Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 873: Battle against the Sharu

Lin decided to stay and complete the unfinished tasks.

This made Shui Ruobing quite annoyed, and her voice rose by an octave: "Are you crazy? Don't kill me?"

"Of course I'm not crazy, and I must save my life and get rid of the zombies in this world."

Lin also replied.

"In that case, don't try to be aggressive. Let's take a step back and stay away. You can upgrade to a level almost every month. After three months, you will be a level 23 evolutionary. At that time, maybe You can compete with that alien monster. Then we will come together again, and the Datonghui will be bloody!"

Shui Ruobing said.

Lin Yi shook his head, "No, we can wait for three months. The remaining one billion survivors cannot wait for three months."

Shui Ruobing shook his head and said, "But now facing that alien monster, what can we do?"

Lin Yi turned his head, looked at Zhang Wenjing, and said, "Actually, I have thought of a way."

Zhang Wenjing said in surprise: "What way?"

Shui Ruobing stopped speaking, waiting for Lin Yi to answer.

Lin Yi said: "Open a breakthrough from Zhang Xiaocui."

Zhang Wenjing heard this, and was startled in her heart: "You mean, you are going to swallow Cooke like you did?"

Lin Yidao: "I will do this when necessary."

"But... but you promised me that you will save her a life after it's done."

Zhang Wenjing shook her head repeatedly.

Shui Ruobing was very responsible for Lin Yi's method: "Promise is to agree, but that is after the thing is done. But now we have not done anything, and it is very likely that she will be killed by her people. Can she kill us? , But we can't kill her? How can there be such a truth in the world?"


Zhang Wenjing obviously didn't expect that Lin Ye would have nothing to say.

Lin Yi shrugged: "If she is willing to cooperate well, I will abide by the previous promise. But if she refuses to cooperate, then I have to swallow her. Because only in this way can I pretend to be her and get the cleansing easily. To save the lives of those people."

Zhang Wenjing listened and fell silent.

Shui Ruobing said: "Billions of people in the world have died because of her. Even if she has ten thousand lives, it will not be enough to repay her. Don't you think she deserves to die?"

Zhang Wenjing still did not speak.

He didn't have anything to say, and he couldn't refute what Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing said.

But that was his biological mother after all, and he couldn't bear to watch his biological mother die like this.

Lin Yi said: "Now we have to think of a way and find a suitable opportunity to control Zhang Xiaocui."

Shui Ruobing said: "We have been exposed before. Zhang Xiaocui will definitely be more vigilant. If we want to control her, I am afraid it will be difficult."

"There will always be opportunities, depending on whether we can find them."

Lin Yi said.

Therefore, Lin also planned to hack into the Datong Association through Jarvis in the next two days. In order to find an opportunity to control Zhang Xiaocui.

The next morning, Jarvis found an opportunity.

This morning, Zhang Xiaocui had to leave the headquarters of the Tatung Association and go to an underground laboratory in Manhattan.

Lin also plans to do it at this time.

At about nine o'clock, Zhang Xiaocui came out of Datonghui and got in her special car.

There are four cars guarding the front and back of that car.

In these four cars, there were a full twenty 20 level evolutionists.

It can be seen that after yesterday's events, Zhang Xiaocui is indeed more vigilant.

Lin Yi used biological tracking to investigate all of this, and then condensed a clone, chasing Zhang Xiaocui's car.

However, when his clone was less than 100 meters away from Zhang Xiaocui's car.

Suddenly, there was a sound of flapping wings in the air.

Then, the Nasharu star descended from the sky.

His speed reached the extreme, and Lin Yi's clone flew far away with just one punch.

When I looked again, I saw that the clone of Lin Yi had been exploded from his chest.

Lin Yi had seen this Sharu star several times before, and he had a rough idea of ​​his strength.

But when he saw this scene, his heart trembled.

This time, the strength displayed by the Sharu Star was much stronger than in the past.

With just one punch, the upper body of this clone was blasted into flesh.

Shui Ruobing was also afraid of Lin Yi, and couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Lin Yi.

Thanks to Lin Yi not going out just now, otherwise, I would never see a living Lin Yi again.

The Shalu star blasted Lin Yi's clone with a punch, and then did not stay there waiting for the blood-colored lightning to appear like the previous few times.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yi's hiding place.

Lin Yi's gaze was far away from the star Nasharu.

Although they disguised well, it was impossible for the Sarustar to see them.

But this look made Lin Yi's heart cold.

He was pretty sure that the Sharu Xingren knew he was hiding there-although he didn't know why the Sharu Xingren knew Zhang Wenjing next to him met and asked in a low voice, "What should I do?"

Shui Ruobing had secretly made up his mind, and the dual attribute energy of water and fire in his body had already begun to operate.

Lin Yi said in a low voice: "Their goal is me, and I will go with my clone to lead him away."

"and many more."

Just as Shui Ruobing said these two words, Lin Yi's figure jumped out.

He quickly condensed ten clones, together with himself, a total of eleven people, teleported in all directions.

Zhang Wenjing was dazzled by this scene.

These eleven people disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Xiaocui in the car was shocked when he saw it, "This guy has such an ability!"

When the Shalu star saw that Lin Yi had transformed into so many clones, he was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect that there would be such a character among the natives of the earth."

But then he laughed and said, "However, no matter how many clones are, they are useless in front of me."

Before he finished his words, he flapped his wings and chased him in the direction where Lin Yi was fleeing.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaocui waved his hand and shouted: "Go four people, follow the adults to catch that kid!"

When even four people Lolita got out of the car and ran with the Sharu star.

The reason why she only allowed four people to go was because she was afraid that Lin Yi would just tune the tiger away from the mountain. If Lin Yi suddenly appeared again and there was no one to guard him, wouldn't it be cold?

With the remaining 16 people guarding, it is much more insurance.

Besides, the Sharu star caught up with Lin Yi's body after just over ten seconds.

He stood ten meters in front of Lin Yi, and said with a smile: "Even if you condense more clones, the energy fluctuations in your body have already betrayed you."

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