Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 909: The Profound Meaning of Returning Wan Jian to Zong

The Storm Girl is now a Level 3 mutant, but in front of Lin Yi, she is not at all.

Seeing this, Tianqi said, "After 5000 years, your strength seems to have increased a lot. Spirit butterfly, angel, you go together."

The two responded, and the angel stretched out his steel wings and flew into the air.

At the same time, the steel feathers on his wings, like arrows, shot towards Lin Yi.

However, Lin Yi didn't even have to hide.

Ding ding ding ding ding

When those steel feathers were shot on Lin Yi, it was as if they were shot on steel, they couldn't hurt Lin Yi at all.

It turned out that after 5000 years, Lin Yi was promoted to Level 22 Evolutionary, and his physical strength has been greatly enhanced.

Naturally, these steel feathers could not hurt him.

Lingdie jumped over from the side. In his right hand, a long sword condensed from purple-red energy pierced Lin Yi directly.

This energy long sword is extremely sharp, even Lin Yi's current body does not dare to directly resist it.

However, his arms gathered a shield.


The energy sword pierced the shield, making a harsh sound, and at the same time a series of sparks appeared.

But it couldn't pierce the shield at all.

Seeing that the sword stabbing was invalid, Lingdie turned her sword into a long whip and drew it towards Lin Yi.

However, the whip was still blocked by the shield.

Then, she turned the sword into a spear, a double knife, and a flying knife.

But nothing can break Lin Yi's defense.

On the other side, the angel tried his best to pierce Lin Yi's shield with the edge of the sharp steel wings.

But the two of them used all the power of feeding, but they still couldn't break the defense.

Instead, Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Aren't you tired?"

With that, he raised the shield and then smashed it to the ground.


When the shield collided with the ground, a shock wave spread out instantly.

The two were rolled up by this shock wave, flew straight out of a kilometer away, lying on the ground, twisting their bodies in pain.

The two of them couldn't stand this shock wave alone.

Seeing this, Tianqi said, "It seems you are stronger than I thought."

Then he waved his hand and said to Magneto, "It's your turn."

Magneto nodded, then looked at Lin Yi, his hands stretched out.

As he stretched his hands flat, the ground vibrated.

At a certain moment, click

On the ground, there was a gap of one meter wide and 100 meters long.

Next, click

The ground does not break open.

What followed were those metallic elements underground.

These metallic elements, under the control of Magneto, keep flying around him. Form a sphere with a radius of one kilometer.

This scene looks extremely spectacular.

Afterwards, Magneto pointed both hands towards Lin Yi.

On the metal element sphere with a radius of kilometer, countless metal elements blasted towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and the sword qi in his body was activated and instantly attached to those metal elements.

After that, those metal elements quickly condensed and turned into a sharp metal sword.

Tens of thousands of swords were condensed into shape.

After that, Lin Yi's right hand and **** were side by side, and these sharp swords flew towards Magneto.

The reason Magneto is so strong is because he can control metal.

But now, the metal he controlled was actually controlled by Lin Yifan, which made him feel a little panic.

You know, he has lived for decades, and he has encountered many powerful enemies. But no one has ever been able to counter-control the metal he is controlling.

Lin also controlled these metal swords and flew towards Magneto.

Magneto wanted to escape, but was blocked by a sharp sword. He could only retreat.

But the speed of his retreat was far less than the speed of the sword flying.

Seeing thousands of swords about to stab him, the sky on the other side started.

With a light wave of his right hand, the tens of thousands of swords controlled by Lin Yi disappeared one after another, and then turned into metal elements again, falling to the ground like rain.

Tianqi looked at Lin Yi with a very scary voice, "Your strength is much stronger than I expected. And your abilities, it seems, are many, much more than ordinary mutants. Five thousand years ago, I just I planned to transfer my consciousness to your body, but I did not expect to be defeated by your calculations. This time, no matter what, I cannot let you escape again."

As he spoke, his eyes turned white.

The next moment, the land under Lin Yi's feet suddenly turned into a quagmire.

Lin Yi's body sank down involuntarily.

Lin Yi was shocked and quickly used teleport to escape into the air.

At the same time, he was suspended in the air without relying on any external force.

This is also a new ability to fly after he was promoted to level 21.

Flight without any external force.

Although for Lin Yi, who possessed the Armored Impasse, this ability seemed a bit tasteless.

But in some specific times this ability is still very useful.

When Lin Yi was suspended in the air, an unprecedented powerful sword aura burst out of his body.

This sword aura condensed into 10,000 invisible swords in a very short time.

This has put aside the sword body itself, but condenses into an invisible sword with sword aura.

This is the true meaning of Wan Jian's return to the sect.

Even the nameless back then did not reach this point.

After five thousand years of practice, Lin also finally mastered the knack of turning sword qi into a sword of ten thousand forms.

The invisible sword, although invisible, is sharper than the visible sword, and more elusive and harder to defend than the visible sword.

Lin Yi's right hand puts two middle fingers together, pointing towards Tianqi.

That tens of thousands of sword auras condensed an invisible sword dragon, blasting straight towards the sky.

This kind of skill does not belong to this plane, so even Apocalypse doesn't know much about this kind of sword energy.

He only felt that an extremely dangerous feeling was approaching.

Next moment, puff

A sword aura directly penetrated his brother, as simple as cutting tofu.

Tianqi looked down at the blood hole in his chest in horror.

Although the blood hole is recovering at an extremely fast speed, the surprise in his heart is beyond the surprise of anyone in the past.

You know, his physical strength is not comparable to ordinary people.

Not to mention the sword, even if it is the energy attack of many mutants, he can directly use his body to carry it down.

But now Lin Yi pointed his right hand, a blood hole appeared in his chest, how sharp that invisible thing should be

And the most frightening thing is that there is obviously not only one kind of sharp thing.

According to his perception, there are probably thousands of them.

Thinking of this, Tianqi quickly condensed a purple energy energy cover.

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