Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 914: Apocalypse, die again!

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In the original movie, Stryker captured several of the most important mutants, the Phoenix Girl, the Devil Girl and others chased to his base camp to rescue these people.

In the meantime, I also encountered Wolverine who had just been infused with Edman alloy.

But now that Stryker and his team were easily cleaned up by Quicksilver, then this episode of the story would be skipped.

Lin also suggested to Professor X: "If he continues to live, he will continue to be detrimental to the mutants. So he must be killed."

Professor X shook his head and said: "We just know that he has the potential to do evil. How about we erase his memory and let him be an ordinary person."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "A person like this, even if his memory is erased, is likely to continue to do evil."

Professor X said: "Anyone has the right to come over again. Let's erase his memory first, if he really continues to do evil..."


Before Professor X finished speaking, Lin Yi's right hand had turned into a sharp claw and pierced into Stryker's body.

Professor X gave a wry smile, shook his head, and said nothing.

Then, a burst of fiery red energy poured out of Lin Yi, swallowing Stryker.

Professor X was afraid that Lin Yi would do anything to the special teams at the scene. He could only erase the memories of those people first and create a new memory for them.

Ever since, these people left X Academy happily one by one.

"Well, the next thing should not be too late, we must find the piano as soon as possible."

Lin Yi said.

Professor X glanced at Kuaiyin and said to Lin Yi: "There are now six people."

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "Don't say six, even if there are six more, I can fly."

So the six people held hands and stood on both sides of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's figure flashed before disappearing.

When he appeared in the next moment, he had already taken these six people and appeared fifty kilometers away.

One teleport is 50 kilometers.

Ten teleports, 500 kilometers.

One hundred teleports is 5000 kilometers.

Therefore, for Lin Yi, these tens of thousands of kilometers are more than 200 teleports.

And after five thousand years of accumulation, the energy in his body has been extremely abundant.

These 200 teleports, for him, consumed less than one percent of the energy.

When they arrived in Cairo, Tianqi was taking the Four Horsemen and Phoenix Girl on the outskirts of Cairo.

Lin Yi and a group of X-Men teleported to their vicinity.

Tianqi was pressing his hands on Phoenix's shoulders, his eyes blinking white.

In Phoenix White's eyes, the pupils had spread to the entire eyeball.

It seemed that her eyes had no whites, but all turned black.

Tianqi saw that Lin Yi and others arrived, and a purple energy ball appeared around his body again.

He came to Giza with the Four Horsemen and Phoenix Girl, where the largest Pyramid of Khufu is located.

Lin Yi followed closely and came to this place.

Seeing Apocalypse was about to escape again, Lin Yi said to Professor X: "Charles!"

Charles nodded and quickly connected the four knights with his brain waves, returning their previous memories to them.

The four knights were at a loss at first, and then reacted.

Magneto knew at this time that it was Heaven's activator who killed his wife and daughter, and he was furious. When he grabbed it with his right hand, the ground cracked a few cracks.

Condensed from metal into a sharp sword, it pierces the heart of the apocalypse.


With a soft sound, this sharp sword easily pierced into the heart of the apocalypse.

Tianqi looked down at the tip of his chest in surprise, then looked at Magneto, and said, "Why?"

Magneto said coldly: "You want to destroy this world, I will never allow this to happen."

The apocalypse is about to speak again, in the apocalypse, the situation is overwhelming.

Click ——

A thick lightning struck down, hitting the apocalypse.

Apocalypse was electrified so that it was tender on the outside and tender on the inside. It was very crispy. Looking at the Storm Girl, with smoke in her mouth, she said: "You also betray me..."

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi -

Before he finished his words, the angel's wings had turned into dozens of sharp blades and shot towards the apocalypse.

His body was shot like a sieve.

He gave a wry smile and said, "Needless to say, Lingdie also betrayed me."


Behind him, Lingdie's voice suddenly came.

Then, eh—

A soft sound.

A purple sword light swept across Tianqi's neck.

Apocalypse's head quietly slipped to the ground.

In the original work, the extremely powerful villain boss was so easily cleaned up?

Even Lin Yi felt it was impossible.

Sure enough, after Tianqi's head fell to the ground, he did not die.

The head turned into a lump of liquid, wriggling towards his body.

Soon it came to his feet and was absorbed by his body.

And on his neck, another head grew.

Tianqi turned his head 180 degrees, looked at Lin Yi, and said: "I know, you contacted my knights in advance and colluded with them to betray me. I have to admit that your plan is very thorough. And yours. The ability to foresee is really amazing. I know that the four knights I am looking for are them. You are definitely the most talented mutant I have ever seen. If we can cooperate, then we can easily create a new world~www Lin Yi sneered and said: "Who wants to recreate a new world with you? I have only one purpose in this world, and that is to kill you. "

Tianqi shook his head and said: "It's a pity that you may be able to defeat me, but you will never be able to kill me. My self-healing ability makes you unable to kill me at all. I am immortal, I am eternal life. I It's God..."

His self-healing ability is indeed abnormal.

If you use these X-Men abilities, you really can't kill him.

But in front of Lin Yi, this is nothing.

He teleported and came behind the newly restored Apocalypse.

Although Apocalypse has strong self-healing ability and can be resurrected soon, after each resurrection, it is a little weaker than before.

At this time, with Lin Yifeng's strength, it was not easy to face this weak Apocalypse.

The fiery red biological energy gushes out of him, directly wrapping the apocalypse.

This fiery red biological energy seems to be corrosive.

Apocalypse's body is enveloped by this biological energy, transforming into energy at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yi's mind swallowed the energy transformed by the apocalypse.

So far, the strongest villain in this movie, the villain that caused all the X-Men to have a headache, was swallowed by Lin Yi.

A systematic prompt sounded in his mind: "Swallow Apocalypse, get 1 billion evolution points, total evolution points 5.3 billion points. It is still 4.7 billion points away from being promoted to level 23 evolution."

Lin also heard this tone and was speechless.

I thought that if you swallowed the Apocalypse, you could be promoted to level 23, but I didn't expect it to be so much worse.

At the same time, in Lin Yi's mind, the last trace of Apocalypse's remaining consciousness actually let out a laugh: "Hahahaha... everything is already doomed..."

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