Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 891: Attend the meeting

All the soldiers around, including the rebels, were extremely puzzled about what Lin Yi was about to do.

What era is this time?

3000 years before the park!

In this era, not only is the material level extremely backward, people's thinking is also very primitive.

Before this, although they occasionally had battles, there was almost never a large-scale war like this one.

As for negotiations and the like, they have never heard of it.

I'm hostile to you, so if you don't say anything else, just go up and do it, separate life and death.

How can you be my enemy, I still want to talk to your house?

The war knight persuaded Lin Yi: "Brother, my character is more irritable than you. I wish I could kill these people now and kill them all. But you are too risky to go by yourself."

"Don't worry, we can retreat early tomorrow morning. You can go back now and sleep peacefully."

Lin Yi replied freely.

The war knight was still a little worried.

He is a rough man, and he treats those guys who can only be reasonable.

But now, facing this Lin Yi, he suddenly realized that he could not.

He was originally a person who didn't follow the routine.

But now he realized that his non-compliance, before Lin Yi's non-compliance on the road, was nothing short of nothing.

And all the prisoners were quite surprised.

Who is this guy?

What is he going to do?

But people have the desire to survive.

Since there is such an opportunity to survive, of course they have to seize it.

"We will take you."

The leader said, and then to the others: "Let's go."

Ever since, for almost the first time in history, these newly captured rebels left grandiosely under the watchful eyes of thousands of soldiers.

The war knight looked at Lin Yi who was following these rebels. He shook his head and said again and again, "This guy is really messy! Too messy!"

Lin Yi followed these thirty people for about ten miles and came to a mountain col.

In this depression, there is a cave that is neither too big nor too small.

When they came to the cave, everyone in the tribe gathered around.

"Did it succeed? Did it succeed?"

"As long as we set fire here and the other tribes let them go in the other corners of the barracks, then the Pharaoh's army will not even want to escape."

But the leader shook his head, and several other people who followed the leader also shook their heads.

Seeing this, the people of those tribes were all slightly surprised: "What? It failed? How is it possible?"

While they were talking, they saw Lin Yi next to the leader.

"a stranger?"

"Who is he?"

"Where did he come from?"

"what is his name?"

For a time, many questions came to the tribe leader.

It can be seen that these people are also very unfriendly to Lin.

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "I am a Plague Knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

When the crowd listened, they couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, this guy is really good at joking. How can the aloft and self-proclaimed gods of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse come to us?"

"Yes, he is one of the four knights? Just this small body?"

"If he is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, am I not the Apocalypse?"


When this person said so, the others burst into laughter.

However, in the process of laughing, these people found something strange.

The leader did not laugh;

And the more than 30 people who went to set the fire with the leader did not laugh.

"You... can't be true, are you?"

A member of the tribe put a smile away and asked carefully.

The leader did not answer, but everyone could see the answer from the leader's face.

Obviously, this is true.

This young man is the Plague Knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Thinking about this, the people jumped around quickly.

Each of the four horsemen of the apocalypse possesses extremely powerful strength.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that one enemy is one hundred.

But now, why did this Plague Knight suddenly appear in their tribe?

This makes everyone very confused.

The chief no longer looked at anyone at this time, and only said: "Pour some water for this plague knight. After he finishes drinking, you guys will clean up. We will rush to the Gedal tribe overnight."

When the people of those tribes saw their leader in front of this outsider, they did not dare to be too presumptuous, and naturally they did not dare to speak any more.

Only a few minutes later, the leader and a dozen other people set off with Lin Yi.

Before leaving, the leader explained to the people of the tribe in front of Lin Yi: "After we leave, you will immediately transfer."

"I see, boss."

Those people responded one after another.

Lin is also the reason why they did this.

If they don't transfer, they are afraid that they will bring someone to bring the pot here in the future.

And who knows what will happen in the future after they take themselves to the big boss

Therefore, their safest way is to transfer immediately.


Next, Lin Yi was taken by the leader and the others, and walked towards the east hill in the darkness.

Except for the Nile River, almost all the land around Egypt is dry.

The terrain is not complicated.

These hills are not tall either.

Those people took Lin Yi around these hills.

Lin also naturally understood what these people meant.

They were afraid that after Lin Yi returned, he would bring the army to encircle and suppress here.

Lin also didn't say too much about this.

Because he is very confident, after tonight, all the rebellious tribes will return.

After going around for about an hour, they walked around to the foot of a hill.

The leader turned around and said to Lin Yi: "You wait here, I must first go and inform the leader."

Lin also nodded to indicate that the leader could leave.

The leader quickly walked around to the left side of the hill.

The others stayed where they were.

About fifteen minutes later, the leader came back and said to Lin Yi: "Our leader agreed, we can go there now."

Lin also nodded, and then followed the leader and walked forward quickly.

More than ten minutes later, only a large number of torches appeared in the darkness ahead.

These torches seem to have thousands of them.

The darkness is almost reflected like day.

Below these torches are different tribes.

Their faces are painted in various colors and they make various strange noises.


"Wow quack quack—"

It's like a beast contending.

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