Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 360: Disturbing omen

When the patrol company arrived in Ansom, the people of Ansom were fighting the bugs.

But in Kane's view, this can only be said to be a fight, not a war.

Of course, the Anthem people are emotional, drinking and chasing, and chasing around. They have some equipment that the Federal Garrison has eliminated, CMC-400, fire fighting vehicles, vulture vehicles, armored transport vehicles, etc.

This equipment was originally eliminated by the garrison to the militia.

The Marsala ’s militiamen were once as treasured as they were, after all, much better than the tatters on their hands.

But the gray beard has risen. With each passing day, the equipment is quickly sold to the outside, it is cheap and good, and there is no need to pay cash. Whatever is necessary for the mineral mortgage.

So Marsala militia dress up. An infantry battalion can be armed in two hours, and two strengthening brigades a day. Against this background, the current Marsala Pakatan Rakyat, at least in terms of armed forces, especially light weapons, does not lose to the regular federal forces.

The worst equipment was destroyed long ago, and the rest was eliminated from the garrison. It was simply repaired and refurbished, and then thrown into the private market.

The Anselm obtained these equipment through private sales channels, which actually benefited from the emergence and sale of refuges. It is important to know that with the invasion of the worms, they are widely known by humans in the Copley Star District. In addition to the transportation market, arms The market is also very hot. If the refuge wants to make money, these refurbished equipment can be sold to other colonial stars.

In fact, there are a large number of orders for Asylum Fort, and the CMC-550 they manufacture is willing to be bought by the military. Of course, those who want to take a rebate from it will not buy it, and the price is too transparent.

In addition, there are certain markets for various types of weaponry in the refuge, but it is not very large. After all, those equipment have not been tested by the war.

After killing and driving away more than ten Zerg, the battle is over.

In the face of Kane and his party, the leader of Shirley Beth Ansum was very proud and reserved.

Liberty has a wealth of experience in the workplace. When he looks at each other's attitudes, he knows that most of this time he still can't talk, and he murmured: "I have seen this kind of style, one is more difficult than one."

Kane and Liberty thought of it together, so it was a formal tone, explaining the reasons and purpose of his party in a concise manner. The words were in place, but the feelings were not in place, and it felt that there was not much sincerity.

Shirley Bass and others naturally did not buy the bill, but they did not have any accidents to show their strength. After knowing that there were army reporters, they also showed their own ideas. In Kane ’s words: “It feels like a campaign speech by a member of the House of Representatives.”

Bess also said that they are not alone, and the International Green Cross Group has given them tangible support.

The Green Cross in Kolup Star District has many similarities with the Red Cross in the original world. It is widely recognized that the organization is related to this organization. The medical soldiers in the army have mostly received professional training in Green Cross.

The Green Cross, holding the banner of the medical team and caring for life, can basically kick the door of any human organization. After all, not many people will refuse the doctor, even if it is a black force.

But in fact, this organization is not clean, not even pure.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Everyone knows this, and needless to say. But the Green Cross people had already come to Ansom, but Kane didn't know, which made him question his intelligence system.

After a closer understanding, I realized that these volunteers came by car, not the aircraft, and Kane felt more relaxed.

He is most concerned about space orbits and the sky. The Pakatan Rakyat does not yet have the ability to make war patrols, which makes its air combat and space warfare capabilities relatively weak. If the Zerg launches operations from this angle, it will be difficult Too.

After leaving Ansom, Kane was still thinking about it.

It is gratifying that the Golden Fleet led by Tasada has reached an initial agreement with the human side, and the two parties work together to commit to the efficient but reasonable elimination of Zerg.

Like Chosala, Duke ’s nuclear bombing almost got the East, and the Golden Fleet smoothed out the worm ’s nest on the other side of the planet. It can be said that Chosala ’s Zerg has lost its foundation.

Nowadays, the forces of Protoss and Lyon Fox are fighting in a semi-training manner.

Mainly through actual combat to understand Zerg, but also to make officers and soldiers familiar with Zerg's arms and common tactics.

This is a process from meticulous to courageous operation. In a little more than a week, Protoss and humans have figured out a set of targeted strike methods, which are being further improved.

In the midst of the battle, Tasada expressed his willingness to drive the Golden Fleet to Marsala to help deworming.

This is even good news.

Xing Ling can better explore the position of the Zerg through Kaidalin Crystal. This kind of homology characteristic that both sides have received the training of Sarnagar technology can indeed be an advantage.

In Kane's view, Protoss occupying the sky is at least more advantageous than Zerg occupying the sky. As for the ground, he didn't dare to say how many dead worms died, at least he had the confidence to try a head-on attack and defense.

Leaving Ansom, the next stop is the backwater mine.

After the original historical line, the Mengsk Empire used this as a material transfer center for Marsala for a reason.

This is a canyon basin. For Marsala, which has many wildernesses and flat tops, there is very little such terrain like the Colorado Canyon.

Natural wind barrier, good habitat, and good water resources here, so the vegetation is lush.

But now, people find that the bridge connecting the outside world has been destroyed.

And there is a fungus blanket, which is a sloppy gray-black substance, like a slightly shaking silk, and like a pool of water wrinkled by the breeze.

However, if you adjust the shooting lens of the rotary-wing drone and look closely at the magnification, you will feel horrified or even disgusting. Under the silky reflection against the water, there seem to be countless blood vessels, and it seems that countless tapeworms are wriggling.

The rug is a complex of living organic matter. It is inaccurate to understand it as any kind of organism, and it should be regarded as an ecosystem.

If the earth's temperate natural environment ecosystem makes people feel comfortable, then the fungus blanket is a temperate natural environment ecosystem belonging to Zerg.

The area covered by the fungus blanket is the home field of the Zerg, on which they run fast, jump long, recover quickly, and are well-earned.

"Burn, pay attention to the tumor of the carpet!"

With Kane's order, purification operations began.

There is no need to go down at all, the rotor drones can complete the task with quality and quantity.

Hanging the flame cabin, four flame spray guns can spray plasma flame.

In this kind of flame that even the air is plasmaized, the fungus blanket directly ash, which is difficult to retain.

This is Kane ’s specially prepared quasar flame, which is simply the flame of the sun. Kane once joked about this: “Even if the worms made by Emon have certain traits of evil magic, this fire is still effective. . "

This is naturally because the original history line master and the brain worms can't die, so Kane is very dissatisfied.

Something must be killed with the power of the void.

The ruler was created in this universe, and the main material that constitutes its body comes from this universe. The power of this universe can't destroy its body? joke!

Even the body created by Thrarnaga in this universe can die, why does its creation master and brain worm override the laws of the universe?

If Emmon has the ability, he can promote the ruler to Sarnaga, and return to the void after death, but in this universe, neither the ruler nor Emmon, there is no immortality.

Kane was about to burn every part of the ruler at a stellar heat. He didn't believe that in this case, the ruler and those brain worms could still die and resurrect.

Because Kane pays great attention to anti-hidden, energy detectors and other equipment are very popular, and there are special drones to detect hidden, so there is nowhere to hide the tumor.

Of course, some tumors are cleverly set up, and they need to be cleaned manually in the gaps or gaps in the rock.

Although the gyroplane can provide a good air strike platform like a helicopter, there is really no good way to clean up the dead ends.

The artificial intelligence of the Arkham Guild is in the process of crazy learning and growth, but it is mainly manifested in the industrial field and the agricultural field. The only thing in the war is that the gray beard can collect actual combat data and conduct some technical verification.

Kane came to the SC universe, naturally with relevant combat experience, and can even be said to be very rich.

But if you think that you can lie on the experience book and slam the enemy, you are wrong.

As the saying goes, there is no easy truth. Just the power of the void that other universes do n’t have makes the SC universe have all kinds of peculiarities, and it ’s easy to suffer without revalidating experience.

Kane did not leave the militia to do the work like this now, but let the humanoids end. They have a famous hall called the mercenary reserve, which gives the impression that they are successfully fooled by the gray beard and willing to. The exploited fool.

As for why they were used, Kane thought so. First of all, they did their job with due diligence. Secondly, he did not want to give the militia an illusion. Fighting the worms was covering with strong firepower, and then the people went down to sweep the battlefield.

Perhaps the future Arkham Guild UAV army can play this way, but Grey Beard does not work. In terms of the characteristics of the technical system, the military-industrial integrated organization established by Grey Beard still plays the "people-oriented" set.

Although it is a bit disappointing, Kane himself has already verified in countless battlefields. Playing to advanced technology is all a situation where humans are asked to walk away. None of the middle and high-level commanders, let alone the grassroots commanders.

If human beings cannot evolve to a sharper level, for example, the deep development of the brain domain is 100%, and Shouyuan is over 1,000 years old. If this level cannot be reached, then humans are only suitable to be uncles and the ultimate commander, just as he has to do with his bloodworm colony.

Puppet, self-production, even if his uncle is unqualified, too long, too short deadly, always lose, the main loss is his own.

This is a facet of Kane's human nature, a reason to explain his plausible bottom line of goodness.

Of course, this aspect will not be reflected today. In fact, he went out to hunt for Zerg.

According to his guess, the Zerg has been quietly on the brink of several human shelters in Chen Bing Marsala. What does this mean? As far as the situation in front of it is concerned, it means that the stagnant water base has fallen without warning and assistance.

It ’s incredible. After all, all Marsala people know that Zerg will invade at any time. People in the base of the dead water will neglect their duties. There will always be a few people who are not so nervous, have IQ online, or who are enough to be afraid of death. Concerned about the situation around you? How could he still be beaten by a worm in the context of high vigilance, or at a base he knew well.

But Kane believes that this is entirely possible.

He and Liberty also bet 10 wafers for this.

Epistar is a token that is led by Grey Beard and mainly circulated in Marsala.

Although it is a token, people generally think that the credit value of Epistar is more reliable ~ ~ Epistar is a real currency. The human civilization in the Cosmopolitan area of ​​SC Universe, or including Zerg and Protoss, are inseparable Open it. Its rarity and value are as good as the gold of the earth age.

Liberty also drove his video report, this kind of betting is not once or twice, he wins and loses less, this time he thinks he can win.

Of course, the more important thing is that this little gambling can actively report the atmosphere, and Kane's gambling is not bad, and will not be annoyed by this, so this is really interesting, not playing in shows.

"I think you demonized the zerg. I admit that the defenders at the base of the backwaters are so fierce. But I don't admit that this is due to the ability of the zerg. I think the defenders made a major negligence."

Kane said: "I don't think the defenders made a big mistake. They were only defeated by the worm's coquettish move, strange tricks, and sharp skills."

"Okay, now the audience is aware of the difference in our views. Thank you for your 10 wafers."

Kane smiled: "You will soon know that 10 wafers won't be wronged." ...

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