Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 214: Calmly end

It ’s a man who lasts five minutes!

The female man Laura did it. Under Fran's mad attack at no cost, she became a Taishan for five minutes, using a super mountain knife to cut the birth path again and again among the numerous **** thorns.

Of course, she didn't try to escape as much as possible. She was still attacked several times, but her defense was not low. As long as she was not caught in a fire or hit frequently, it would not be a problem.

Fran was so angry that in the face of the facts, it had to admit that Laura deservedly evolved from a monkey.

At this time, it still failed to realize that the crisis was approaching.

It proudly believes that a mortal cannot treat it.

At the same time, it gradually calmed down, realizing that it was not cost-effective to waste time and power on Laura.

In the outer battlefield, the **** heirs (thorns like hairballs) have been swept away.

In its sense, the Wugu Temple is also in a disadvantageous situation. Indeed, Hank is already attacking the thorn nest, and once the nest is destroyed, the **** heir will die one by one.

In this case, Laura actually flipped in the air and threw it at it.

"Ravage!" Fran's newly restored reason was replaced by anger again.

The **** hair was full of energy, turned into a large handful of spears, and greeted Laura. At that moment, Fran was like a hedgehog.

Fran is even ready to play with his hands, his palms are charged, and the scarlet lightsaber is condensed. If Laura thinks that this counterattack is a loophole, he uses spells or artifacts to flash behind it to attack, and it lets him know what it is Strangle.

However, Laura Sheyi was difficult, and just hit the blood-spearing spear.

Of course, it was not a simple impact, but a long whip of the dragon's ridge twitched, forming a spiral blade circle, trying to sever the blood.

Fran sneered at the matter. Isn't his blood hair comparable to **** thorns?

The facts also seem to prove this. When Mars lased and the light burst, Laura ’s operation was as if the iron chain swayed at high speed encountered a steel bar. The sound and light effect was there, but it could not be twisted!

Seeing that Laura was about to pounce on the blood-spear spear clusters, he was pierced into a sieve, and suddenly changed direction, from the previous oblique down, to a straight fall.

It turned out that Laura's other hand's universal lasso hooked the ground and pulled down violently to end the glide dive.

"Okay, you are deceitful! But dare to enter the blood-haired area, you are still dead!"

Fran is quite confident in its blood hair, but this hair is more flexible and quicker than its fingers, directly controlled by the mind, unlike the body, because the fusion is not ended, and the reflection arc is slightly longer.

Just wanted to control the blood to send Laura a ruthless, a strange energy conducted down the hair.

This was the speed of light, and Fran had already made a move when he noticed it.

"What is this? This is ... no!"

Laura asked Fran to teach what is true blasphemy.

From the moment Kane killed Yuna Percival in a mausoleum somewhere, an eye on the dragon's cane began to absorb the power of filth.

Kane also called this energy as the source of evil, a negative energy polymer that black stars are unable to transform.

The filthy gem on the Dragonridge Cane later absorbed the evil source that the dark priest could not digest. Now, a brain is given to Fran.

This is called blasphemy. It can be said that since the establishment of London, hundreds of years of dirty sewage collections have not been so dirty. Of course, in fact, it is not dirty in the ordinary sense at all, but all malicious to life.

After suffering this malicious attack, Fran decayed and decayed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The Lord of Bloody Thorns escaped from Pamela's body not long ago, and took Chevrolet. If he fled again at this moment, he would completely lose everything, and Laura could put it to death.

In desperation, it can only resist the erosion of the source of evil.

The power of the divine power to neutralize the origin of evil, including the **** heir lair in the Wugu Temple, as well as a large number of **** heirs still alive, have become objects of energy intake and are supplied in reverse.

In the ancient temple, Hank, who was already destroying the nest, quickly decayed at the sight of **** thorns, completely lost his resistance, and his eyes were fast, pulling a heart-like magical thing woven from vines.

"No!" Fran wailed.

The heart of thorns is its energy treasure. Losing it at this time will make it worse!

In desperation, the blood became gray.

It can be said that 60% of its body is in this blood, but now it has to be destroyed by hand.

"Bi Chi! I want that Bi Chi to die!" It finally realized that it had no chance to escape, it had to pull back.

Laura said that there is a backer, Yuna Pacival Soul.

That's another longan gem on the dragon's cane.

The vicious soul that was completely mad, Laura gave it to Fran as a companion.

The vicious soul was forcibly deprived of the body by Kane, and regaining the body has become the biggest obsession, and it is crazy. When it enters Fran's body, it is found that the soul of the Lord of Bloody Thorns does not match the body.

"Mine, this is my body!" The vicious soul rushed to the Lord of Bloody Thorns in an explosive super performance. At this moment, it is comparable to Pamela. Of course, it is not love that makes it careless.

Fran, who was still resisting the origin of evil, was stirred up by the vicious soul, and immediately became a dumb young man with a stiff mechanical action.

Hank and Farley Road appeared together.

When Hank found Farley Road, Farley Road was solving the last thorny puppet that had structural problems due to Fran's reverse pumping.

Hank turned into a big claw, shattered the puppet directly, and then ran to this side.

Seeing Fran's stupid situation, Farley Road was a little ignorant, but Hank probably guessed the situation.

Immediately cast the seal of the people of light, sealed Fran in the energy crystal, and then the high-energy burst, burning the entire seventh floor.

In this way, the overflowing evil force can be consumed to a certain extent, and the other is to fully diffuse it. Otherwise, a little highly concentrated evil force will taste another kind of **** curse, which is very scary.

Hank looked at Laura: "Miss Crawford, do you want to witness its destruction?"

"No, for me, the business here is over and I will leave." Then he handed the Longji walking stick to Hank.

Hank took the cane with both hands and said to Laura: "I will encapsulate your belongings and bury them in the designated location of the Crawford Manor. What will be the secret today?"

Laura nodded and told the specific location of the burial object, then the sand of time was used, and the soul light and shadow soared away in a silver beam shot from the void.

After receiving the equipment such as the universal lasso and magic modified musket for Han Lak, Hank encapsulated it in a box of energy crystals, recruited a puppet, opened the space door leading to London, and sent his services.

Then he drew the circle and prayed to Maria.

Soon after, she contacted Maria and obtained the relevant knowledge, took out the heart of thorns, placed it on the energy crystal that sealed Fran, and operated the spell.

After a while, a crimson light oozed out of Fran's body and was absorbed by the heart of thorns, absorbing these forces. The heart of thorns, which had been somewhat damaged, gradually recovered.

After that, another black light overflowed from the heart of thorns, turned into a thick oil-like substance, passed through the energy crystal, and flowed into Fran's body.

‘Ka La La! ‘Fran suddenly glowed, the energy crystal cracked.

Then prepared Hank strengthened it and finally repaired the crack.

With a sigh of breath, Hank knew that this time, the Lord of Scarlet Thorns really couldn't get rid of it, its divine power had been completely evacuated, and the rest of the events would be destroyed in the attack of the vicious soul.

At this time, the commander of the war group informed him that a batch of valuable materials, fine gold, dense silver, precious stones and the like were collected in the Wugu Temple.

Hank personally checked it to avoid mixing in special objects such as 'Soul Stone' and let the soul of Evil God escape.

After confirming that there is no problem, the finishing work on the side of Scarlet Mountain Villa has also been completed.

After placing a large number of energy bombs in the Wugu Temple, the puppets of the Slaughter War Group evacuated in an orderly manner.

Under the specially set light door detection, the puppets passed the door in turn, and finally seventeen puppets failed the test.

Hank is no nonsense, directly transforming huge claws, tearing them all up and burning them.

Finally, the two carriages where Kane and his party came to Crimson Hills. Their existence ensured the reliability of the coordinates of the transmission and return. Now they are destroyed. The only way to go to the wilderness is the road of the Two Realms.

Looking back from the broken carriage, Hank said to Lincoln and Kennedy: "Well, from now on, until the destruction of the world comes, it is the welfare time of the three of us. The strange nature of the power of the Golden Apple can help We combed the body and repaired the hidden dangers caused by the radical transformation. "

Lincoln and Kennedy's wisdom is not good, it seems incomprehensible, Hank did not take it seriously, transferred energy, enveloped the three of them in a soft light.

The buildings on the surface of the Temple Mount are completely destroyed, but the Thunder Tower is alone. This tower is related to the Two Realms Hall. If there is no problem with the Two Realms Hall, it will be fine.

At the highest point of the Thunder Tower, Dumbledore said goodbye to White Raven. His return was different from Laura. He opened a black frame with a triangular door. Inside the door was a dark, matte deep.

As Dumbledore left, the triangle quickly shrank and disappeared into a little black light.

The white crow sat back again in the central seat of Yun Yun, waiting for the last moment to arrive.

In the almost dead land of wildness, there are actually souls. Someone was hiding in the cellar, waiting for the dawn, and some were standing on the Gobi-like ground, looking at the direction of the disappearing city of Kobello, at a loss ...

The floating temple, swallowing the Hasta cub born after the Valkyrie avatar failed.

The shrine was kept as compact and compact as possible by Alice, and the shell of the energy crystal was condensed on the outer layer. The invasion of the Hasta cub was discovered by Alice in time because of this shell.

In desperation, the Hasta cub rushed to the Temple Mountain Palace. It had sensed the approach of destruction and hoped that there would be opportunities for refuge there.

At 4:23 a.m. on a new day in the wild, the sky was still dark and dull, and suddenly a star appeared, and then quickly expanded, the breath was as large as the sun, hanging in the sky, illuminating the earth.

At Crimson Hills, Hank and Lincoln and Kennedy flew away into streamers. The last thing Hank took away was the information accumulated by Kane's deconstruction facilities for Scarlet Hills, Golden Apple, and even Wilderness.

Almost as soon as he left, the scarlet villa and the madness began to appear strange rise.

At first glance it looks like the rise of water vapor heat waves, but in essence it is the basic elements that make up the world are being pulled away.

From the perspective of the inhabitants of the wild, I saw that the sky is now empty, the sun is warm, and the Gobi world in front of me is getting brighter and brighter, until it is blind, and then I completely lost consciousness in the warm feeling.

From Alice's perspective, it sensed that the whole world was completely disintegrated, even finer than the powder.

If it is a scientific perspective, it is that a particular substance is drawn away by extraordinary power, and then everything is cracked and turned into scattered particles.

From the perspective of the time river, what I saw was a blister ‘Poof! 'It exploded completely, part of the water was dispersed, and most of the water returned to the river.

The blisters explode and the water returns. It is like a burst of water smashing into the calm water surface.

Alice's operation is to use this phenomenon, take the two world halls as nodes, and use the violent ups and downs of the collapse of the parallel world egg to complete the flip.

The madness was completely destroyed and separated from the main world. The Thunder Tower was destroyed. The white crow took the golden apple and disappeared with the seat of Junyun.

Alice ’s floating temple belongs to the main world and exists as a half plane in the newly formed space folds.

In order to protect the shrine ~ ~ Alice has tried her best, and now the whole shrine is in silence.

Surrounded by a black and black void, occasionally puncturing the void, like the light released through frosted glass, it indicates that the spatial structure here is not yet stable.

However, the most dangerous moments have passed, and there can be at least a few hundred years without major changes.

And Alice and his followers want to recover, it also takes a long time, even a little chance. For example, someone remembers Him and prays sincerely.

This situation was calculated by Kane early in the morning, and even intervened to contribute to this result, including giving only 6-star Golden Apple energy call rights and so on.

Existence can make an impact, he doesn't need Alice to be too active.

Deep in a sea cliff cave somewhere in northern Scotland, Hank, after checking the seal, lay in the stone cave, drank the potion, and slowly closed his eyes.

Every thirty years, his body will reflect the changes of ordinary people a year. "After 137 years, the owner will arrange for me to become a 91-year Hogwarts wizard apprentice, right?" He thought before losing consciousness.

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