Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 896: Reincarnation (Part 1)

Lin Yi's words made Tianqi feel a little strange.

After all, he had never heard such remarks before.

In his cognition, to deal with these slaves is to use force to beat them until they are served.

These untouchables are so cheap that they will not be convinced.

Take a hit immediately.

He never thought whether these untouchables were truly convinced.

Do they dare not be convinced?

But now, hearing what Lin Yi said, he felt that there was still a little reason.

In particular, it was the first time that Lin Yi had heard of "productivity".

He had always thought that these untouchables would have as many as they wanted, and they would not be too much to kill.

Thinking about it now, in fact, the number of people in Egypt as a whole is not very large, only a few hundred thousand.

If you kill too much, where can you find so many slaves to build the pyramid in the future?

Without a pyramid, how can one reincarnate?

After all, Tianqi is a person who has lived for a long time. It is easy to understand these principles.

Lin Yicha looked up and saw that Tianqi seemed to have been moved by himself.

He tends to strike iron and said: "Pharaoh, you live longer than me, and you should know better than me: force can strike the world, but if you want to protect the world, force alone is not enough. If you want to have long-term peace and stability, you can make your country better. To be immortal, you must do both grace and power. Let those untouchables be afraid and thank you at the same time, so that your dynasty can survive through the ages."

Apocalypse listened, pondered for a moment, and said, "Your words are correct. But if these rebellious tribes are not severely punished, then others will follow them when they see it and rebel. What's this?"

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head and said, "Pharaoh, in my opinion, not only will other people not rebel, but they will also admire you because Pharaoh is a large number of adults. This way they will not have the idea of ​​rebellion."

Tianqi pondered for a moment again, and said, "You seem to make some sense. Then...just do what you said, forgive them?"

"Pharaoh is wise!"

Lin Yi said.

Tianqi added another sentence: "However, if the facts prove you are wrong..."

"Then I will dedicate my head to Pharaoh."

Lin also replied.

"it is good."

Apocalypse responded.

That war knight, during Lin Yi's conversation with Tianqi, was in a state of bewilderment from beginning to end.

After Tianqi had finished talking with Lin Yi, he said with a dazed expression: "Pharaoh... why didn't he fight suddenly? Didn't he fight well? As long as there are three more days, I can definitely defeat those tribes. It would be a pity to give up like this now."

Apocalypse waved his hand and said, "Now do what the Plague Knight said. If in the end he is wrong, it will not be too late for us to convict him.

Although the war knight wanted to say something, he glanced at the apocalypse, and finally did not dare to say anything.

Although he has always had a bad temper, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Apocalypse.

But when he looked at Lin Yi, his eyes were full of doubt and confusion.

This battle was fought well, but when the Plague Knight came and said something that he didn't understand, he suddenly stopped fighting?

And the Pharaoh really wanted to forgive those rebellious tribes?

This seemed like a fantasy in the past.

But now it really happened before his eyes.

What is going on in this world?

Why can't I understand it more and more?


Half a month passed quickly, and the news of Apocalypse's pardon and chaos finally reached the tribes.

The people of those tribes waited for half a month in anxiety.

Now, they finally waited for the news.

When the news came on the day, the people of all tribes were all rejoicing.

They had heard that the plague knight said to persuade the Pharaoh to forgive them, but they thought it was just a joke.

How could Pharaoh forgive them?

But even so, they still have a little expectation in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, after half a month, they really waited for the news that Pharaoh would forgive them.

In addition to their rejoicing, there was a layer of gratitude in their hearts for the Plague Knight who came to negotiate.

If there were no Plague Knights, these people would end up either killed in battle or killed by Pharaoh.

Thanks to this plague knight, they have survived and can continue to live their peaceful lives.

Especially the big leader who negotiated with Lin Yi was even more grateful to Lin Yi.

Originally, after Lin Yi said those words, he still had doubts.

Firstly, I wondered if Lin was lying to them;

Secondly, I suspect that even if Lin Yi really persuades the old man to forgive them, will the Pharaoh really forgive them?

And now, Pharaoh really forgives them, which makes them really unbelievable.


In Lin Yi personally, he managed to do this, so that the productivity has been preserved, and at the same time avoided the casualties of tens of thousands of soldiers.

His ability to do things has been trusted by Tianqi.

Next Tianqi gave him a few more things.

For example, the Nile River is always flooded.

Lin also followed the example of Dayu in water management, letting the slaves dig canals and divert the river water to some nearby dry land for irrigation.

This not only cures the flood, but also increases the output of various grains.

This made the slaves praise and made Tianqi trust him more.

For the other three knights, apart from the death knight's admiration for Lin, the war knight and the famine knight were also a little jealous of Lin.

This kid had only been here for a few days before he gained the trust of Pharaoh.

If it takes a long time, is it still worth it?

But the two knights just thought about it in their hearts, and they didn't dare to say anything on the surface.

After all, Lin Yi now has almost become the celebrity in front of Tianqi.

Everything seems to be going well.

But Lin Yi always felt that there seemed to be something wrong.

It stands to reason that such a big boss like Apocalypse is impossible to trust anyone easily.

Even if he did all these things well, he couldn't trust himself easily.

What the **** is hiding in this apocalypse?

In a blink of an eye, more than ten years passed.

In the past ten years, with the help of Lin Yi and the other three knights, Apocalypse has made Egypt the number one power in the world at that time.

And in these ten years, Lin Yi's mental power has almost completely recovered.

His various abilities have also been restored.

But he did not easily reveal it.

Because he knows that what he will face in the future is a level 5 mutant. So the more you hide your strength now, the more likely it is to defeat him in the future.

Finally, on this day, Tianqi ushered in a very important day: the day of reincarnation.

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