much stronger than his fist, and it did not come as fast as his fist. It came naturally.

It took 20 million evolution points to get such a broken thing?

Lin also had a dumbfounding feeling.

Fortunately, if you don't want it, you can return it.

Lin Yi didn't care about it, and then retire after a while.

Then, he spent another 20 million evolution points and drew another prize.

As a result, the one drawn this time made Lin Yi want to cry again.

Because this time, it turned out to be the Ice Soul Silver Needle Item Pack, which is still a consumable item.

Although the Ice Soul Silver Needle was very powerful in the past, the higher the level of the evolutionary, the stronger the anti-toxicity.

Ice Soul Silver Needle is not as strong as before.

And you must know that Lin can also exchange the Ice Soul Silver Needle now.

1000 Evolution Points can be exchanged for one Now it’s good. It took 20 million Evolution Points to get one, and it only takes five minutes to experience it.

Is there anything worse than this?

However, fortunately, these are all refundable.

"System, return both of these, what kind of shit."

Lin Yi said dissatisfiedly.

As a result, the system made only one sentence, which made Lin Yi feel like a muddle in his heart again.

Just listen to the system saying: "I'm sorry, this cannot be retired"

"Nima turned back. Didn't you say that you can withdraw? Haven't you all returned before?"

The system explains it reasonably: "In the past, when you entered the film and television plane, you could retreat. Now when you return to the real world, you can't retreat what you get, whether it is a diamond or a papa."


Lin Yi was a little out of anger.

In this way, 40 million evolution points are gone?

The system comforted: "You still have another chance, dear, do you want to continue smoking?"

"Don't smoke!"

Lin Yi was frightened.

One cannot step into the same wrong river twice.

Now that Lin Yiran has done it twice, how could he make the third mistake?

The system chuckled and said, "Since it has been twice, it is said that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Why not smoke again?"

"Fuck off!"

Lin Yi scolded.

However, having said that, after a few minutes, Lin Yi still admitted.

After all, there is the mysterious evolutionary there.

If you don't smoke a more powerful skill, I'm afraid that this level will not pass.


[I accidentally received a red envelope from a young man yesterday. His name is Tian. 】

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