Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 648: 2 Realms

For guarding the dragons, having children is a sacred thing.

It is not only reproduction, but also the inheritance of power.

It can be said that every time a child is born, it will take away part of the strength of the parents.

This has also become a big reason to protect the dragon Dingkou.

It usually takes a long time to accumulate a batch.

After all, parents are generally hoping to give more, so that from the moment of birth, the heir will have a stronger force as a guarantee of survival.

In other words, the guardian dragons have a certain initiative with a certain degree of initiative. There is a big difference between the hasty preparation and the sufficient preparation, not to mention the extra gifts.

However, the green dragon corpses seen in the slaughterhouse of the Atahaka temple are completely free of such cautious and responsible inheritance characteristics. It's just like a pig giving birth, or a mouse giving birth.

This recalled the bad memories of Alexstrasza, who had done this kind of thing against her while she was imprisoned by the Dragonmaw clan with a demon soul.

Of course, what the Dragonmaw clan wants more is that she gives her magical power to those dragon eggs, but she knows that that is her root. Once lost, the end will be very tragic.

So before Ronin and Krasus came to rescue her, she barely kept the bottom line. Others are huh, at that time, if you do n’t do a certain amount of futility, you will only suffer more damage and even death. You must give each other a bit of sweetness, and at the same time hang their appetite before they can be boiled. The opportunity for salvation comes.

Ysera hadn't experienced this, she just felt that her bloodline was so ruined as cattle and sheep, and she really made her angry.

The other green dragons who followed were also very angry. It felt that Green Dragon and his reputation and dignity were thrown into the mud, and then he was stepped on 10,000 feet.

Kane is relatively inattentive, he is calculating, food consumption calculations.

This is like five people in the family, how much will be prepared for a pot of stew, and how much will be prepared for a family of ten.

Calculate how many monsters are raised here by the number of green dragons slaughtered.

He learned from the shadow trolls who had already surrendered that ordinary Atalists had few opportunities to enjoy this dragon blood. Only after you have made great achievements will you be rewarded.

It is said that this **** food contains strange powers, which can increase the upper limit of the physique, become a better container, accommodate more shadow power, and become more powerful.

Kane understands that what can increase the upper limit of physique should be the voodoo secret medicine, not the dragon's flesh and blood. The dragon's flesh is only a carrier. It can accommodate the power of the voodoo secret medicine without collapsing. After special cooking, it becomes the medium for the organic fusion of the power of the voodoo secret medicine and the user's body, and finally achieves an enhanced effect.

Anyway. This kind of game that uses the extraordinary force of dragon blood and flesh to become a mysterious medicine is actually quite Diao, and it is more like something done by a foreign race.

Because the indigenous people of this world generally have awe in guarding the dragon. Stereotypes can become an invisible shackle that constrains creativity. This is like a child's painting always full of imagination, and an adult's painting is logical, but often has a little brain hole, and only by saying that Picasso and the mad and not crazy can better get rid of common sense. shackles.

But at this moment, Kane felt that he shouldn't lie with Ysera and them.

But I have to say something.

What to say?

Kane's eyes rolled, and he had an idea, he said: "You have noticed that these dragons, which at first glance look very similar to the Green Dragon, are like, but not. First of all, their scales and skin color are problematic. "

Because of the problem of the light source here, if you don't take a closer look, the difference in color is really not easy to distinguish.

But Kane waved a strong wand, imitated the sunlight, and made a few illuminating light spheres. After exposing the photos here as if exposed to the sky, the difference became obvious.

The skins of these giant dragons are poisonous green, not the green leaves of the green dragons.

In addition, the scales are unhealthy, and many of them are broken. This is not caused by the slaughter, but it is just like that. It looks like the hole on the green leaf is eaten by insects, the surrounding of the hole is also yellow, and the edge is rotten. .

Kane said: "The enemies we are facing this time indeed desecrated the blood of the Green Dragon, but these are actually not much different from the wild dragon."

With that said, Ysera they feel better.

Because there are several kinds of dragons in Azeroth. For example, the main prototype of the guardian dragon, Yuanlong.

In addition, there are elven dragon, storm dragon, and phosphorite dragon. Among them, the storm dragon is divided into the dynamic wind dragon (the top of the black cloud), and the electric dragon who likes the thunder (the Valargar series), and the phosphorite dragon is also divided into different dragons such as volcanic stone and glass stone.

Kane meant that there are so many dragons, so to speak, there is a little blood connection. They are hunted and killed. It is very common. The guardian dragons should not have seen them in ordinary times. Such a comparison makes it less shocking.

In fact, Kane wanted to make a joke and liven up the atmosphere: if you intend to plant flowers and not open them, you will not care about planting willows. The black dragons took pains to cultivate large and fast-growing war dragons. Come and see here. The green dragons have become fast-selling hogs and broilers and are used to eat meat. Gap!

It is a pity that he is not familiar with the two queens. This kind of joke is mostly unaffordable. He said that the dragons will make a bad impression on him. It is a serious and serious thing. People are immersed in grief. This joke is too much. Too.

In fact, it was n’t that Kane did n’t lose heart, but that he had seen cases with no lower limit than those before him, such as the human living research of the Resident Evil Umbrella Company, and the penalties of Dante Hell World and Hell.

He felt that it was the guardian dragons who were used to standing up high, and when they encountered this kind of thing, they were out of anger.

Unfortunately, the troll working in the slaughterhouse had received the news and withdrew. If he wanted to vent, he could only wait.

This time, Ysera didn't let his subordinates heal the corpses, but asked them to purify here with Dragon Flame. To put it bluntly, nothing is left in a fire.

The dragon's breath is an energy flame, which does not require oxygen for combustion. Soon, the blaze turned this hall into a fireplace, and the high temperature eventually made the surface of the hall vitrified.

However, there will inevitably be a residue to vent, so there is the smell of disgusting. Especially the dragons, who are very disgusted with this taste, obviously have some unpleasant experiences associated with it.

This is the drawback of longevity, too much sense of sight, too much association.

After leaving the slaughterhouse in a hurry, the dragons learned well this time and no longer claimed to be embarrassed by Zhang Luo.

The dragons are even very grateful to Kane for not bringing anyone other than the guardian dragons, which is really not suitable for rumor. Even with Kane, they felt a little awkward.

Under the leadership of Kane, a group of people took a short break near the high platform of the Blood Hall.

As I said before, the Blood Hall has a terrace-like two-story platform, but there is no road connected to the first floor, and it needs to be bypassed from other roads. Kane and they are one of them.

After this move, Qunlong gradually sorted out some clues. They found that the temple of Atahaka is hierarchical, the general public have their own passages and activity spaces, and the priests also have their own exclusive passages and spaces. It can be seen from this that the organizational system here has been clearly graded and respected from the beginning, which is insurmountable.

Although such an organization is not friendly enough, it is orderly and efficient. As long as the climbing path is planned clearly, the whole system will be very stable.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a group of people met the battle group in the ceremony hall to greet them. The other party did have the ability to fight in the battle group mode.

The ceremonial hall is the largest place that a group of people have seen since entering the temple. Kane's rough calculation covers an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters.

This hall is not a square, but a long strip, like a promenade of Titans.

Kane's focus is not on its grandeur, but on its dimensions. A series of data has always existed in his mind, and these data are related to every place he has traveled.

Relying on these data, Kane outlined a 3D map of the temple in his mind.

From the beginning, he did not believe the map information provided by the trolls here.

He did not doubt the reliability of those trolls. He doubted that even these trolls had been cheated. The true appearance of this temple is not what they thought it was.

Sure enough, his cautiousness once again made him avoid some invisible traps.

According to his calculations, the existence of this ritual hall has already exceeded the shape of the Atahaka temple, as if the half-waist of the pyramid protruded a huge bridge-like building.

The troll masters who designed and built the temple at that time would not have made such oolongs, so there is only one explanation. This temple not only exists in reality, but also merges in other planes, or Say, the whole temple is slowly being pulled into the outside world.

"This temple turned out to be a natural transitional place between Azeroth and the outside world. What an interesting situation!" Kane thought in his mind ~ ~ The long-range troops were already attacking this fierce The whole collapsed, and the remaining ghouls and skeleton shooters fled backwards.

The Scourge officers made the right choice at this time. He did not order a separate formation to let the defeated own troops pass, but strictly ordered the guard to hack all those who dared to rush to the position.

This move temporarily saved the right side of the Scourge, so that it did not immediately collapse due to the impact of the defeated soldiers.

However, allied knights had an overwhelming advantage in tactics, technology, and equipment. Although the Scourge resisted vigorously, the front line was still in jeopardy under the same attacks of the knights.

On the right, similar things happened. Under the charge of the silver-handed knight who killed the red eye, the long-range troops were also quickly defeated. However, the number of knights here is not as large as the left wing. The knights are entangled with the infantry of the Scourge, and they are inseparable.

In the central government, the situation is completely reversed.

In front of the light cavalry's air assault, although there was a death knight to oversee the battle, the bone archer was hit by only two rounds of arrows.

If it weren't for the boneless horse to temporarily block the light cavalry, I am afraid that the boneless archer would have to repeat the same mistake this time. The hussars were actually forced to stop.

Although the light cavalry did not achieve their intended purpose, they still caused great harm to the opponent.

Under normal circumstances, such a blow is enough to allow low morale enemies to flee without a fight. But they die from natural disasters, they never lack the courage to fight, they will not be scared, and will only be scattered because of the loss of command.

"Turn on the bloodthirsty!" The blood prince shouted loudly, ordering the sound to be heard in the ears of the psychic mage. They waved their staffs, and the red bloodthirsty energy shot like a wave of waves on the immortal body of the array.

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