Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 903: Storm Girl

"Our whole family should thank you."

Magneto said sincerely.

But Lin Ye listened to how it felt like a curse.

"Go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

Magneto is not an ordinary person either. Naturally, he knew that Lin Yi came to him. It was impossible to save his wife and daughter. He could help if there was something in the family.

Lin Yi glanced at Magneto's wife and daughter.

Magneto understood what Lin Yi meant, and said to his wife and daughter: "You go there and wait for me first."

The two men also understood the matter very well, nodded, and then walked not far away.

Lin Yi said to Magneto: "I do want you to help me with one thing."

"what's up?"

Magneto asked.

Lin Yi said: "You probably don't know who is the first mutant in the world."

Magneto really didn't know, he turned his ears and waited for Lin Yi to continue speaking.

Lin Yi said: "The first mutant was En*Saba*Nur of ancient Egypt, that is, the first pharaoh of ancient Egypt. He has many abilities, and the strongest among them is transfer consciousness. He can Transfer one's consciousness to someone else's body, and occupy this person's body for a long time. With this skill, he is almost immortal."

Magneto was surprised secretly. He didn't expect that there were mutants in the world more than 5,000 years ago.

And the strength of this mutant is still so strong.

Lin Yi continued: "He has four men, called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. That's right, the **** mentioned in the Bible is actually him. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are his four men."

Magneto's eyes flickered slightly and asked: "What does this have to do with me?"

Lin Yi said: "5,000 years ago, he ruled ancient Egypt brutally. I united with others and designed to bury him under the pyramid. Now, he will appear again soon."

Magneto looked at Lin Yi even more surprised.

He could see that what Lin Yi said was not a lie.

In this way, the guy in front of me who seems to be less than twenty years old has lived for more than 5,000 years!

Lin Yi continued: "According to my prediction, after he wakes up from under the pyramid, he will look for the four strongest mutants as his four knights. And this includes you."


Magneto Wang said: "Then should I feel honored or unfortunate?"

"Trust me, this is definitely your misfortune." Lin Yi said, "He will inspire your strength and greatly enhance your ability. But all this is only for him. He wants to use your ability, To destroy the world."

Magneto Wang listened to Lin Yi's words, as if he were listening to the heavenly book, and he doubted: "My power can destroy the world?"

Lin Yi said: "Can't you control metals? The apocalypse stimulates your abilities. You are not only controlling metals. You can control metals at the molecular level, and you can control various metal elements buried deep in the ground. At that time, as long as you have a thought, all the metal elements under the earth will rush out of the surface. Then the whole world will be destroyed?"

Magneto smiled and said, "But how can I do such a thing?"

Lin Yidao: "With your current state of mind, of course you can't do it. But if your wife and daughter have died just now, with your hatred of the world, do you think you can't do something like that?"

Magneto was silent.

Thinking back to the anger and hatred just now, if he had the power to destroy the world, he would really have done something like that.

But now my wife and daughter are still there, and my mood is much calmer than before.

He felt that it would be too much to destroy the world.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Magneto asked.

Lin Yi said: "According to my expectation, your wife and daughter died, and you are full of hatred and anger towards the world. Apocalypse will take this opportunity to enhance your abilities and at the same time completely arouse the darkness in your heart. But now Your wife and daughter are not dead, so when Apocalypse finds you in the future, in order to arouse the darkness in your heart, it will surely persecute your wife and daughter secretly, and then set the blame on ordinary people."

Magneto frowned and did not speak any more.

Lin Yi continued: "But don't worry, I will revive them again in secret."

Magneto was relieved after hearing this: "Then what should I do?"

"I want you to pretend to be his knight. Watch him by his side. When the time is right, help me kill Apocalypse together."

Lin Yi said.

After hearing this, Magneto thought for a moment, and said, "I promise you."

Lin Yi said, "But Tianqi knows how to read minds. He only needs to look at you to know what is thinking in your heart. So you have to do one more thing before you lurks by his side."

Magneto was so smart that he immediately thought: "Erase my current memory first?"


Lin Yi said.

"Then I have to go to my old friend Charles."

Charles is Professor X.

With the ability to control the mind, of course it can also erase people's memories.

Lin Yi said: "After killing Apocalypse, I will let Charles return this memory to you."


Magneto responded.

Lin Yi went on to say, "But before we went to we got three other people."

"The other three knights?"

Magneto asked.


Lin also replied.

Next, Magneto had planned to leave with Lin Yi, but Lin Yi asked him to bring his wife and daughter.

Just in case, all important people who have seen themselves must erase this memory.

Magneto also readily agreed.

Then Lin Yi took them to Egypt together.

When they passed the tall pyramid, Magneto asked: "You mean the Apocalypse is lying under that pyramid now?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No, the pyramid where the Apocalypse is located has already collapsed and is now buried deep underground."

Magneto Wang said: "Then why don't we find him and kill him before Apocalypse wakes up?"

Lin Yi smiled bitterly: "The strength of Tianqi's body is extremely strong. I am afraid that even the current me cannot kill him. It may even activate him in advance. In that case, everything I have done is wasted."

Lin Yi came to Egypt to find the Storm Girl.

Storm Girl is the first knight found after Apocalypse wakes up.

The Storm Girl at this time is not strong, only able to control the wind.

She was kind-hearted and adopted three children.

However, she is only a sixteen-year-old child, and she has no ability to support these three children.

So she uses her ability to control the wind. Then, taking advantage of the dust rolled up by the violent wind, he stole some food and went back to the three children.

In the movie, although it can be seen that she is in Egypt, it does not specify her specific location.

Lin Yi could only search slowly with Magneto and others.

It took about a week to finally find the Storm Girl.

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