Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 653: Sinister world

The puppets of the Holy Light flew in sixty directions like a jet plane to investigate.

Kane's field of vision also followed these devices, expanding like an aura of diffusion.

He has experienced too many, and there have been few wonders and wonders that can shock him. On the contrary, the appearance of both visual perception is more and more frequent, and there may be a feeling of acacia everywhere.

This time it was the same. As the field of vision expanded, Kane soon had a sense of sight, and then gradually figured out his ideas.

He believes that it is likely that it is a ‘dark heart’ here.

The Heart of Darkness is a place name, a special place that was gradually known to the world only in the chapter of "Battle for Azeroth."

It is located in Nazmir, Zandalar Archipelago, and used to be the laboratory used by the Titans to study the ancient gods and their minions.

Like many times before, the Titans once again made the incident, but it was not well resolved. It represents the ultimate parasite, pure depravity, corruption, and plague.Ghorhorn, created by them, but not killed. Instead, they carried out a seal that they thought would not escape the cage.

As a result, it goes without saying that the seal is broken, and the evil with the power to destroy the world escapes.

The sea of ​​decay created by the forces of Ghoen has a similar characteristic.

Of course, it's just similar, far from being so cruel.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in this real land of no hair, Ghohan, known as the immortal of the blood god, will still be killed by life and death.

At this time, Kane still maintained the original speculation that this is the garbage dump of the Titans' creation, and the magical version of the nuclear waste area. It's just that there is a new guess about the cause of this place. He wondered what made everything here. Could it be that Ghouen grew up?

Ghohan still has the possibility to become a true god. The void system is a great way to become a god. The ancient gods are among them.

Once it becomes a god, there is a possibility of interfering in time and space.

Then, it is very likely that this is a future world of Azeroth, or a parallel world.

Perhaps it is because this is a giant underground abyss. The time spent by the puppets sent by the Holy Light to the edge of this place is much shorter than expected, and the energy has not been exhausted.

After Cain gave orders to the puppets to conduct a comprehensive investigation in the marginal area, he greeted the dragons and set off.

The exit from this area has been found, and the team can go straight there.

This trip was lackluster, and no interceptors were encountered. In fact, apart from the extreme bleakness and silence, there are no more impressive things or phenomena in this area.

Kane found some traces of death through meticulous observation. The remains of the corpses were very obvious. If Kane was not very knowledgeable, he might not recognize the lighter-colored gray powder as bone debris.

There were dragons all the way wondering, how did Kane's puppets of the Holy Light quickly and effectively find entrances and exits in the huge space where death dust spreads.

But when they approached the entrance and exit, they naturally understood the reason.

It turned out that the entrance and exit was like a hole in the space shuttle that was hit by a meteorite, and the internal and external environment was undergoing a contest.

There is constantly relatively normal air, pouring into this piece of hairlessness from the outside.

Although the free energy and matter in the outside air were quickly engulfed and neutralized, it still formed a dynamic effect, and because it was continuously washed away for a long time, it formed a different type from the inside in this area. The scene, for example, the color of ash should be lighter as a whole, like furnace ash, and there is no such fluff and black smoke in the air.

Seeing this situation, Alexstrasza and Ysera both breathed a sigh of relief. As they traveled along the way, the two of them had a profound experience of the horror of this deep.

Initially it was on Kane's floating saucer, protected by the protective cover provided by the floating saucer, and only when the mental power was protruded out of the protective cover, could the outside world be understood. This is like in a slightly warm room, with a gap in the window, protruding fingers to feel the wind and snow outside, you can feel the cold, but after all, it is still superficial and one-sided.

You can wait for the action to unfold and come out of the dormant floating dish, and the feeling suddenly becomes three-dimensional.

The most remarkable impression is that when the protective clothing was made before, where the plush was not woven and symmetrical, it became a `` energy leakage zone '' at the moment, just like a hole in the clothing that was penetrated by the cold wind and cold skin.

It's just that the dragons have the equipment provided by Kane, so it is not the direct erosion or damage that is felt, but the alarm of the equipment and the auxiliary intelligent system of the equipment, which will remind the user where the energy is constantly being lost.

Due to erosion, or the passage of time is unusual, the equipped intelligent system is determined to be under attack. It can be said that many dragons have been quarreled all the way.

I didn't care much at first, but later I became frightened. This is also due to knowing where the exit is, and there is no lack of hope in it, otherwise I may have been panicked for a long time. As for the lack of protection, it can be said that even an adult dragon, it is estimated that it takes a few steps to become a dead body. It is estimated that it will take a few hours to completely erode into dust.

From this group of dragons also want to understand why there are no enemies in this abyss to greet their arrival. The terrible environment of this abyss is already the most malicious way of welcome.

So this time, they can walk out of the deadly abyss without fear, and they are also blessed by Kane, especially during the time they just arrived. If Kane did not support the small world for the first time, listen to them. It is good to prepare protective clothing calmly and to explain your last words in a panic.

The traveling speed of the group was not too slow, and the entrance and exit were soon looked out, neither bright nor broad, but it still gave the dragons a sense of intimacy. Finally it's time to escape.

Kane did not lack a sense of vigilance, and let the Holy Light puppets here serve the crowd for the last time.

The puppet that found the entrance and exit does not explore the surrounding area like other puppets of the Holy Light until the energy is exhausted. Instead, it monitors the situation here as a temporary sentry post until the team arrives.

Now, the exterior was still bright, and he walked fearlessly towards the entrance.

Through his field of vision, Kane saw a rugged tunnel, which was extremely rough. Because it was eroded by the power of the abyss for too long, the traces have almost disappeared, so it is difficult to determine whether it was artificially excavated or naturally formed. .

Of course, some situations are still clear. For example, it connects the halls and corridors of some man-made buildings. These buildings have long been abandoned or even collapsed, but the remaining traces can still be seen as troll-style.

As an information supremacist, he usually pays attention to collecting information, so the very knowledgeable Kane can even see the sculptures and creations, which belong to the blood trolls.

As mentioned before, the Zandalari tribe is a very different group among the trolls. It is similar to the Orc ’s Fireblade clan, except that the Fireblade clan can be understood as a fellowship of combat fanatics, while Zandalari is a knowledge storage and Group of scholars in historical research.

However, this first group always has its source, just like the source of the Fireblade clan, it is several well-known warriors from the Warsong clan, and the earliest Zandalars originated from blood trolls.

In the golden age when trolls dominated the continent, blood trolls were already famous for blood sacrifices. They believed that blood is a carrier of power and contains powerful power.

The blood trolls are similar to the Mayan civilization of the original world. In addition to the blood sacrifice, they also have exceptionally advanced civilization features. They have outstanding achievements in calendar, manufacturing, and construction, and even far exceed other clans of the same generation. . This is the foundation of Zandalari's birth.

To put it bluntly, the earliest Zandalari was a group that, through continuous learning, began to question the authority of the blood sacrifice, turned to believe in science, and finally stood out from the blood trolls.

Relying on advanced knowledge, scientific management system, active and progressive lifestyle, loose and friendly community environment, they attracted the same kind to invest, and gradually formed a brand new clan. This is Zandalari.

In Azeroth, those non-trolling non-troll wisdom populations, many of them are confused about the Zandalari troll and the blood troll, thinking that the latter is the former's disdainful descendant, and some even simply combine the two. Confused.

Kane would not make such a mistake. He rested among the trolls at the level of the wise elder. After identifying the belonging through the ruins, he became more determined.

The tunnel as a whole is not complicated. The most important thing is this section leading to the abandoned building. The rest is the abandoned building itself. This pattern reminds Kane of Karazhan, an unintentionally built tunnel in the wine cellar. Pierced through the window paper, the dark area below, together with the Karazhan building above.

It ’s just that it ’s more sinister here. If it is said that this abyss is a sealed place, it does n’t seem like it. After all, the cage must have a frame with traces of man-made, and the tunnel leading to the abandoned building is a fault. There should be traces.

From another perspective, this kind of dangerous place with buildings on it is really too interesting to play with. He has never believed in coincidences and always feels that there are stories here.

So now speculation, Kane is more inclined to such a possibility:

At least some human trolls, or some trolls once, knew of the existence of this deep, knowing that there was a certain evil, and even blood sacrifices, probably from this (similar to a forest hut, through Fixed ceremonial sacrifices to keep them stable, once the sacrifice is interrupted, it will cause big problems).

If this is the case, then most of this time he still failed to discover the real place where the fatal abyss conceived the god-level will. This may cause him to visit the abyss only once after a certain period of time. Therefore, it is naturally necessary to understand this enemy and go to its birthplace to find its origin information.

Kane felt that this was the case for the time being. After all, this was an emergency response, which was relatively hasty and costly, making him feel bad. Next time, make sufficient preparations to create a protective layer of equipment similar to the anti-cosmic ray armor material of the deep space battleship, and then come here to find out carefully.

Because there was a holy light puppet who opened the way to find the way, when the pedestrians walked, they did not take the wrong path, and quickly crossed the tunnel layer, came in the ruins, and then left the long-abandoned super-dangerous building with the best route .

When Kane and they stood under the sky again, they looked back. This building was indeed a magnificent pyramid of troll style. Even if it was broken, it was still amazing.

The current time is night, the sky is moon and star, and it is easy for Alexstrasza to recognize the southern hemisphere of Azeroth through the star map and the moon, and the possibility of Zandalar Islands is extremely high.

The reason is not completely certain. Mainly because of the situation here, it is too different from Zandalar Road in her perception.

The first is the concentration of magic. For an extraordinary existence like Alexstrasza, the concentration of magic is like the oxygen content of human beings. It is a very important concept. Humans will have obvious reactions to hypoxia or drunk oxygen. The magic is similar, beyond the scope of adaptation, whether it is more or less, there is a clear sense.

In Azeroth, the magic is flowing like air, and its richness and thinness are a whole phenomenon, at least on a large regional level, as if the air quality in the Amazon forest and the air quality in the Los Angeles metropolitan area are necessarily different, but also The difference will not be so great that it exceeds the range of human adaptation, after all, it is a global game.

Now the magic here is so thin ~ ~ can't just blame it on the area of ​​influence that hasn't walked out of the deadly abyss, it's not that simple.

Although Kane was here for the first time, he told the group dragons with certainty that this is the Zandalar Archipelago, and the location of the people now should be east of Wharton Atu Aman.

"If there is no black line at the edge of the horizon, it should be the isolation of the Akunda Mountains in Wharton and Nazmir."

Ysera stepped forward: "If this is said, then our west to the south should be the city ruins of Guzandala Atu Aman?"

Kane nodded, "It should be, we might as well take a look."

Both queens nodded and said yes.

According to the strength of this team, except for the ghost places like the deadly abyss, it can basically make a difference. It is not afraid of seeing people, even if it is full of hostility, it can still be used for me.

But Kane is not so optimistic. He thinks that the world is likely to have been completely blackened. It ’s not good. This time he really wants to be an enemy of the world ... ()

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