Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 657: Strange sanctuary

Nazmir in the daytime gives a slightly better impression, and it makes people feel better, but it is the new message brought back by the magic flying eagle: it seems that there are normal areas of life.

Of course, not everyone is so optimistic.

For example, Kane, who always likes to speculate maliciously, always feels that in such a large environment, having all normal life areas means that it is not normal.

The Red Dragon Krasus agreed with Kane, but the two queens thought the idea was too negative.

Kane felt it didn't matter, things could be estimated to be more negative, and a more positive attitude towards solving things.

He didn't plan to rub it anymore, so he was ready to hit the road.

He believes that it was good to explore the pattern of Yazma Temple yesterday. The dragons are responsible for keeping their homes. He is responsible for spying on intelligence and smoothing out some common problems.

After discussing with Alexstrasza and Ysera, the two queens also agreed.

So, act separately.

Asylum will travel in the waters, and Kane added an invisible rune system to it early this morning, which can avoid prying from ordinary perspectives.

As for energy peeping, the devourer's torso has a characteristic, that is, it lacks the characteristics of life like a rock. It is precisely because of this property that it can wait for work and better prey on the life that has entered its realm.

Therefore, as long as the visual invisibility is completed, the asylum number has the characteristics of complete invisibility. Only if there is a certain amount of magical power like the flow of the guarding dragon, can it have the technique of not applying any real vision, as long as it enters a certain range, namely Discoverable possibilities.

According to the terrain information returned by the flying eagle, the refuge cannot reach the normal area, but it can be parked in a relatively close puddle.

There are twisted mosquitoes everywhere, like a cloud of dark clouds, the sound of the wings is extremely noisy, comparable to the cicadas of the summer night, which is obviously not good, but it can be a good umbrella. I believe that not many people are willing to go to that place to play.

Kane and his entourage took the land road and went straight to the life area.

It was nearly ten o'clock in the afternoon and walked for about 30 kilometers. The normal world came into view after turning over a small mountain beam.

Here, you can see the sun first, the sky is gray-blue, but you can clearly feel the light and heat of the sun. On the ground, the trees are still lush, green has clear levels, and yellow and red Equal color embellishment, so that the whole world becomes three-dimensional, but full of vitality.

After walking seven or eight miles, I gradually saw the normal forest. Under the sun, the trees were layered from high to low, and each layer was full of vitality.

Ysera ’s response was pleased to say that the situation here was normal and she felt nothing wrong.

Kane did not rush to express his position, but continued to move forward and observe the plants along the way.

He saw vines, long grass, moss, lichen, and even algae in the water, which constitute the basic plant category of the jungle. It seems to be the same, forming a complete ecological chain.

But he always feels that there is a breath of death here, like a paint skin.

Kane believes in his instincts. After all, he is not only divine, but also a master druid. He has his own unique views on nature and has been recognized by nature. Although the natural sanctuary is low-key, But in terms of actual achievements, I did not lose at all to the sacred temple.

When the crux of the problem could not be found, Kane moved on to the depths of the jungle, that is, continued eastward. The original intention of going to the heart of darkness has not changed. After all, it is confirmed that this is Nazmir, so the most likely hidden secret in this area is there.

Alexstrasza and Ysera are more concerned about the creatures here. In addition to insects and ants, they also saw snakes and mice one after another.

The two confirmed that these small animals are more aggressive and more virulent than the similar creatures of Azeroth. For ordinary people, they are very deadly.

After a further journey, a village of Mupeng with blood troll characteristics was found.

The village is actually just six or seven scattered wooden sheds and simple dirt roads connected to each other.

No one was there, but Kane walked over, and he felt strange energy fluctuations.

In the end, he found the source of strange energy fluctuations in the corner of a wooden shed.

It was a voodoo mask with a big slap. It was a little weird and different in style, but it didn't have a charm. It really came from the trolls.

This is not a toy, but a holy symbol. It is similar to a portable idol. In addition to the ritual purpose of worship and prayer, it can also give the believer a certain refuge. Although the power it radiates belongs to the cold and weird category, it is not Comfortable, but able to effectively isolate the ubiquitous poisonous insects in this jungle, so that snakes and rats are not willing to provoke easily.

Afterwards, Kane also noticed that there was a well in this small settlement. The well water was not sweet, but it was drinkable.

In addition, some clothes, salt, pots and even dry food were found in the wooden shed.

At this point, he basically understood the function here.

This is a forest hut. It is generally a temporary shelter for going out for hunting and not being able to rush back to the village and town that day.

The existence of these items can be used normally, especially dry food, which means that it is still being used.

Kane was not surprised or surprised by this. Spellcraft Eagle has discovered that trolls are living in this area, which makes him doubt that this jungle does not seem to have any good hunting or gathering. This settlement is built What's the use?

In a moment of thought, Tulum walked over and reported: "Master, there is a team of people traveling thousands of kilometers away. The target is likely to be here."

Tulum still has a lot of original memories, so the people in his mouth are not humans, but trolls.

When Cain casts his spell, a mist appears in the air, and a mirror window is born in the mist. Through this window, you can see the scene seen by the shadow troll who is responsible for monitoring.

The 9 trolls are all blood clan, with stone-gray skin, many puncture decorations of wood chips and bone sticks, and white greasy war patterns. They are upright and not rickety.

Seven of them are relatively poorly dressed. It can be said that they are only wrapped in cloth and the armor is also made of wood. They are very rough and tied with ropes woven with vine fibers dipped in oil.

The other two, the worn armor has a metallic composition, which is also more exquisite, like a shoulder armor, like a mask, and inlaid with fangs, which is both decorative and practical value. They wear short skirts and fabrics of worsted, The texture is delicate and has patterns.

In addition, the weapons used by these two trolls are also more sophisticated, unlike the seven. The beast fangs are tied to the wooden stick even if they have long handles. The only iron on and off the body is the dagger in the waist.

The first two trolls used metal long swords. It is well known that long swords want to do well, and they have many requirements for metallurgy and forging technology.

Sure enough, Tulun reported that this pedestrian was almost straight toward the settlement.

Kane then waited quietly in the small settlement.

This line of trolls is unaware of strangers, and the two trolls with long swords are still discussing how to complete the task as soon as possible. As a result, Kane directly used "faint" on them.

This team was a long way to go, but it was a bit lacking. After this operation, they had eyelid fights and fell on the spot.

The two men with long swords are more powerful than others, and they have a good resistance to this kind of confusion magic, but apparently Kane ’s spells are much stronger than similar spells. The two found that the situation was wrong, but in the end they were still Unable to resist the power of magic, his eyes turned dark, fell to the ground, and fell asleep.

Kane walked out of a nearby shed and replied to Ysera: "I suggest that they have a long dream."

Ysera nodded in response, and began to cast spells.

Echo has no ability, but it's okay to deal with such undefended targets that have fallen into a lethargy.

Ysera is the queen of dreams, and the use of such techniques is unique.

So, in a long and varied dream, these trolls explained a lot of information, and they were all interested in Kane.

In reality, this process is not long, and it takes more than ten minutes before and after.

After obtaining the information, Kane and Alexstrasza and Ysera's echoes left first.

Tu Lun would otherwise deal with the scene, including covering up the traces left by Kane and others.

Half an hour later, the 9 trolls woke up one after another and were puzzled. They started a discussion about this. Of course, before that, they also carefully checked their situation, including limited belongings.

The result is naturally nothing.

For them, this is a bizarre encounter. Some people think that it may have encountered a magical haze with a hypnotic effect. Anyway, most of them want to give themselves a self-consistent explanation. If there are no clues, they will all rely on the brain.

Kane did not go directly to Soul Search, not out of goodwill, but because he did not want to easily disturb the intelligent creatures in this realm, even if it was just a seemingly insignificant team.

He continued to lead the team westward at this time, combing the newly acquired information while walking.

The team of trolls just now was the army of blood clan. Now their survival mode is similar to the ancient city-states of the original world. Each relatively small independent group only knows about other similar groups nearby, and further away There is no exact information ~ ~ and only some rumors remain.

In the memory of these trolls, the region where they lived, the largest city-state, called Zuatu, was a city in itself.

Of course, according to Kane, Zuatu is nothing compared to the real big cities built by the trolls, but Zuatu has its own characteristics, that is, there are many temples.

All are the temples of the Loa deities, and those important Loa deities are basically wiped out. But Sabe, the **** who believed most and was the tallest temple, was very strange to Kane and had no clue.

According to the information provided by the memories of those trolls, this sabe is completely the main **** of the divine system, and the greatest glorious deed ever done is salvation.

To put it bluntly, now that Nazmir can have such an area where gods can live, it is all thanks to this Sabe. It was He who ran in all directions and joined with other Loa spirits to build this place of refuge and block out evil.

The word "innocent" is the self-made word of the trolls here. It is pronounced as Vakanru. Translated, it is a nightmare-like evil, and sin refers to something that is evil and inexplicable.

Both Alexstra and Ysera believe that this mysterious spirit, Sabe, is very problematic, especially since it represents the power of the sun and the image is a golden feather snake, which inevitably makes people think.

After all, in the world of Azeroth, the roots of all feather snakes are on Hakkar, and the gods, it is not too difficult to change the image, especially when it is used to deceive ordinary people.

Kane's thinking is different from the two queens. He pointed out that the **** of dragons and eagles, Gaialai, is probably the problem, because this **** has even more duties as the **** of agriculture ... 8) More exciting novels, Welcome to everyone's college

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