Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 557: 1 giant card first

To be honest, Kane felt a little embarrassed in the face of the current situation.

His men are not nobody, but if he is forced to fight with dry goods, it will affect his big plan, and the impact is not small.

That's why he hoped he could 'drag a bit more' and give him another three to five years. Without the Southward Expedition of the Scourge Legion, he would smooth it out in one fell swoop.

It's a pity to hire people now. He knew that the Kingdom of Lordaeron, after two troubles before and after the Scourge, had already lost his vitality, and Terenas was also very hurt by the rebellious behavior of his only heir. At this time, if he was still like In the past, only the drums were beaten, so from the perspective of humans, most of them have to pay a big price.

Therefore, the Scourge of the Southern Expedition from Northrend had to take the initiative to find a way to eliminate it.

So, should the army of the Kingdom of Falken come into play?

From a long-term perspective, it's time to take a break. In the past few years, the bandits have experienced some bad problems, such as arrogance and arrogance.

Tiger and wolf soldiers are often reckless, powerful and well-behaved. They haven't really seen much except the training soldiers (arms of faith), and the training soldiers are not without problems, and fanaticism is sometimes a weakness.

In short, the army of the Falken Kingdom needs what is most needed now, in fact, to set aside impetuosity and leave the essence, this force is really stable, and I dare not say that within a hundred years, as long as it is not rooted If you dig it, such a fine tradition will build strong soldiers from generation to generation, not too bad.

Moreover, recuperation is also in response to the new situation and the enemy. The Burning Legion is not comparable to those of the mountain bandits. Do n’t be fooled by its rugged, stupid, clumsy external appearance. The force that destroyed many worlds, even if it was really a fool, came over one world after another, and learned to master.

If Azeroth was not the son of Blizzard's father's destiny, so that while being able to come out in large numbers, while meeting the local indigenous people's IQ limit, it was already razed by the Burning Legion.

And he, an outsider, dare not guarantee that he can have the same fate and protection as the leaders of various generations of Azeroth, so he has to be a leader.

Specifically, for example, historical correction power comes into play at a critical moment. The Kingdom of Stromgarde should have died, and Soras has died. Where is the thriving? Since you dare to jump out, okay, let us borrow the eternal dragon stalk, the right people and the people are standing on the side of the demon, and Traas and the falcon army led by him are unfortunately trapped ...

That's right, Eternal Dragon, this sword, but it has been hanging there. Kane did not forget this one. Since it can be found by an Eternal Dragon, then this matter is not over. It didn't happen that a big event happened in the world, and it happened that he had another big move, then it was a good opportunity for Eternal Dragon to come to the door.

Because he can get him, he can rely on his opponent. This gives the timeline an explanation to complete the so-called revision ceremony.

Of course, Kane still has three cards in his hand.

One is called a troll.

While the Falcon Vanguard helped the dwarves and gangsters, the frostman trolls on Dun Morogh's side were moved to the Alterac Mountains by him.

In addition, there are Amani trolls on the island of the Forbidden Sea.

The dead wood troll, who had lived in Arathi and was wiped out by him, was the predecessor of the Nether Troll Clan he sent to persuade the Amani troll.

In other words, the so-called secluded tree clan was a dead wood troll that had been changed by him. The original dead wood had completely disappeared in his hands.

Through the puppetization of key figures, his control is gradually mastering the troll clan.

However, it takes time. Optimistically, in 10 years, he will control these troll clans and build on them to create a new era of trolls.

The second card is the Murloc.

The ambition contained in this card is not small, the murloc is also a large race, more than the Naga, the dominant race in the sea. For most of the land races of Azeroth, the amphibious murlocs usually play the role of a scourge, or a trick-or-treat that is not so bad.

Kane believes that the fish people have filled an important part of the biological sequence chain. Azeroth's ocean area is so large that it must be prepared for.

Therefore, he is also very useful for the murloc tribe that inhabits the southwest island of Hillsbrad (later Atonement Island).

As for how to get into this group, so to speak, someone in the original history line can rely on a poor camouflage suit and eventually become a king of the fish-men group. Kane does n’t think he can even match that one.

Therefore, these two cards are not small for the future, but are not suitable for playing for the time being.

Then there is the last one. The ogres who had been hidden by him because of the large consumption and useless land!

Ogres are active in many parts of the eastern continent.

Especially in areas close to the original Dark Portal, such as the Cursed Land, Headwind Path, and the Twilight Forest further away.

Twilight Forest even has an exclusive place name, Vogur Ogre Mountain. The ogres in the Valley of Sin, named after Karazhan, are also famous.

Then, Kane offered a high reward, and also provided tools and catching guides at a low price, and even had professional intelligence support. Many people once settled their accounts, this transaction was capable, and the suffering of the ogres came.

Now, not to mention the Twilight Forest and the Windward Path, there is almost no ogres even in the Cursed Land.

The largest human force in the Cursed Land watched the fort, and its officers and soldiers complained to their monarch, King Wrynn of Stormwind, about how unstable the supply line was and how difficult the life was.

But as soon as he turned his face, he organized the arrest of ogres under the name of "Do it yourself, improve life". The scale is large, and it is not too much to start a war.

Even, they felt that the capture equipment provided by the Falcon Kingdom was more convenient and better-available than the weapons and equipment provided by the military department of the country, so they required the weapons to be purchased by themselves, and the related costs were either discounted or added to the logistics supplies.

Wrynn also specifically learned about this, only to realize that the equipment provided by the Falcon Kingdom is not only cheap and good, but also delivered to the door. In this era of the world, freight costs are not a low cost.

Later, the financial adviser of Stormwind calculated an account for Wrynn, so the logistics of the Watch Tower were also shipped by Falcon Logistics. In the end, Stormwind City didn't even prepare supplies, and directly contracted to the Falken Kingdom.

As a result, the port of Fadier in Arathi is busier, and the transport fleet will cross the Sador Strait and will be in the Karaz Port in the Twilight Highlands, the Melange Port in the Barren Land, and the Mud Town in the Sad Land. Stopped and finally arrived at the watchtower harbour.

Karaz, Rongguang Port and Mud Town are all industries of the Hot Sands Group. They are neutral and a little chaotic, but present another kind of prosperity.

Since Kane joined the Hot Sands Group, the group has started the road of rapid development, and now Kane is the largest shareholder of Hot Sands Group.

Although his invisible shareholder is basically invisible, few people at the top of the Resha Group know that he is the big boss, but all aspects of the group reflect his will and influence.

Kane did not make Hot Sands completely his dictatorial private enterprise, but regarded it as a non-mainstream basket for eggs. Some things will be more convenient through the hot sand group.

Of course, Hot Sands Group is not without its rivals. Venture capital companies have always been Hot Sands ’biggest competitors.

In addition, the famous bloodsail pirates are also very powerful. They have a great relationship with the iron tide pirates of Kul Tiras. They often use the free town at the southern end of Tiragarde to sell their stolen goods. I can't finish it later.

For various reasons, Kane did not regard the Hot Sands Group as a card that could be exploded when needed, and it was more seen as a coat that made his career more diversified, and he did not want to expose this identity easily.

Even if this is the case, a lot of tax should be paid when crossing the port. The fleet is responsible for the logistics supply of the Watch Tower, and it still makes a profit. This is a major advantage of industrial assembly line production. The cost is very low all at once, so it can be profitable and quick.

Through this extensive business, the Falcon Kingdom not only feeds its industrial population, but also brings benefits to other kingdoms. Watchtower is at least 60% stronger than the same period as the original historical line.

In a prosperous place, even if it is barren, there are still some people rushing to it, and now it is very lively. Many people hold the banner of adventure and go there to get gold.

In addition to continuing to chase down and grab the non-ogres, there is also the business on the Red Coast, where the murlocs and a small number of naga can also sell money.

Against such a background, Falken can't actually get much real money, and earns a lot of money. But it is still the most valuable and prosperous country. After the Kingdom of Lordaeron came out, it became the first in one fell swoop, saying that it is the economic center of the intelligent life of Azeroth.

Although the cities of the elves of the elves in the Suramar region of the Broken Islands are more magnificent and magnificent, the prosperity and wealth creation capabilities are still inferior to the expanding Garin city.

And these years of accumulation, Kane also holds a horde of nearly 5,000 people.

Take the elevator to the ‘ice cellar area’ deep in the underground city.

In terms of scenery, this place has nothing to do with the cold storage ice cellar in the impression of ordinary people.

Simply put, if you ignore the magical colors, it looks more like a terracotta pit. The facility looks very simple, standing on a high platform and looking out from the fence, the view is very wide.

Floor lamps and ceiling lamps are not lacking, but the brightness is limited.

After Kane entered, the device was awakened, and the brightness of the magic lamp was increased, making the entire hall from dark and deep to bright and abnormal.

But even so, it is still full of murder and death.

The ogres after the magic reform stand quietly in the circle of magic field. When they are seen by the naked eye, they are wood-carved clay sculptures. From an energy perspective, they will find that they are more like objects in the tank.

This is how they are sealed by the snow. Some of them are like wine in the cellar, but after a long time, they lose their temper and become mellow.

Ogres use time to repair the wounds of magic reforms, so that the cells can better adapt to and merge with the extraordinary power.

These big guys no longer have the characteristics of obesity, but a bodybuilding muscle, and the skin releases a metallic luster.

Kane called it a copper puppet. Their external skin color was copper-colored, and the magic lines on their bodies released a luminous blue light, which seemed a bit strange.

Their stature ratio cannot ultimately become a Titan body that is more in line with human aesthetics, but the muscles are indeed developed, and the resulting strength is also an important basis for them.

Kane did not activate all the ogres, but only activated more than 3 years, about 1400. This is basically the earliest batch of ogres modified by the magic. At that time, his system was not very good. Even with these magic reform products is also in the pass line, but he still has some confidence in his combat effectiveness.

These products are also more convenient for logistic supply. They are all different in size, armor, weapons, uniform specifications, mass production, and standard equipment.

In the process of armed, it can be seen that the related technical system mastered by Kane is very mature. Those equipments, magical runes and war patterns on the copper puppets fit together. The wearing process is like that of a Saint Seiya armor, not so coquettish, but they are of the same kind, like magnets attracting the opposite sex, and the buckle is buckled on the body. Too.

They do n’t need to be unloaded easily, because their way of rest has been changed to stand.

Comes with a magic field array, as long as it is equipped with related equipment, just like the unlimited charging of mobile phones, just take a poke within the range, and the rest is the beginning.

In addition, the copper puppet does not need to eat, drink or excrete, it only needs to be charged.

There is no doubt that this greatly reduces the logistics burden, but the technical requirements of the auxiliary engineering department are relatively high. In addition, energy is the top priority. Once there is a problem, it will be like a tank without fuel. Xie Cai ~ ~ There are still some problems. For example, in the eyes of Kane, these copper puppets are a group of soldiers, and if they are white, they are charged, and there is nothing wrong with the frontal combat, but there is no need for an investigation position or an auxiliary position. ,can not come.

As a result, these big guys failed to form an army alone.

Kane draws strength from each sequence. In order to form an army with complete capabilities, although it will not be innumerable, it will take three to five days for everything to settle. This is already rocket-like speed.

At the same time, he sent a letter to Antonidas of Dalaran and Terenas of Lordaeron, not only to inform them that the landing operation of the Scourge was coming, but also reminded them to keep the information confidential and attach it. A piece of information about the dreadlord.

He knows that, with the cleverness of Antonidas and Terenas, as long as they are not caught off guard, there is still a set in dealing with personnel issues.

Kane also pointed out that this time, he will send elite troops, hoping to be able to face the natural disaster army that landed.

In this way, the puppet slowly opened the curtain on the undead war.

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