Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 241: Awareness of becoming a chess player

The door to **** opens the crisis.

From different angles, the feelings and views on this incident are different.

The French are naturally the most nervous. The average depth of the capital of the dead is 23 meters underground. In general, its impact on Paris is actually very small.

Such things as evil and confusion are not happening one or two times here. The Ministry of Magic and the secular officials have their own set of regulations to deal with it. It ca n’t be said how good they are, but they can basically be stuck afterwards.

But this time is different, the door to **** is difficult to open, and it is not easy to close it. Some experts even predict that it may form a super tiankeng!

Once that happens, the reputations of Paris that have been operating for many years, all the fashion capitals and romantic capitals, are all over. From here on, people will only think of the capital of the devil and the capital of the dead.

Paris, France, and even the world will suffer immeasurable losses.

What does the world have to do with the good understanding that Paris and France have suffered huge losses?

Because it will lead to an uproar in the world, materialism will be hit hard, which has a great impact on the secular ruler. The modern economy can be said to be built on a reputation system. People's credibility and confidence in the country is a very important value.

It is better to believe in the king (the ruling system) than to believe in the pope, to believe in science and technology than to believe in mystery, and to believe in the present world is not as good as the afterlife ...

If this is the case, those suppressed cattle, ghosts, and snakes will immediately follow, and then cause deeper and broader doubts, and even panic.

When the hearts of the people disperse, the team is not easy to bring. People will frustrate themselves, people have to prepare for the afterlife and the afterlife, people also want to arm themselves with mysterious knowledge and utensils to avoid unexplained death from mysterious events.

Demand has created the industry's needs and flourished, and various mysterious associations and churches will rise like spring rains.

If the mainstream of the world is this, people no longer eagerly pursue a better material life, but feel that they almost go to pray to God, then the development of productivity will slow down in minutes, and the value of various common creations (wealth) will All the way down.

In this context, the most injured are the capitalists. The market has shrunk, the value of wealth itself has shrunk, and the power based on the ability to control and produce wealth has shrunk.

Therefore, they are the supporters of the monarchy, the supporters of the materialism, and the supporters of the supremacy of science and technology.

The wizards are also reluctant to see the door of **** open, which will lead to the exposure of the extraordinary world. They are not ready to come to the world, and exposure will only cheapen the Holy See.

Of course, this preparation may never be done well.

Compared with ordinary people, the wizards have an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. In the words of a certain Muggle wizard who self-deprecated: "Even if all the wizards are smart officials, the total number is not enough after taking over the role of ruler. Let the human world function normally. "

Sorcerers are rooted in the large population base of the world, and the main sources of population are mud and hybrid races.

The economy and culture of wizards are also heavily influenced by secularism.

This leads to the collapse of the secular world and the extraordinary world will not have a good life. This argument has not only been proved by history, but also by the ongoing wars. The extraordinary existence like Iraq, now most of them have taken refuge in foreign countries. Where is the world war?

The Holy See is also reluctant to expose the gates of hell.

The elder empire has long gone to the west, the inner hills are full of contradictions, the arms are loose, the hearts of the people are scattered, and the spirit of forging ahead is long gone. .

Now the people with lofty ideals in the Holy See have to admit that it is a great success to put this last 20-year period of magic low tide past.

After 202 years, the first passage to heaven will be a smooth journey again. At that time, the Holy See people can justly say, do you want to go to heaven after death? I have a redemption voucher here, how many?

After that, there is naturally an opportunity to clean up the inside and outside and revitalize the syllabus.

This is also the reason why the Holy See opened one eye to Kane and closed one eye. They knew that the last 20 years were not easy, and the monsters and monsters would definitely jump out of business.

It is good for Kane to pull hatred and kill the ox, ghost and snake gods efficiently. This is good. At least in the sense of maintaining stability and peace, the goals of the two sides are the same, and Kane's forces have become a climate that they cannot easily grasp.

When a new force rises and has the power to divide the cake, it must also bear responsibility. And as a latecomer, they also need to show real achievements to ensure their own power qualifications and specific projects for the division of interests.

The International Federation of Magic and even the Holy See all disclosed information to Kane this time. If Keanken contributed, they would make concessions in some operations.

Specifically, it is naturally the operation of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce.

Since the Great Lakes incident, the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce has begun to suffer from invisible resistance, which is no longer the work of those pure blood dignitaries who tried to divide the wealth of the Shafick family in the early days.

They are not so powerful, and they are limited to the United Kingdom, not to mention that they have been defeated.

The pressure on the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce comes mainly from foreign countries, such as project approval or something.

Again, there is insufficient success and more than failure.

These old institutions, Kane is not afraid, but also admits that they have the ability to hold back.

The sale of the hemp industry is to keep the normal development of several industries operated by the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce. After all, for him, the luxury goods industry has never been the most important, and the basic industry, which is based on clothing, food, housing and housing, is important. ..

He needs these industries to train qualified teams for him to prepare for industrial upgrading, otherwise it will not take a few years, and his technical system will be dragged down due to unqualified basic materials or low output.

Until now, the attention of all the big brothers has been firmly attracted to the profitability of the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is improving the mining and processing of raw materials, and the manufacture of new materials is the focus.

It is precisely because of these calculations behind the scenes that Kane ’s actions will have the rhythm of the present: when the battle is fought bravely, and when the rest is taken, he will take a serious rest and will not succeed.

There are four regions in the capital of the undead, and he has already won one, no matter from the impact on the overall situation, or the specific record, it is enough to make a difference.

Still asking for more? Then you have to take the dry goods, even if you flicker.

Kane had enjoyed the steam bath in the temporary shower room, and after this massage, the fatigue was almost discharged.

As for the overall situation of the capital of the undead, the military staff of the city of Mozobly also deduced the calculation.

The current main members of the staff are basically elven vampires, and their specialty is military staff.

Through the existing information and careful calculation and deduction, some concepts are already clear.

For example, due to the closure of Montmartre, it is estimated that it will take hours to fully open Hell ’s Gate, and if it is taken down within another 8 hours, the opening time will be extended to one week. Bear the weight.

Or, if he now conducts an energy extraction operation similar to the Montmartre area on the area that has been cleaned by himself, it can also produce good results, delaying the opening of the door at least 24 hours.

Kane still trusts the professional skills of his staff, so he is not in a hurry, waiting for more political promises to be made.

Since the Great Lakes incident caused him to end dormancy earlier and Qianlong came out of the abyss, he began to use his actual abilities to tell the powers that he was a chess player.

As the leader of a newly rising force, he is indeed no less than those of the veteran forces. He sits firmly in the hall and slams Fang Qi. Many of his projects have not been on the track and need to run around personally. It can no longer be driven casually.

As a result, representatives of various forces did not come, but Dumbledore came.

This is disgusting, and even suspected of beating.

To say that Dumbledore really pointed to a face. As soon as he arrived, the subtext was: You have to sell me a love face.

Kane said, "Look, maybe this one is still alive, and take me as a Hogwarts teacher or even a student."

Kane believes that too many people are ‘the more capable, the greater the responsibility. This sentence is lame.

Responsibility always corresponds to power, not ability.

Dumbledore belongs to someone who can listen to such words.

"What advice? Lord White Wizard."

Kane no longer calls the principal Dumbledore. The respect and humanity belonging to the principal have already been swept away by Dumbledore himself in 853.

He called it this, also reminded Dumbledore, don't take Hogwarts condom, it is self-inflicted.

Dumbledore also understands that since the 853 incident, his relationship with Kane has been freezing point, Kane is no longer the good-talking junior, talking about things is no problem, but the empty glove White Wolf, only a few beautiful words What the other party has to pay, can't do it already.

However, Dumbledore still had to try it. He went straight to the subject and said, "Kane, you need more help here."

Kane stood up and said to the masseur: "I need some private space."

Olim Maxim had to resign, and before leaving, he exchanged glances with Dumbledore.

Kane cast a noise barrier spell, and then said: "Before we talk about this issue, I want to know, is this your personal request, or will you talk to me on their behalf?"

Dumbledore asked, "What is the difference between the two?"

Kane doesn't like Dumbledore's twists and turns, is it really such an IQ? I do not understand? Obviously not, but just want him to speak out, so that he seems selfish and unreasonable.

Kane is too lazy to care about this kind of woman's play, and frankly said: "If you are persuading me to persuade me, I will inevitably refuse."

"You need to know that after the trial of the future people, in order to reduce the hostility and dissatisfaction of everyone, I even ceded the hemp planting industry. I shouldn't have been in the limelight, but I still came."

"Why? Because I think as the chief war wizard of Wiesengama, and at the same time an international businessman who has made the business global. I really have to take some responsibility and give back to the vast number of consumers who make me money."

"In order not to be in the limelight, would you rather watch the door of **** open?" Dumbledore's words were rushing.

Upon hearing this, Kane had no good words. He said: "I love peace and I hope everyone is happy. But this does not mean that I am willing to make public toilet paper and wipe my **** for all evil things."

"You might think that this is not my character, so I can sit on the floor and take advantage of the opportunity to threaten me. But I don't think so. Because humans are far from miserable to rely on me to solve problems."

"It's hard to say that human beings have survived many winds and rains so far. They don't need pampering or spoiling. Don't take yourself too seriously. Guardians, saviors, humans don't need miraculous salvation, but wake up. Save yourself. "

"You mean sacrificing a large number of people to fill this hole?" Dumbledore sneered.

Kane was stimulated again and again with extreme words, and he frowned: "Sir White Wizard, why do you always use extreme thinking to speculate on my thinking? You did not find your speech full of blackmail? "

"A total of four regions ~ ~ I took my own guard and won one independently. Do you still feel that I am not doing my best? What about other forces or individuals with power? Why do n’t you ask them, and I have to repeatedly charge me, do you think you are fair? "

Dumbledore's serious expression suddenly loosened and sighed: "I always thought that you have love in your heart."

Kane listened to goose bumps and said frankly: "It's not as much as you." The second half of the sentence was filled in my heart: "My own mother, and other people's mother, I only found that you still have this habit of pitting acquaintances. "

Thinking about Snape and Harry Potter in the original history line, Kane feels more and more reasonable.

About half an hour after the two broke up, Kane got the latest intelligence summary.

The more you look, the more you get angry, and you can't help but hum. If this information is used as a benchmark, then the previous progress reports will be very watery.

In other words, the staff ’s deduction has also been affected to a considerable extent. He estimated that it would be no more than six hours before the gate of **** opened ...

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