Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 469: Fly Camp is not as good as 1 punch

Human nature sometimes shows some very interesting phenomena.

For example, when there is little difference between the two, you will be jealous and compare.

After the difference was much larger, he stopped competing and refused to mention it, and occasionally mentioned that he would say something sour.

No matter how big the difference is, it feels necessary to maintain the emotional temperature. Inevitably in life, if Ma Gao stirrup is short, what if it is used?

The difference continues to widen, unwilling to provoke. Knowing that each other is a person who lives in almost two worlds, not playing together, why do you care about Zhang's dead person?

The difference is even bigger, Ma Moumou, that was my haircut. At that time, we had a bowl of instant noodles and rushed to this. I made small requests, such as helping me find a suitable job.

In the end, there is already a clear attachment psychology.

Amanda ’s change of mind did not experience such a rich level, but this is the trend.

If at first I just thought that Kane was in line with the image of a perfect man in my mind, I would like to have something ashamed. So now, it has become a relying on solving practical problems and flying directly from the mire to heaven.

If Kane knew at this time whether Amanda would live in heaven or hell, he would bet on him, it would be said slightly: "This is a woman."

After all, in his view, ‘without following him or being protected by him, he would live in hell. "A statement like this is just a possibility. And it is possible that the probability is not so high.

With Amanda's expertise, even if you meet a scum man, you can definitely deal with the days.

Because of his thinking, as early as the selection stage, he will endeavor to lay the foundation for his future life in terms of economy and interpersonal relationships.

Only those thoughts are not transparent enough, and the stubborn ones only talk about right and wrong. At the beginning, they are a lot of examples. What kind of Shu Xian I am, and how scumbag the other party is, I will live in pain.

Such women also tend to believe in ‘love’ too much and are easily moved by sweet words and certain behaviors.

Kane has never looked down on ‘love’, nor will he despise ‘love’. He just thinks that love can also be quantified. For most people, it is like money, it needs to be paid to obtain, and the demand is always more than the income.

When people talk about money, modern people always say that they must be economically savvy. What about ‘love’?

Amanda ’s ‘love’ is obviously no lack of economic mind, but Kane is not very concerned about these. His attention was basically on the "fist".

In recent days, his self-reinforcing progress has been remarkable, and he has completed the shaping of the energy network.

The energy context is a bit like the open veins of the Xianxia cultivation system. To put it plainly, it is superconducting, and it better responds to the operation of extraordinary energy.

Kane is currently shaping the first energy organ, the nucleus with the 'energy pump' effect.

The role of the core is comparable to that of an aircraft engine, which can greatly enhance the total energy output per unit time.

According to his estimate, it can be completed almost in the early morning hours.

This is already the third day of eastbound.

Along the way, it was more peaceful than expected. No robbers or monsters were encountered. Even occasionally encountering carnivorous beasts, they basically chose to leave after observing for a moment.

Since there is no foreign affairs, Amanda's jumping up and down becomes particularly prominent.

Amanda is really motivated. In the past two days, she has increasingly noticed that Kane ’s guards are indeed sturdy, walking and sitting are very decent. Following such a team, it feels like being invited to participate in the grand nobility. Like a picnic, it is very pleasant along the way.

Amanda is also full of vanity. She often imagines that an honor guard comparable to the Kingdom Champion Swordsmen Regiment + Palace Mage Regiment will stand guard for her, and she will help Kane's hand to get off the car and enjoy a nobility and a lot The attention of the people, she has a kind of satisfaction that is already comparable to the shame orgasm.

And she knows that as long as she can get a suitable position in Kane's family, what she thinks of is not a dream, but just waiting. At that time, even the queen and princess would have to please her.

She even thinks that since God arranged for her to meet Kane, it is a kind of grace, one of the most important two or three opportunities in a person's life.

Last time, she caught.

This time, she has to seize it, precisely to seize this opportunity.

She kept telling herself to control her emotions, to be reserved, and not to turn on the path of temptation, otherwise she would be taken lightly.

Amanda's thinking is right. Although Kane doesn't get off the bus during the day and night, he is by no means ignorant of the team. Every bodyguard can be his eyes to examine the outside world.

From these perspectives, although he sees a lot of small movements, Amanda can still be informed.

After taking a closer look, he even thought Amanda was very good.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't be too self-righteous, but talk to this woman who seems to be nympho. If she wants, it's not impossible to trade. I really need a female manager ..."

Kane's psychology and physiology are still healthy, he prefers to be served by a girl with a good appearance and soft appearance, rather than being served by the elders.

However, the service industry is a typical business that is easy to learn but difficult to learn. When it comes to managing the male servant, Simon barely meets his requirements, but the maid is lacking.

Need a maidservant?

No, it's better to be more involved, such as entertaining certain female guests, and actively contacting and communicating with certain women, not just housekeeping.

Kane had such an idea, an important reason is that he learned that in this world, although the world is male-respected, in the extraordinary field, but men and women palm half the sky, and even the trend of yin and yang.

Like the Holy Church, there are four saints and three are women. In the guards under their respective leadership, women also occupy a higher proportion of command positions, and the witch club, second only to the sacred church, is increasingly an all-female organization. Of course, part of it is transformed through transformation ceremonies, at least in meat Physically, very thoroughly.

The three major and five small kingdoms, the only major power that is not subject to sacred temperance, and the current monarchy of one of the two relatively free minor powers are also queens.

Although the power of that great country already resembled that of the British constitutional monarchy, the real power was in the hands of the cabinet, but like the Victorian Britain, the royal family also played a more important role.

As for that small country, the queen is really the queen.

With so many important positions held by women, Kane considers that she must interact with it in the future, and she feels that a reliable female officer may play a positive role.

It was just that before traveling, he had not thought that Amanda would be qualified for this job.

Mainly because his inherent cognition made him self-righteous.

He believes that most beautiful women are big-headed. It doesn't need to be too brainy, Jiamei's appearance can already bring her many advantages, and when the face is old, the habit has been developed, and it can't be changed basically.

When he was habitually observing the situation outside, he accidentally overheard a conversation between Amanda and Alizee.

This made him realize that Amanda was not only a widow with nympho, but a qualified lady.

In other words, Amanda did not simply adore him.

This is easy to say, his principle is not to hurt pure emotion as much as possible.

Conversely, if the other party's emotions are not pure, then he will not have much psychological burden and can deal with them in a more open state.

Just like this time, the early morning of the fourth day.

In the past three days, the team has walked more than 200 kilometers, which is very fast and efficient in this era.

Today, according to the original plan, it was time to say goodbye to the Baroness and Patriarch of Payton.

Amanda ’s travel name is provincial, and he wants to travel north.

And Kane's goal is to meet Alizee's mother, it needs to be difficult, and it is Southwest. In order to take care of Amanda, he has already crossed the road and sent an extra ride.

Kane, who has been digging in the carriage since the eastbound journey, appeared at breakfast. Amanda had no appetite.

One of the issues she has been entangled in recently is how to make a choice, whether to continue to be stalked, or to pretend to be, first to separate, and then find a reason to meet again.

She even hoped that Kane wouldn't show up at all, and then she followed the team cheeky and said that she saw Alizee as she had done before, so she went to see her hometown.

However, when Kane appeared, she had to make a choice. In the end, she decided to hold back, first of all, to implement the image of Shu Liang, who was not a slutty woman, and second, to chase the past, she would be more sincere.

However, when Amanda secretly brewed words and phrases in order to express his admirable heart as much as possible without hindering the decent confession, Kane chose to take the initiative.

"Amanda, after these days of observation, I found that you are eager to be my woman. Please answer me directly, is my perception right or wrong."

When Kane called "Amanda" directly, Amanda was shocked.

Kane had always called her "Baroness Payton" politely, and never called her by name.

The single-handed entry in the back made her blush. The question was too direct, especially Alizee.

However, at this time, Amanda realized what is called the choice of destiny, the desire to desire, suppressed the shyness, she lowered her head and said: "Yes, I want to be your woman."

"Even if you can't be accompanied by too much love, even if you want to abandon your past wealth and status, sacrifice some family and friendship, and face all the unusual risks, are you willing?"

Amanda raised his head and said in a reasonable tone: "That depends on what I will get."

Kane laughed: "Very well, you passed the test."

Kane's final test is whether he can be frank and honest.

Of course, the ability to judge is also tested.

At this time, responding frankly and honestly is the right choice in his opinion, and is really smart. Others are indecisive, ambiguous, silence is golden, infatuated, regardless of cost, etc., are all wrong.

The reward for passing the test is to send it directly to Amanda in a short distance. The detective ripped her clothes and smashed it, and then took her directly to the large and comfortable car. As she walked, she said to Alize: "You come too!"

Amanda didn't expect to get the result in such a way at all.

Kane mocked her plans in a brutal way.

When I said no, it was useless to calculate more.

When I say yes, then everything will enter a new stage.

Amanda soon became accustomed from surprise, her body changed from stiffness to softness, and then the pleasure, which was more wonderful than she expected.

She was married to an old man before, and it was difficult to even have fun, let alone experience the ultimate pleasure. This kind of thing, good physical strength is also very important ...

Kane not only led people to fly than to fly, but also made Amanda and Alizee realize their position.

They are not respected by their wives. When Kane needs it, they have to give it, they have to endure when they are unhappy, and they must have the consciousness to play with others.

In comparison, Amanda ’s decent is slightly inferior to Alizee, the first time in the carriage, and not one-on-one.

However, Amanda really can be said to go to bed, and the joy brought to Kane is not comparable to the young Alizee. The key is that the response given is more in place, with real character, and there is no lack of acting skills. It is natural, and makes men feel very accomplished.

So much so that in the morning, it was just a wave.

In the words of a scout who secretly followed the Kane team in a holy church, "One of the most tragic things that a man encounters is that another man indulges in pleasure after a wall, and he stands on his guard."

"My sad reminder at the time was a bit stronger than those of the Red Flag guards who were on guard. But at that time my tolerance was extremely high, because I was thinking 'no harm without contrast, and now I am in heaven, and the next step is to fall to hell. '”8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit every college

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