Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 93: The fourth crossing: "Wolverine"

   It was August 31st, and Lin Yi was just one day away from the hospital.

   At night, Lin Yi and the others opened two rooms in the hotel.

   Lin Yi is in a room with the driver's master, and the other is also on the left.

   At 11:50 at night, Lin also saw that the driver was already asleep, so he quietly walked out of the room and came downstairs.

   avoided the hotel camera and found a secluded street, Lin Yi said to the system: "System, where is the rental house?"

   systematically said: "I moved here long ago, do you want to show it now?"

   Lin also checked the time, it was still 5 minutes away.

   He shook his head: "Wait.

   After all, there are still 5 minutes before entering other planes. Such a room suddenly appeared on the main road, which is really a bit abrupt.

   In case someone sees it, it will be a little troublesome.

   He looked at the time on the phone, and when it was 11:58, he said to the system, "It's okay."

   Before the words fell, the rental house suddenly appeared on the sidewalk beside the road.

   He opened the door of the house with the key, entered the house, and lay on the bed directly on his side.

   Only then did he feel that any four-star and five-star hotel is not as comfortable as lying on the bed in his rental house.

  Golden nest and silver nest are not as good as their own doghouse.

   When I thought of this, the voice of the system came: "If there is another litter of **** in there, I will go, it's so cool, there is nothing?"

   Lin also didn't want to say anything about this nasty system.

   Seeing the time on the phone, it jumped to 00:00, and Lin Yi couldn't wait to open the door of the house.

   I heard the voice of the system in my ear:

   "Welcome to the plane of Wolverine."


   At the same time, in reality, a drunk man in the corner of the road saw a room suddenly appeared on the sidewalk, and suddenly disappeared after a while.

   He smirked twice, and said: "What's so special, it seems...I really do...drink...drink..."


   Let’s say that on the plane of "Wolverine", when Lin Yi heard the system's words, the room behind him had disappeared.

   And his body is amazingly intact, and the burn seems to be nonexistent.

  He appeared in a forest.

   Looking out of the woods, I can see a villa in the style of the last century.

   This three-story villa looks quite luxurious, and the rooms alone are estimated to have 40 or 50 rooms.

   There are gardens, horse farms, forest farms, small rivers, and various orchards around the villa.

   This is late autumn, and the red and yellow leaves in the orchard are dancing with the wind like butterflies. The road is also covered with red and yellow leaves. Dress up the entire estate like a fairy tale world.

   A gust of autumn wind blew, Lin couldn't help shaking.

   looked at herself again, and she was only wearing shorts and a vest.

   He quickly turned around and said to the system: "Quickly, it's freezing to death."

   The rental house appeared in front of him.

   Lin also asked as always: "Door opening spell?"

   The system replied: "The white rabbit opens the door."

   "It was always fruits and vegetables before, how did you change animals this time?"

   "I'm tired of eating vegetarian food, haven't you seen me lose weight? Change to meat."

   The system has always been the second in the second, Lin also didn't get entangled, and said: "The white rabbit opens the door."

   Then the door opened.

   Lin also entered the house and changed into a set of autumn clothes.

   Of course, long trousers have to be worn before going out.

   Now it feels less cold.

   looked out from the woods.

   In the garden of the villa, a gardener who looks about one meter nine meters tall and has a beard is pruning flowers and trees.

   In front of the villa, there is a teenage boy sitting on a bench.

   He is thin, pale, and coughs violently from time to time.

   In the eyes that should have been full of life, there was a bleak look like an old man.

   The clothes on his body are not like modern clothes, but rather like clothes that were popular abroad more than 100 years ago.

   Lin also knows that now should be the time set when the movie "Wolverine" started, in 1845.

   This is northern Canada.

  The villa in front of you is the home of Wolverine when he was a child.

   And the little boy in front of him is the baby Wolverine: James Hollett.

   At this time, he has not yet demonstrated the ability of a mutant.

   But just tonight, when a big event happens, he will give birth to bone claws.

   Lin also appeared in the woods, so it did not attract the attention of these two people.

   Lin also asked the system in his mind: "System, if you complete this mission, how many evolution points will you get?"

The system replied: "In this movie, Wolverine had two adventures. The first time was the night when he gave birth to bone claws for the first time in his life; the second time was when he was injected with Edman alloy and the bone claws became steel claws. Time. The difficulty of these two adventures is different, and the evolution points obtained are also different. If it is the first adventure, you will get 30 evolution points; in the second adventure, you will get 50 evolution points."

   Knowing this, Lin Yi immediately made up his mind and put the entry point of this adventure to the second one.

   The second adventure is obviously much harder than the first one, and naturally there are more evolution points.

   But this way, he will spend much longer in the plane of Wolverine.

How long is   ?

   more than one hundred and twenty years!

   Speaking of this, I have to mention one of Lin Yi's characteristics in the film and television plane.

   Because it was 00:00 when he entered the film and television plane, when he returned to the real world, the time was still 00:00.

   Time is equivalent to never passing.

   Therefore, his body will not age in the film plane. For example, ten years later in the movie, he will still be what he is now; in the movie a hundred or even a thousand years later, he will still be what he is now.

   This is awesome.

   More than one hundred and twenty years, it doesn’t matter, you can wait.

   And in these one hundred and twenty years, I have just traveled around the world and witnessed various histories.

   will come back to reality in the future, and it will be useful when bragging.

   But Lin Yi still plans to meet Wolverine first, so as to lay a solid foundation for seeing him in the future.

   Lin also walked out of the forest and walked straight to the little boy.

   The little boy kept staring at Lin from far to near.

   When he got close, Lin Yi greeted the boy generously: "Hello, little Logan."

  A blast of autumn wind blew, the little boy tightened his coat tightly, coughed twice, raised his head, and said, "My last name is not Logan, my last name is Hollett."

   He pointed to the gardener who had rushed over here: "His name is Logan, and his son is also named Logan."

   Lin also recalled the plot of the movie and said with a smile: "Tonight, your surname will be Logan."

   The little boy looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, coughed a few times, and said, "My father's last name is my surname, why would I be the gardener?"

   The gardener had already rushed to Lin Yi at this time, and seeing that Lin Yi was a stranger, he was wearing very strange clothes.

   He said slightly hostilely: "Who are you? What are you doing here at Hollet Manor?"

   Lin also looked at the gardener and said confidently: "Mr. Logan, don't speak so aggressively."

The gardener looked Lin Yi up and down a few times and said, "This is Hollett Manor. No one is allowed to come near. I think you look strangely dressed, either a thief or a robber. Come on. Get out of Lao Tzu, or Lao Tzu's scissors will not recognize strangers."

   said and cut his big scissors twice.

   Lin Yi smiled lightly and said, "If you want to kill me, you'd better do it now. Otherwise, after tonight, you will never have a chance again."

   The gardener heard Lin Yi's words and glared at Lin Yi: "What do you mean, you will kill me tonight?"

   Lin Yi still smiled faintly, and said: "I don't need to do it, someone else does it. Moreover, it is definitely someone you didn't expect."

   Turning his head while speaking, smiled and looked at Little Wolverine, James Hollett.

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