Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 117: Endemic reaction

IQ online people, will not be a brain fan, or a fan, but a discerning judge.

Kane's good show this time even some of the performances are too excessive!

This is so sharp that the wizard's upper limit of cognition has been breached, and some people have begun to question the claim that he is just the reincarnation of the ancient great witch.

Omnipotent, omnipotent, unique insights into the principles and essence of magic, can show up, just show the intimacy with the shadow, backhandedly flirted with the Holy Light, the elemental magic uses the wind and water, the magic system (HP wizard, strange (Doctor) The skill is also very good, this is the magic of the hand, all colors, all black and white ...

Magic period, I am afraid it is not enough to cultivate such a high-end big witch? Do you bully us less?

Furthermore, the ancient gods and the old masters who are hostile to each other unite to kill you. Can ordinary people be so valued by the gods? Are you mostly a demon mingled in the wizarding team?

This is the end of the performance, the wizards were scared to wake up.

Kane's grasp of people's hearts is still not old-fashioned.

Or, he is a little too worthy of the depth and breadth of thinking of these wizards.

Fairly speaking, this cannot blame him all.

Faced with this emergencies, he carried out crisis public relations, to minimize the negative harm as much as possible in a very short period of time, a series of affairs need to be resolved, it is inevitable to make mistakes in the busy.

After the incident he thought carefully. I feel that using himself as a model, it is not difficult to understand what kind of harm the future people from the parallel universe can cause.

The Prophet can give these traversers a lot of near absolute information advantages.

In addition to the welfare lottery jackpot numbers, who will win in the next World Cup, invent or invert something to make big money and other general information. There are functions similar to Corvinus' blood, the role and hiding place of the Holy Grail, such high-value extraordinary items that can be quickly started.

In addition, it is some important information.

For example, for the current wizards, the blood-blooded swarm, the magic industrial stronghold, and his true strength are still secrets.

But it's not for traversers. In the future, he has already been killed, and most of his cards are exhausted, and the battle is fierce.

So these traversers, even if they are the status of destroyers, are almost hostile to all the intelligent life in this world. But they can still discredit him relatively easily.

At 1,200 meters below the ground, Nozawa Garden is the fortress of the magic industry; there are more than 30,000 war insects in the training tank, including the Sigma Werewolf; the black hemp is planted deep in the Sahara; Is it Kane Shafick ...

As the so-called hole comes, it may not have no cause. After all, someone will choose to believe, because those people are willing to listen to and believe these secret stories and use them.

And these secrets are also very unexamined. One of them is confirmed, and more people will believe the rest, such as grouping to find the black hemp plantation in the depths of the Sahara Desert.

The large magic mirage set there is very sharp, but as long as there are many people, the probability of truth exposure is still very high.

And this kind of thing, the more obstacles are set, the more problems will be considered. Why do you have bad luck as soon as you come here? Why is the explorer missing, why is it always bad weather, there must be ghosts!

From doubting the letter, initiating curiosity, to stubborn to find out ... such a change of state of mind is very easy to appear, like a rebellious psychology, like a crazy person, the more the more reason.

What should I do?

Kane is actually far less calm and calm than what his appearance looks like.

However, as the captain and commander, calmness has become an instinct for him. Even if he wants to be an enemy to the world tomorrow, he should sleep tonight, and he must sleep well.

Moreover, Kane is also very clear that three people become tigers and all people are bullshit. People who love to watch and are willing to believe in the heights above are unlucky. As long as there is a so-called truth that seems to be said as a fulcrum, it can explode. Explosive!

Therefore, celebrity accidents are always easy to be chased and chased, regardless of whether there is **** under the bottom.

Has such a large background, the Shafick family and the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce, in fact, it is very easy to get public credibility in a wave of scandal exposure and hype.

Those who have been in the business of the Chamber of Commerce for the Devil's Eyes early in the morning will also take advantage of the opportunity to attack and justly complain about the abuses of dictatorship and monopoly. It means that certain technologies and industries should be in the hands of the people, and that they are the representatives of the people, in fact, they are shamelessly divided.

So what should I do?

From the root, he came to this world with the golden finger of the prophet's message.

Because he has other technical golden fingers, he has no repetitive maintenance history to repeat in accordance with the inherent script in order to obtain a longer time prophetic advantage, but to do things drastically, but now it is almost the same to say that the British wizarding world has been affected by him.

Now, the new traversal appears, the information gold finger is more fresh and hot. And also did not intend to secretly make a fortune, but used explosively. And they have nothing to do with bare feet, and he already has quite a wealth of shoes to wear.

How to keep your vested interests?

Kane felt that he had not experienced such an emergency situation like the mission world of the Vientiane Gate system for more than 10 years, and he became mentally retarded.

In addition, he had a deep sense of powerlessness that seemed to fall into fate.

He knew exactly where the source of melancholy really came from.

He longed for something that normal people and ordinary people can have. Peaceful, warm, rich, happy ...

He knows this desire, just like celebrities want to be public figures, focus everywhere, media darlings, and want to be quiet and peaceful, do n’t go everywhere, paparazzi, all kinds of out of context, angle shooting, and fabricated news , Consume yourself.

But he still hopes, and feels hopeful to get it. This is his ‘wake up to the world, drunken and lying on the knees of beauty. ’

But it didn't work, the reverse golden finger appeared, and he didn't have any temper.

Dumbledore was able to plot the case back in 1853, which was already an early warning.

This is equivalent to telling him that even if you forget the stalk of the HP World Time Converter, you should think about it. Those delicate and convenient gadgets that can indeed modify history must be the source. Some people study related technologies and Only after considerable achievements can it be invented, and what is its source of strength? Where did it come from?

The HP mainline can ignore these, you ca n’t, because you live in this world, not limited to the narrow Hogwarts, not to mention that your ambition is so big, you must reach the tentacles of power to every corner of the world. How can there be no resistance? How can it not touch the power of those with vested interests?

Do you think you have a secret, this world does not? You can come to this world instead of other worlds, this is the big secret in itself, you do n’t have to worry about these, just wait for the ‘very sudden’ face!

Then hit the face and it really appeared. The reason why it can appear even has a close relationship with him.

In the future, it is he who has completed the rescue of the already wizarding world of the sunset and brought it back to life, and many dust-covered technologies have been used to find ways, including some that are easy to cause harm, such as the sand of time.

Since there is this thing, and it has the technical conditions for use, is it accidentally used?

So dug ‘old shit’ and let the HP wizard system, a metaphysical and dangerous supernatural force, re-operate, is it a grand concept and a long operating cycle?

Can count!

As the sentence said: "Some secrets ~ ~ suitable for being buried."

He said something similar when he pretended, but ... one of the ironies in this world is probably that he used his forefoot to pretend to others and turned back to be beaten by similar things.

You yelled to move forward, you opened the Pandora's Box. how? Take advantage of it, but do n’t want to recognize the disadvantages? What about your IQ? What about your consciousness?

After introspection, Kane felt that he should answer that sentence: what caused it, and what caused it to fail in the end.

In this way, he succeeded, attracted a lot of attention, and shined brilliantly because of advancement; defeated, he must not be safe and pushed against the wall, but also because of advancement. He jumped out of the pit of the world of Vientiane Gate, but he couldn't jump out of the pit of his personality and desire-desire.

And there is a very interesting thing here, like the reaction force of force, the faster, the more eager to achieve success, the reaction force is also huge and comes quickly.

It was only a few years now that he was up in the wind and his face was quickly put in place. He estimated that if he took a bigger step, he would not just lick his eggs. Without the future people coming back to face his face, the modern newspaper would trigger a huge rebound and thus evolve into a war.

Hit, hit, hit!

Once entering this stage, the catwalk with a good swimsuit turned into a celestial catwalk, directly changing from artistic behavior to vulgar behavior. It was lively, looking back and thinking, boring.

Violence is the same, tearing the face is really ugly, without entertainment, it is doing its best, there is no image at all, and no matter how victory or defeat will not be happy, killing is not a happy thing, never , Of course, except for those with SM tendencies.

"Difficult, because there are concerns, am I destined to be a demolition, wherever I go, I will bring the disaster to where I have to smash the whole world?"

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