Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 434: Looking for extraordinary natives

Extraordinary mode is turned on.

The first thing, Kane's detective touched the sky in front of him, and a strange darkness appeared, deep like the deep space of the universe.

It gives people the impression that from a distance it looks like a black cloud, dense black smoke or something, but when you look closely, you will find that it is a hole, like a hole directly leading to the deep space of the universe.

"Wow!" Tassada no longer knew how to express his emotions.

Prepared, but still shocked.

This is extraordinary, living nearly 400 years old, from a highly technologically advanced interstellar civilization, but has no clue about the phenomenon in front of it, can not understand, contrary to common sense.

Then I saw Kane took out some objects from within.


The monk collar has no sleeves and the front and back pieces are like a long hole in the center of a banner.

Tasada saw that the shirt had a rough work, the woven cloth pattern was not even at all, and there was no selvage. The edges were all thread spikes. The text or symbols were written with some kind of paint. In short, it is very abstract, there seems to be no rules and logic between each other, big and small, like children's graffiti.

"One item per person, I don't want to use it, but I'm still prepared. It is said that the crock is difficult to break away from the well. Since I have contacted this field, I will face it sooner or later. This is no, the thing has come!

Matching with the tabard, there is also a purple strap tied around the waist.

It must be said that whether it is used on the gray-bearded mercenaries or the Protoss, it can bring a strong contrast, just like the high-end leather jacket does not use a fur collar, but uses an old red Qiuku or green Qiuku as a scarf.

The Protoss also love beauty, but not long ago they promised to execute the order seriously, and now they can only pinch their noses to recognize it. What's more, Kane just exposed that hand in the hearts of the Protoss.

"Although the extraordinary field can't be explained by common sense, it also has its own statement." Kane explained: "I will focus on saying that the raw materials for the manufacture of this shirt are extraordinary, and the most technical value is these symbols. , Planetary text. It represents the figurative representation of the original text's law, which is second only to the laws of the universe. The roots of all phenomena within the planet will point to it. "

Tasada and other protagonists listened for a while, really metaphysical, really mysterious? A high-ranking templar warped: "In human parlance, there are four forces in the universe, and the planet is manifested. Could they represent them?"

"It depends on how you understand it." Kane said, reaching out to draw a symbol on the shirt on his chest, saying in Chinese: "Holy!"

The tabard immediately changed from dwarf and poor to tall, and the stale cloth in yellow through white reveals the light of holy white, and the symbols circulate golden light.

The combination of the two immediately overflows the sun-like light and heat, which is extremely comfortable, just like the kind soaked in warm water, so that the protoss can also feel it.

Tasada blurted: "Solar Forge!"

The solar furnace of the Spear of Arden, that is, the artificial sun fueled by rare substances, can emit similar energy.

Xingling's physiological structure is special. Under normal circumstances, they cannot experience the warm and comfortable feeling of the sun shining on them like humans.

But the special brilliance of the solar furnace can achieve this effect.

Now, the power of the Holy Light that Kane insists on is also possible, or even more so.

Kane said: "From the perspective of metaphysics, human beings are called sunlight creatures. They are positive, and they are the sons of the sun. From the perspective of metaphysics, light is the essence bred in the dark, and it is the manifestation of the extreme contradiction. Therefore, in the ultimate darkness, This is the best place for these objects to retain their extraordinary characteristics. For dark evil, they are sacred objects that can be resisted. "

"Now, let go of your mind and body, accept this power, and this is the symbol of activation." Kane said again.

In fact, it is the symbol of Dr. Manhattan in the watchman, the hydrogen atom structure diagram, a nucleus, an electron, and the trajectory of electrons around the nucleus. Kane gave it another meaning, that is, the relationship between the sun and the blue earth.

Tasada was the first to try to succeed. The powerful spirit can make his perception very sharp. He clearly felt that an unspeakable vigorous positive force poured into his body, with the inherent strength Fusion, but independent existence.

To understand in game terms, in addition to the red and blue bars, the Tassada now has more purple bars. It is a collection of red and blue bars, and it can be transformed into any one.

"This is extraordinary power?"

Kane nodded, "It's true, extraordinary powers also have levels of energy levels. What you are now equipped with is called yang power, or light power, which is mainly used to resist negative superpowers. You didn't feel this Is it filled with cold psionic energy? That is the negative emotion, stimulating the negative transcendent power, and the residual force of the negative transcendent strike. "

'call! call! call! ’

Not all Protoss have the same level of psionic control as Tassada. Most Protoss have different degrees of overflow.

When this kind of power is sprayed like a fire, it will make a whistling sound when it rubs against the air. It looks like a pillar of flame light, which is very beautiful.

This is an advantage of the Protoss. It is inherently very powerful, almost a quasi-caster, and the only difference is the technology.

Against this background, it is not surprising that Aranak and his like developed psionic skills similar to spells.

Now, Kane uses extraordinary things to open the door to these protoss.

It's just that this dark HP world where the universe is lower than the magic wave is pitting, and it is very unfriendly to extraordinary people. But the Protoss is indigenous, and has a very high affinity with the power of the void. If you work hard, you can develop your own magic.

Like Nelasin, it can be understood as a way out. Of course, their ideas are still heavily influenced by the science and technology system, not magical enough or extraordinary.

"These extraordinary items cannot be nourished in the real world and will continue to be consumed. We have to speed up our actions."

Tasada nodded, greeted himself, and awakened them from a state of shock and curiosity, ready for action.

Then I saw Kane's wrist turned, and a golden light butterfly appeared. It flew around in the air for a while, continuously dropping the golden light spot, and the light on his body gradually became dim.

Then, it began to fly in one direction. The more it flew, the more light it filled.

This is to engulf the remaining supernatural power of the target, survival is its instinct, and this instinct guides the direction of Kane and his party.

"Okay, let's go."

Tasada didn't say much. Seeing that Kane was on the battlefield lightly, he didn't bring any heavy weapons. He also allowed the Protoss to learn something. Fanatics and high-level Templars formed the mainstream of the team.

There are more than a hundred people on each side, not to mention a few, and they follow a strange light butterfly through the jungle.

As I said before, the titanium wind has the style of Pandora. Especially in these years, the expanding sun has sent more light and heat to the planet. The world has all the characteristics of tropical rain forests. At night, it is a world of cold light plants and colorful. Gorgeous, that kind of gorgeousness is not enough to describe in any language.

Perhaps this team is large in number and extraordinary in appearance, and you haven't seen anything that is not eye-opening along the way. The beast jumped out and harassed.

But after a long walk, the situation becomes different.

A misty, purple glowing mist reflected everything into blue and purple.

"Is this ... hydrogen in the form of state? Observers have not discovered their existence at all."

Kane snorted: "It's normal to hide with extraordinary power."

Then a fierce beast jumped out and attacked people.

Of course, it is okay to say that they are monsters. These creatures are very bloodthirsty, like crazy dogs, full of wildness like wild boars. Even if they are heavily wounded, they still howling and rushing to play their lives.

Unfortunately, they are not opponents of the action team armed to the teeth, especially they do not understand cooperation at all, but they fight alone. People even see them attacking and biting each other, but the action team seems to have more natural to them. High hate value, so once you see it, you will rush to attack.

Tasada is relatively familiar with this situation. A small amount of hydrogen ingestion can make the Protoss feel illusory and dreamy. The concentration of hydrogen in this state is so high, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts are conceived. Not surprisingly, these beasts have been driven crazy.

"More than that, some people have used extraordinary power to cause this situation, or to put it another way, this person has an attack effect like carrying a force field, and once it is turned on, it will cause such an impact."

To put it bluntly, it is a common aura effect in the game, but this persistence is very strong, like the plague aura of the Necromancer or the dark druid, where it can cause difficult wounds to the environment.

"I don't quite understand the other party's intention to do this." Tassadar naturally said that he hoped to distort the hydrogen environment, and some crazy animals could delay the tracking efficiency of the mobility. This is too negligible.

Kane smiled: "I'm afraid we won't be able to find it."

Tassada was silent. If it was really as Kane said, then it could not be called an underestimate. Instead, it should be said that the other party was full of confidence.

Kane is fearless, and he has seen many more unpredictable situations. It is useless to think about it. Although you have come all the way, I will go all the way. In the end, I will still have the strength to win and lose. The foreplay is shorter and less meaningful.

Soon, more brutal monsters appeared, this time real monsters, Zerg.

Tassada was still a little unsure, "are these ... Zerg?"

"The original Zerg, from the birthplace of Zerg, Zerris, is very far away."

Compared with larvae, primordial worms have the rough and wild characteristics of the naturally bred species. Unlike worms, they are very beasts alone. Compared with real beasts, they will find that worms are too delicate. The characteristics of killing weapons are higher than those of beasts.

Although there were a lot of primordial worms, they came in groups, but they still didn't cause much trouble to the action team, mainly because Kane shot.

After opening the extraordinary mode, he no longer maintains a certain consciousness of acting like the past, and avoids using extraordinary power to open Wushuang,

It's different now. At this moment, all the attacks he has had have been evolved by the Queen of Blades in Zerris, and please rely on the strength of the power imposed by Emmon on the Zerg.

The golden lightning jumped and flew between his palms, which is different from the high-level Templar warrior's psionic storm scene. The scene is magnificent, shocking, and Kane exerts force, giving people the feeling of being small.

But the more knowledgeable, the more control and admiration. The slender lightning, purple flame, hit by Kane's golden reesot, immediately burst into a purple flame, burning fly ash between breaths . And Rethor in Kane's hands is like a bottle in the hands of the juggler. He is always pouring, and there is always no shortage. Even if he shoots one at a time, he will have it again.

He alone, the killing efficiency can be comparable to everyone's shooting, and it is far more efficient than the fans who charge under the cover of high-level templars.

The original Zerg saw his own dead and wounded, unable to suppress the advance of Kane and his party, and chose to retreat. Their wisdom is also very high, although it looks like a beast, but the wisdom is enough to compare with humans.

Kane did not take care of them, and led the team to move forward, and then a misty mountain appeared in the action team's vision.

This mountain is not high, full of rock, with a crack in the middle, as if it was split by what power, and it has the current pattern.

"The first line of life! This pattern is really less. Both the sense of sight is full, but unfortunately there is no relevant memory."

"Almost!" Kane said to Tasada: "This is where the other party deliberately led us to ~ ~ The other party is on the other side of the rift. Guess where are we now?"

Tassada took out the holographic map and quickly pointed to a location.

"No, we are here now!" Kane moved the map and pointed to another place.

"Isn't it possible in the Arctic Circle? It's at least 2400 kilometers away from where we started."

Kane smiled: "From the discovery of a dense mist of hydrogen, we entered a special passage, especially walking, rather than shuttle."

"I didn't notice it at all."

"Well, I didn't find it at the beginning. The very clever means also showed that the other party had not stayed in Titanium for one or two days. This is his home court."

Tasada nodded. "This may be good news. The other party is not deliberately targeting us with a high probability."

Kane disagreed: "Maybe he did not deliberately target us, but deliberately target every outsider." ...

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