Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 516: Kane's layout

The Sador Bridge, arguably the first bridge in the Eastern Kingdom, is well-deserved in terms of scale and actual function.

The Black Iron Dwarf originally thought that the bridge could be completely destroyed. As a result, not only did it fail, the bridge was also repaired on the basis that the two bridges were destroyed during the Second Human-Beast War.

The Sador Bridge was originally a fortress, with a typical dwarven barracks on the pillars, which can be garrisoned.

In the north of the bridge, on the banks of Changshui Lake and east of the soft bridge, it was once a stronghold for the black iron dwarves. Today it has become a large outpost in Stromgarde, and the soft bridge has also become a permanent cement bridge.

After the restoration of the Sador Bridge, Stormgad further strengthened its control to ensure the safety of the Sador Strait. In the past two years, ships in the Fadier military port have been using this strait frequently, and no one wants to see the bomb rain or the bridge collapse when the boat comes over.

In addition to keeping the bridge, Stromgarde also helped the dwarf to retake Dan Mode.

Dummode is a dwarf barrier built against the mountains to the south and west of the Sador Bridge. It is the main guard of Qiaonan.

Stromgarde strengthened here, not only built trenches and high walls with thorns of cement piles, but also built two gun turrets, stuffed with long doubled cannons, specifically used to get the black iron dwarf steam tank And war golems.

Without heavy weapons, the Dark Iron Dwarves had to fill their trenches with their lives, and they thought it was a good deal.

Due to the need to supply Dan Mode from the dwarf kingdom across the entire wetland, and there are many threats along the way, Stromgarde and Ironforge reached an agreement to provide the Dan Mode dwarf with the industrial town of Garrin at the crossroads supply.

Nowadays, block-shaped concrete roads (which are less difficult to construct and at the same time prevent thermal expansion and contraction) have been repaired from the city of Garin to the Sador Bridge. The supply is very fast, and the reinforcements can also come very quickly.

Dummode is dominated by Sargas Anweimar, Motley Gamason and Lag Gamason brothers are his left and right hands, and the long beard and old Ibense often rely on their rich experience for Make suggestions.

With adequate supplies from the Kingdom of Stromgarde, their situation quickly improved.

And under the influence of Stromgarde, they also have more than a dozen paladins born successively (non-sacred temples directly under, all called paladins, not temple knights).

This time the Falcon Striker was mainly a dragon throat poacher who cleared the Wetlands in the Wetlands, and repaired Dan Orgaz, the southern portal of the wetlands connecting the town of Loch Modan.

As we all know, the title of wetland with the lungs of the planet is an important part of the global ecological environment.

Here is rich in products and beautiful scenery. But for the indigenous people of this world, it is too vast, there are few human traces, and mosquito breeding, even explorers are reluctant to enter the area.

The Dragonmaw Orcs are the remnants of the Second Orc War.

At the time, after the collapse of a tribal army united by tribes and ruled by chieftains, the orcs mostly fled under their tribes.

Ner'zhul took his first-degree relatives and evacuated first. Originally expected other tribes to share the firepower.

I never thought that Turalyon ’s military command style was very different from that of Lothar. He was bold and attentive. Taking advantage of the victory, he bit his Ner'zhul and pursued the world of Draenor.

The other tribes were breathing. After all, the military strength of the human side is limited.

Although the orcs still dominated the number of soldiers, the wolves lost their heads and made a mess.

The Dragonmaw clan is shrewd.

Thinking backwards, you are all scrambling to the south, trying to escape from the Burning Plains through the Redridge Mountains, the Swamp of Sorrows, to the Cursed Land, and back to the world of Draenor through the Dark Portal.

I leaned to the north, detoured through the dwarf troops to defend the weak Dunmore area, and entered the vast wetlands. At that time, even if hundreds of thousands of human beings were sent, it would be impossible to pull out the Dragonmaw tribe in the vast wetlands.

However, Dragonmaw made a big death, that is, using the artifact demon soul to control the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, and then let the dragon serve them.

This allowed them to occupy the mountain town of Segrimbato abandoned by the Wildhammer dwarves, and survived for a few years.

However, in this era of heroes, few people can see the world, the human mage Luo Ning, and his little partner, liberated the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza in 10 years of Warcraft.

Being humiliated by all kinds, the Red Dragon Queen who was a fertility machine was so angry that he led the Red Dragon Legion to hit the Dragonmaw clan, and then went to find the dead wings of the black hand behind the scenes.

The remnants of the Dragonmaw clan orcs have been recuperating and recovering in the Twilight Highlands all these years.

At first, they fled in the Grimbath fortress and some fled into the wetland.

Today, eight years later, the dragon-throated orcs who fled into the wetland, led by Nacrosh, gradually adapted to the environment here. They robbed on the Panhuan Mountain Road leading to Loch Modan, and from time to time the Verga excavation site For looting, I sometimes go to Menethil Harbor to show a sense of presence.

No one else knows, but Kane knows that the orcs have long planned to destroy Menethil Harbor.

The port of Menethil is very important for dwarves and alliances. Its northern part is the snow peak of Kazmodan. Although Kazmodan and the wetland are two different areas, they are actually closely linked.

Especially the dwarves like to fix the city in the mountains. There is a large area of ​​farmland below the snow line of the north foot of Kazmodan, connected by mountain passages.

The next big step is another terrace, which is also planted.

The dwarves originally wanted to dig mountains and build roads to open the gateway of Kazmodan directly to the wetland harbour, but successive years of internal and external battles caused this major plan to abort.

Therefore, from Kazmodan to Menethil Port, if the aircraft is not suitable, you can only go out of Kazmodan, first to Loch Modan, then go down Panhuan Mountain Road to Dan Orgaz, then go north and west Turning to the port of Menethil can be described as bypassing a large circle, which greatly affects the efficiency of freight transportation and has poor safety.

With the Second Human and Beast Wars, the wetlands and Lods Modan and Cards Modan are still in danger. The dwarves are tired of dealing with their evil cousin Black Iron Dwarf, and the long-time enemy of the stone palate.

Coupled with wild beasts such as jackals, swamp lurkers, violent elements, velociraptors, and dragon throat orcs, their lives are very difficult.

Stromgard is ready for the people to do it. Last time, he helped them regain their territories, and this time helped them settle down.

At the same time, this is also to train their own officers and soldiers in actual combat, and strive to build a strong army that can fight at least in combat awareness and tactical thinking before the Burning Legion invades.

So this time the soldiers sent out wetlands, using the method of training soldiers on a round basis.

Kane has the ideal to believe that with the overall advanced nature of the Falcon Legion, as long as they do n’t greedy the heroes, these wild monsters who rely on hunting for their livelihood are absolutely not opponents. Win.

Another reason why Kane opened this project was to avoid Lordaeron's help.

Due to the activity of the new tribe (led by the Hammer of Destruction, Thrall was only the default successor at this time), the hills of Bled hills are now being smoldered. (Blackmore trained the Thrall according to the slave commander , Not just a gladiator, Thrall got rid of the kind of orc war thinking, sports and other things are very smooth. The Hammer of Destruction has never been a smart leader who is good at speaking, listening to opinions, and adopting suggestions), human Officers and soldiers were fooled like silly boys, arriving late every time, eating **** ass, and being taught from time to time, very passive.

In fact, even if you switch to the Falcon Legion against the new tribe, it will not perform better than them.

The orcs are hunting nations, and are commanded by experienced tactical and strategic masters, as well as people who are familiar with how humans operate.

And it has been 12 years since the end of the second war between the Orcs and the Orcs. The Orcs have not turned their heads like Azeroth. Instead, they are now more familiar with the wilderness than humans, playing with such opponents. Sports warfare and hide and seek are basically looking for abuse.

But Tenaris was not an orc. In his eyes, the orc captive escaped. So many officers and soldiers couldn't figure it out. The more they were suppressed, the more they were arrested and more chaotic. Tired of running, he thought of Stromgarde.

Stromgarde's army is known as a strong army. In recent years, the Falcon Legion has become famous. Terenas, in the name of the alliance leader, sent a letter to mobilize the army to help the war.

Where is Kane willing to drain such muddy water?

In the period of experience, Thrall, the son of destiny, has a lot of luck.

More importantly, the current weakening of the new tribe is completely thankless.

There is a saying: Orcs will never be slaves.

This is not to say that the orcs can't really be enslaved. They all enslave the same kind themselves.

Orcs are never slaves, which means that the orcs' cultural traditions and lifestyles are destined to be full of resistance and violent tendencies. This is a kind of deep blood, inherited by genetics.

In the past few years, he has also done enough social experiments, using a series of management methods beyond this era, coaxing and fighting, and letting him have some place to vent his anger. Even so, the orcs are just barely able to be expelled.

He knew that this situation would not last for a few years. The orcs were full of restlessness. If they wanted their emotions to rise, they would have to take a wandering adventure. They would soon get bored and become indifferent.

There is only one situation that can change the attitude of the orcs, that is, aging. When they are over 40 years old and have not died in battle, they will gradually calm down, and their injuries will not allow them to take risks again, so stay at home. Find some livelihoods to sustain your livelihood.

Such characteristics make them unable to integrate into the human social system, at least for a short period of time, it will take a few generations to change it.

But that does n’t make much sense, the difference in cognition is too big, the dwarves can be divided into three, humans can become seven kingdoms, and there will be a gap between the orc clan, just like the days of the Chao Dynasty. The killing is the same, and the fighting can be more fierce than when fighting against other races.

So in his view, these orcs are either sent away or killed, and there is no better way to deal with them.

In the SC universe, Kane Zhao's great anthropomorphism is preparing to kill the insects and destroy the stars.

But in this world, Kane? Sun's split soul can only say: how productive, how bold. In this world, he has no way to kick kicks, killing the orcs, it is really easy to benefit from fishermen, such as the Burning Legion, such as the ancient god, and so on.

So he chose to send away.

According to the development trend of the forces he controls as always, within a few years, the orcs will become powerful enemies that can be used for business and driven by industrial creations, indirectly for their own use. Mercenary.

Now that such an idea has been made, it is naturally an early step forward ~ ~ When the truth becomes clear in the future, the orcs have to admit that they owe him a big favor.

Based on the cultural customs of the orcs, this human relationship cannot be measured by money.

Of course Kane does n’t think it ’s so mysterious, but it ’s still good to be able to make the future tribe a dumping place for Stromgarde ’s industrial products through the use of human relations.

Speaking of which, we have to mention the foundation of the birth of the industry, and market demand is the foundation of the birth. The Europeans of the original world used their sea ships to connect markets in countries far away from thousands of miles. What about Stromgarde under his leadership?

Stromgarde only has 50,000 people, and the market of 50,000 people is not enough for industrial sewing, even if this industry is already pocket-sized.

So he must plan ahead and send the orcs **** to Kalimdor, as well as the consideration of cultivating the future market.

This is not just an orc, but also a troll, tauren, or even a goblin who feels that the tribes are stupid and have more money and are more willing to do business with them.

In the future, like harvesting this big fish, it is appropriate to bury the thread now.

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