Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 225: Dark green feast

Sirius took Kane into the monster canteen by mistake.

Uh, to be precise, it is not a mistake. It is a special way of opening, allowing them to participate in this extraordinary dinner party.

Sirius, who fell deeply into the monster's den, could no longer remain calm, and his hand holding the wand was shaking.

He tried it a while ago and has basically confirmed that Phantom Shift cannot be used here.

Dining monsters seem to be familiar to him like this, most of them glanced at their eyes, and turned their attention to Kane with a smile, and No. 8 and No. 13 without expression.

The hunger and thirst for hunting and feeding revealed in their eyes was frank and straightforward, like a beast. However, no monster really rushed to attack. This is obviously an invisible and powerful binding force at work.

In this context, characters with the characteristics of principals appeared.

"Welcome, welcome, being able to come to the banquet hall by yourself is our potential siblings."

Kane looked around, looking from the right.

From the perspective of the pattern here, the position of the four of them is equivalent to the corner of the professor seat in the Hogwarts Auditorium. The source of the sound is close to the location of Dumbledore ’s speech at each school opening ceremony. Campfire.

The campfire was dug a hole in the ground, then placed a cauldron-like brazier, and then added firewood and special fuel to ignite.

The bonfire is green, and the flying Mars is also green, like the taillights of fireflies, turning on and off for a long time before it is completely extinguished.

The campfire also produced blue smoke, and the sweet and greasy smell that floated in this huge hall was made of it, giving Kane the feeling of using incense.

Now, the flame rose sharply, and a tall humanoid formed inside.

This creature has the typical characteristics of a high-level deadwood druid. The bones are huge and deformed. Even ordinary people can easily distinguish the differences. This difference is reflected in every detail, such as the large and convex mandible, like a male staghorn. The dendritic skull is too long and has arm cones with bone cones at the elbows and so on.

Its skin is also very similar to tree bark, with thick, thick folds and cracks, while the joints and inner arms appear relatively soft and tender.

Only the obvious difference characteristics can make you understand that this is not a skin disease. Skin diseases will not be divided into calluses and tender meat according to the differences in parts.

Tall, thin, but tall and burly, this person is easily reminiscent of trees.

But what really caused Kane to pay attention was the flame on it.

The thick green flame burns in this person, there are different shades, the difference between prosperity and decline, just like wearing a flame shirt, decent and natural.

Elemental druids are extremely rare, and flame druids are particularly rare. Druids that can fully integrate flame with dead wood have never encountered so many worlds in his previous life.

And he felt a trace of divinity in this person.

"I'm Victor Cullen, this is Sirius Black, we thought of a few drinks at the refuge, and strayed into your place, I don't know what you call it?"

"I am Bloor? Helmet, the gatekeeper of the root of the dream. The four can come to the banquet hall by themselves. It is the guide of fate. Please follow me."

Sirius gave Kane a glance at the side, that means: the people and things here are evil, find a way to refuse it, don't mix it in.

Kane blinked at him, meaning 'I understand', but turned his head and said to the tree helmet: "Thank you for the warm hospitality of the tree helmet. To be honest, our curiosity is also aroused. We are willing to spend some Time to understand. "

The tree helmet smiled a little playfully, and then made a gesture of please.

Kane laughed too.

He laughed at the tree helmet with fear, and thought that cheating some of them here would amount to fat meat into the urn, and he was randomly cooked, but he did n’t know that he had kicked the iron plate. Maria had already taken the Secret Service team on the way to come How long will it take for him to understand what a mountain is outside the mountain.

Although the robe of flames was covered, the lower limbs of the tree helmet were very stiff and could still be clearly felt, as if steel bars were woven into the legs, and the body swayed from side to side while walking.

But its speed is not slow, Kane and they need to walk quickly to keep up.

Sirius is obviously very nervous and has a tendency to emotionally burst at any time. Kane reminded him with his eyes: you do n’t think it ’s the right thing to tear your face now?

Following the tree helmets, Kane came to the corner of the banquet hall at once, diagonally opposite their position when they entered the venue. Before, because I was far away, the light of the banquet hall was dim, and weird, so I didn't see the situation here. At this time, I discovered that it was not only the four of them, but more than 20 people joined together in a small circle. , Fidgeting in this corner.

When Sirius saw the same kind, the tension was obviously eased.

Kane frowned slightly, feeling that the situation was still moving in a direction he didn't want to see.

From the perspective of his experience and those with vested interests, the monsters that kill and eat people are not terrible. What is terrible is the organized and planned development of members' cults.

But the same is a cult, it will only talk about it, have a certain organizational and hands-on ability, have the skills and money to dare to play terror, and have extraordinary power. These are four grades, one is more harmful than one.

This time he encountered, I am afraid this is the last one. God knows how many followers the monsters have developed.

"Talk to these members, they can answer a lot of questions. I still have some affairs to deal with, and I will preside over the enrollment ceremony for you personally."

The helmet talked so self-consciously, ignoring whether Kane had listened to it, whether he wanted it, and left after a brief explanation.

Kane signaled that Sirius, who appeared to be restless, sat down first, and then re-introduced the self-introduction he had previously negotiated with the deer helmet.

Most of them were indifferently absent-minded. After looking at Kane with two or three eyes, they began to sit in a daze again.

There were just a few people who could read emotions from their eyes, and across from one of Kane ’s black guys, he patted the shoulders of the big man sitting on the bench, and said in a harsh tone: "You, get up and find a place sit."

Sirius stood up nervously again, his wand clenched.

He can sense the surging magical power of the big man, which means that the big man is not only strong, but also a caster. He guessed that the opponent was Animagus, and he was estimated to be a bear.

To his surprise, however, it seemed that the big, brutal man did not show the brutal and violent temperament as usual, but quietly, or in a trance, did as requested by Kane.

This situation puzzled Sirius, suppressing negative emotions, and paying attention to the people present, and then he discovered that these people had been foolishly silly.

Kane occupies a large seat and pushes the tableware on the table aside, elbows on the table, and the black man across from him says: "Chat?"

The black guy covered his mouth and nose with his collar, and gave Kane a sullen look. That means: I'm bothered. I'm not in a mood to talk to you.

Kane smiled and drew two objects out of his pocket, one was a metal-detection anti-metal detection palm thunder pistol made of ceramic material, and the other was a cigarette case.

I saw him open the cigarette case, pick up two polished ivory-like ceramic bullets, and put them into the barrel of the palm thunder, and then reset the gun like a two-pass shotgun, aiming at the black guy. .

The black guy looked angry and lowered his voice and scolded: "You bastard, what do you want? Kill me? Just because I refuse to talk to you? I don't owe you anything."

'boom! Kane fired directly, but the target was not a black guy, but a middle-aged woman who still lived beside him.

The gunshots are not loud. In the noisy hall of the hundreds of monsters, it is not prominent, and you will miss it if you are not careful.

The power is not small, the middle-aged woman has more eyes in the forehead intermediary, and the bullet is also drilled from the back skull.

The effect of the bullet strike is often the front hole and the back hole. Like this time, the front hole is slightly larger than the head of the chopsticks, but the back is the size of a table tennis ball.

The black guy shook his body in shock, and then saw the dark green thick juice flowing from the hole behind the front hole. It looked disgusting and smelled terrible. It was very close to the sewer. .

At this time, Kane Kane said: "It is useless to cover the nose and mouth. The main effect comes from the radiation-like force field. The tiny odor particles in the air are for the purpose of allowing the radiation force to spread better."

He pointed to the light source, the wall lamp brazier, and the chandelier brazier in the banquet hall. It was not green, but the Mars flying out of it was the same as the Mars flying out of the big bonfire he saw before.

The black guy looked at his side and didn't fall over. Instead, he was still sitting there so stupefied, blinking his eyes from time to time, and letting the middle-aged woman with thick smelly juice flowing on her face was startled, angry and sick.

Then he looked at the lighting lamp again and twisted his eyebrows to ask Kane: "Can you understand the layout here?"

"Don't waste time, tell me what you know, so that I can speed up the analysis, and then I can escape from the conversation."

The black guy sneered: "Escape? Why should I escape? I'm just worried that I won't pass the test. It's the same as her." He pointed to the middle-aged woman who had a hole in Kane's head.

"My patience is limited." Kane's voice became cold, his eyes coldly raised his gun and aimed at the black guy's forehead.

"OK, OK, I didn't tell you not to tell you, really, here it is!"

In fact, the black guy Kam knows very little:

Today, most of the people present here are familiar faces who will go to the refuge for a few drinks. Of course, this is a pretty pleasant statement. In fact, it means alcoholism, alcoholism, indulgence, and excitement.

In the refuge, someone secretly provided a special medicine, Dream Dream Potion. It is said that the main ingredient is the rough extract of black hemp, the effect is comparable to the magic tears, but the price is at least two-thirds cheaper.

Cam said that these familiar faces all have the habit of using sweet dream potions.

Cam also said that he is different from them because he knows that cheap is not good, sweet dream potions will inevitably have very bad side effects, so he will use magic tears to quit.

As for how to get to this banquet hall ~ ~ is very similar to Kane and his party, originally had to go to the refuge, and as a result stepped in, came here. He didn't say exactly how long he stayed. It was estimated that there were at least 30 hours. During this period, these decapitated, scaled and armored monsters have been eating and drinking here as if they were having an endless banquet.

"Actually, you don't have to pay attention to these monsters. They are tied to their seats and cannot leave the seat. At least not before the banquet. You should pay attention to how to pass the test. This is a rare opportunity. The cost of failure is also very high. "

Kam pointed to those who were in a daze. Another said: "The mentor told us before that if it fails, although it will not die, its IQ will be damaged and it can only be a slave."

Kane grinned and asked, "How can I see the instructor?"

"It's always here, be patient, you will see."

In a word, Kane realized that this Came was only relatively active in thinking, and formed a strong contrast with the stupid, but not without problems.

At this moment, he received Maria's secret message, and the secret service arrived ...

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