Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 602: Open a hole in time and space

After giving Medivh a clear understanding of the magical nature of God, Kane revealed the scarcity of seed power.

After that, he also combined the history of world development to tell the past, present, and future of the power of seed.

Why are there so many powerful demigods in ancient times?

Malorne, Ursoc, Ursor Brothers, Agamamagan, Avena, etc., and the world tree mother Garnier, and later Nordrassil, Vodahir, and Tedashi Yeah.

Because the overall operating law of the universe is a big explosion diffusion process.

In this process, matter and matter re-aggregate and diffuse again, and the birth and disintegration of the planet are included here.

So specific to the world, the power of the seed is also from concentration to decentralization, and finally it is unclear.

Kane also discussed the concept of ‘blood veins’ for this purpose. From dragons to elves to human beings, the overall trend is the extraordinary power that goes down with thin blood vessels.

The manifestation of this extraordinary power is not only how strong it is, but also the probability and possibility of special talent awakening.

"So we say that the way of the strong is to sail against the current, and the way of civilization is the same. If you don't advance, you will retreat. With the waves, you will soon be wiped out."

"Then you should understand now. As far as the nature of technology is concerned, my path of self-improvement is actually the same as the Burning Legion, except that I have more thought and consideration of other people's feelings, and the Burning Legion only needs to They can fulfill their wishes regardless of others' lives. "

"And the reason why I took this opportunity to tell you all. It is because for me, even outsiders like the Burning Legion, you, the intelligent life known as 'indigenous', also enjoy the wealth of Azeroth Power. I do n’t think that because of my high technology and strength, I should bully the locals as I should. I followed the principle of equivalence of asking and paying. The part of paying includes letting you know that this long What is behind the battle? "

Balati sighed: "I find that I now respect you a little bit heartily, Your Highness."

Jaina nodded.

Kane smiled: "It's still a little bit, and it's better to say it than to do it. You are all the children of destiny that I know, and they can represent Azeroth's persistent will to survive. In this regard, Jaina is about Have a deeper experience. "Then she looked at Jaina.

Medivh, they all looked at Jaina.

At the end of the original historical line, Jaina, who was already aunt's age, had white hair tresses and a blonde hair on her forehead. She was very angry, but now she has blonde hair tresses and a white hair. .

It's just that the chilly coldness is stronger than the later period of the original historical line.

Kane would naturally not be the son of destiny for no reason, Jaina had passed her heart, the power gained was arranged by Kane deliberately, belonging to 'familiarity', rather than 'field strength' field hardening, which led to her The energy of the infection is more pure and less impurities, and the corresponding is more powerful.

Jaina saw people looking at her, and said generously: "His Highness Galin's cross-time and space-time connection feature through the Holy Light showed me a period of time in Azeroth. Azeroth. Impressive, but too heavy. "

Luo Ning didn't ask, and Kael'thas was still at a loss when he saw this. Medivh knew that it was very bad. Balati didn't know what to do. He asked, "How am I, how am I?"

"One of the decision-makers in Dalaran in the future, one of Kirin Tor's six-member council, died in battle."

"Wow, the achievements are so high! It's just that the battle is not perfect."

People smile, and among these people, Balati still has a girl's heart, and this time she can gain the most, and it is also related to it. Courage to give, the heart of the naked child, this has a certain relationship with the pure love of the girl's heart of.

Kael'thas finally couldn't help but asked, "Where am I?"

"Alsace was murdered by the lich king's tricks, and his vengeance blinded his reason. For the revenge, he pulled out the death artifact Frostmourne and became the lich king's number one warrior. He returned to Lordaeron in the name of the expedition, and killed his father and washed the city. After that, the Dalong area was completely transformed into a plague land. In order to resurrect Kel'Thuzad, the Scourge defeated Quel'Thalas. The solar well was completely contaminated. The elves struggled to survive because of the problem of addiction, and could not find a way out. Under the circumstances, you are tempted by Kil'jaeden, and you die very badly. "

Kael'thas black face, said: "Impossible, Quel'Thalas' magical protective barrier ..."

Jaina answered: "Have you protected the elves for thousands of years? The solid fortresses are always captured from the inside. I think now you know more clearly than in the past, what kind of power Kil'jaeden holds. With the essence of the thousands of worlds, the superb gifts are felt in the eyes of the extraordinary, and you ensure that everyone can resist the temptation. "

Kael'thas stopped talking, but his face turned red quickly, and he asked after a short while: "Then my people ..."

"In the end, I couldn't see the exciting hope, and faded the aura, struggling to survive as a member of the tribe."

Luo Ning couldn't help it, and asked, "What about me?"

Jaina said with some red eyes: "I was killed by my innocence. In order to evacuate people, you failed to have time to evacuate. You were killed by the arcane bomb dropped by the tribe, even the same city."

"Scared, what bomb is so powerful?"

"The artifact of the Blue Dragon, the Rainbow of Focus, the Arcane Bomb transformed by Sindorei (Blood Elf)."

Kael'thas interjected: "What's going on with Sindorei."

"The country is broken, Silvermoon City is captured, and Anastarian is killed in battle. When you get the news, you will rush back from Dalaran, gather the remaining elves, and take the blood alliance vow to change its name to Sindorei."

Luo Ning said: "It sounds miserable."

"The worse is behind. The Alliance had no decent force at the time. The Alliance ’s military power fell to Garethus. He was a Baron Lordaeron alone, because he did not understand the Second Man-Beast War. El Salas caused his hometown to be slaughtered by orcs, his father died, and he had prejudice and resentment against the elves. When Sindorei came in and merged, the encounter was imaginable. "

"What about Uther? What about Silver Hand?"

"Uther was killed by Arthas in the battle for the protection of the Terenas ashes. Part of the Silver Hand disintegrated, and some of the Lordaeron ’s remnants were fooled and controlled by the Dreadlord, becoming an extreme Scarlet Crusade. Embarked on a road of no return. "

"It sounds like the alliance is completely over, especially the Kingdom of Lordaeron. How did you defeat the Burning Legion in this case?"

"Under the guidance of Master Medivh, Yukalimdor, gathering tribes and night elves, eventually sacrificed Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal and killed Archimonde. Of course, the disaster is far from over."

Medivh listened again with relief and melancholy.

It is gratifying that he has played a huge role in another timeline. Melancholy is naturally Azeroth ’s suffering. Listening to Jaina ’s meaning, the invasion of the Burning Legion headed by Archimonde is one of them, not the most.

Balati patted his chest, breaking the dull atmosphere: "Fortunately, our world is not so bad, and there is His Royal Highness."

Jaina nodded: "His Royal Highness' role is indeed important. But as His Highness said softly when he persuaded Arthas the previous year, the other side has already taken many steps, we have to catch up, it is extremely difficult. Whether it is the Burning Legion or the ancients The god, the plan is brewing, are calculated in tens of thousands of years, and the ancient power guarding the side of the world is already a supernatural power gradually disappearing with the bloodline. In the future I see, the guarding dragon is slaughtered like a pig and a dog. Treated by demons as a meal, even wither spells can reinvent the birthplace of the dragon clan. Although the history has changed, the big evils have not disappeared, and the power of their hoarding is also there. The situation we are facing is very serious. "

Luo Ning answered: "This is also a reason why Master Antonidas is eager to take Dalaran into the air. We have to have strategic weapons, we can attack and retreat, we can defend, and we can save strength. There is nothing like a The floating city of teleportation is more suitable for this role. "

Jaina agreed with this. Dalaran did play an important role in the original historical line, whether it is to attack the natural disaster nest of Icecrown, or to destroy the burning legion that invaded from the tomb of Sargeras. The strategic fulcrum of the resistance.

Kane's voice at this time attracted people's attention: "Okay, the time to test the final results of our adventure has arrived. Guess what world or plane we can reach through this space-time hub? Guess the number That's it. "

Medivh and others saw a new group of dragons arrive, holding a large group of mice like a hound.

The most uncomfortable of mice is the fluffy tail, but these mice, like hamsters, have short and hairy tails and laterally hypertrophic faces, rather than protruding forward protrusions. Level, but the pair of shining front teeth make people realize that this thing is not without combat power.

"The treasure hunter, specially trained, can find plane fragments." Kane said.

"Plane fragments?" Balati blinked. The concept was a bit new to her, of course, the same was true of everyone else.

"Well, this is a self-made word. Specifically, it refers to those substances and energy that enrich the space-time characteristics of the plane, used to accurately anchor the coordinates of the plane, and open a relatively stable channel."

"Oh, I understand, but I don't understand when I think about it."

"If you are not interested in this aspect, you don't have to understand it. Just let a professional do it." Kane said and nodded to the Dragon.

The Dragons started Kane and they set up the equipment when they were chatting. This is actually a cast, but the external methods are very different.

The equipment is running, the four elements of earth fire, water and wind, magic power and space-time power, a total of six extraordinary powers, bombard a little with a flame blast, and at this point, highly compressed energy crystals are suspended.

The action of spraying on it eventually caused the ultra-high energy to explode at a point instantaneously, but failed to explode outward due to special guidance, but collapsed inward, and a channel was formed by this point.

Since there are not enough plane debris, but only rely on the spatial characteristics of this area, looking for cracks that are not visible to the naked eye to target, so even if the channel is formed, it is very unstable.

In this case ~ ~ Anyone, even the Cairnsun avatar, chooses to use this channel, it is a kind of gambling behavior. As for Kane's body, it is impossible to drill through completely because the information is too rich and the channel cannot bear it.

Sargeras's inability to enter Azeroth encountered a similar problem. The use of Medivh's book is actually the same as Kane's principle of letting the treasure hunter search for plane fragments.

It's just that Kane's more professional, or more scientific-oriented characteristics, everything is well-founded, sturdy, and eye-catching.

And Sargeras they are repeatedly emphasizing artifacts, collecting artifacts, gathering essence, and there will probably be positioning materials that open relatively stable channels. As for the side effects of this careless and brutal approach, sorry, the Burning Legion has never It is not an organization that cares for the physical and mental health of cannon fodder. The cruel life in the past has also achieved the purpose of savage its body. It is played with the set of "scars are the medals of real men".

According to the number of existing space-time cracks that meet the specifications, a total of 7 channels were opened. Three of the treasure hunters were crushed as soon as they entered. The scene of being chopped into a stuffing and squeezing out juice is still very **** and horrifying, but this is what The cost of space-time exploration is inevitable for dead friends.

And then on!

There were also dead halfway through, and even the corpse could not be seen.

And then on!

When I went there, the environment there was so special that the treasure hunter failed to survive and was completely out of touch.

And then on!

Less than half an hour before and after, more than 100 treasure hunters were reimbursed.

Medivh, they also understood why they chose mice. They can be born. In 12 months a year, mice can produce 10 births, which is so sharp.

Kane said that this was a success, because there were a hundred dead, and there are already two pieces in the stable accumulation plane.

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