Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 663: Nature warrior

The force of the Sabe Temple is much stronger than the force of other temples, which is the main reason why they can be ranked first in the temples.

It is precisely because of the strong force that more regulations are needed. After all, the main theme of the temple is management rather than war.

Now, with the release of the oracle, the temple has entered the rhythm of war.

In addition to the temple warriors, a large number of puppet guards is also an important battle force of the temple.

These puppets are all produced using sun stone as the base embryo.

The sun stone is obtained by the priests through the ritual to change the sunstone, so the production process is relatively long, which belongs to the accumulated combat power.

But they are indeed very powerful. The ordinary flesh and blood are not opponents at all. The priests of the temple even invited craftsmen to create troll-style bronze armor and weapons for them.

Before the long-term erosion of bronze, bronze has a color comparable to that of gold. In addition, the temple is well maintained, so it feels like a bottle of gold armor.

All the temples are also very tacit and will not specifically explain it. As a believer, they know the importance of packaging.

A major direction of packaging is to show your success, wealth, credibility, and even mystery. Life is profitable. Before faith has formed inertia, technical fooling is indeed very important.

"Sabe issued the oracle, in order to complete it, all aspects of the temple will be controlled by me from now on." Uzula said these words in a very high-handed manner.

In peacetime, although she was a high priest, she could not act arbitrarily, because the real prince in the temple was a god, she was only a servant of management.

But now, the oracle's tiger skin allows her to break the shackles of the rules.

The elder priests looked at each other, and eventually someone stood up and asked, "High priest, I don't know the oracle?"

"A sinner and a valued sabe personally went to the oracle to arrest and sacrifice the sinner in public."

Uzula still has some skills in saying this.

It can be understood that Sabe attaches great importance to this sinner.

It can also be understood that the strength of the sinner requires the temple to go all out. So as a reasonable pavement for her arbitrariness.

The priests, as well as the temple warrior chiefs, can only choose to be obedient.

However, the warrior chief still reminded me: "High priest, it is not easy to train the warrior in the temple, please use it carefully.",

Uzula snorted softly, agreeing.

The warrior chief said this for a reason.

The warrior of the Temple of Sabe is no better than other temples, even those who have become monks halfway.

The temples of Sabe are all cultivated by themselves, and they are all rooted red, which is one of their pride.

Temple warriors are strong, loyal, and difficult to train, but it is only one reason.

Another reason is that Uzula had used power for personal gains, and the result almost triggered an unprepared war. For this reason, the temple had injured and killed nearly 10 warriors in the dark history.

After getting along for a long time, Uzula's colleagues also knew that the old woman was ambitious and wanted to make trouble, so she guarded against it.

It's a pity that the water near the water platform first came to the moon, and the oracle was given to Uzula, which basically means that in this temple, God is most favored by Uzula, and also affirmed his position and authority, and the legality of his actions. To put it bluntly, it is to delegate power to Uzula. Even if others are not satisfied, they have to endure and cooperate as much as possible to do their own related work well.

Uzula saw that no one had jumped out and blasted her with a stab, but she still felt a little sorry in her heart. This group of people did not make her difficult, usually in secret, which made her very unhappy. After all, there are other temples. The high priest makes comparisons, and then she often feels wronged.

Of course, she would not blame the rules set by God, which were too strict. God would not be wrong. It was her colleagues who were not only stubborn and stubborn, but also played word games, distorted the law, and deliberately made her difficult. Suspected.

"Sooner or later, I will clean up you!" Uzula pressed his eager vent to start thinking about the business. As long as she can complete the oracles and obtain the titles of eternal caregiver and saint, then it is equivalent to the **** who walks in the world, the Holy Spirit next to the true seat, naturally suppresses the head of ordinary clergy, naturally there is a way to arrange these old days Colleagues.

Just as the Temple of Sabe turned into a war mode, and launched an intelligence network mainly based on believers, looking for sinners, Kane and the dragons controlled the asylum, leaving the Zuatu realm, toward cognition. The location of the heart of darkness has advanced more than 100 kilometers.

The Zandalar Islands are quite large, and even if the total area is not as good as Australia, it will not be much worse. The overall shape is triangular, with Wharton on the upper left, Nazmir on the upper right, and Zuldazar in the lower center.

The three regions have very different styles. Wharton is the desert Gobi, Nazmir is the Zeguo water town, and Zuldazar is the Jurassic forest.

However, this is the information in Kane's prophetic cognition.

As they are now, the environment they face can only be described as dense water networks, not swamp wetlands, because the plains and low hills occupy a larger area.

And really let Kane secretly speculate that this time it may be another good and bad spirit. It is not the sea-like change here, but the eyes are getting closer and closer to the location of the dark heart. Called the negative energy, the local troll called the effect of evil, but it did not increase but decrease.

The feeling is as if they are gradually moving away from the radiation source.

It would also make sense to use the deadly abyss where they had just arrived in this world as the source. But then it is not easy to be related to the heart of darkness.

Could those speculations be wrong?

Could it be that they and their party stayed close to seek distance, and finally they still have to go back to the deadly ground to solve the problem?

When Kane thought of this, he was inevitably upset.

He really did n’t want to stay in this world for a long time, but more and more cases pointed to a possibility, that is, his prophet ’s information was basically nullified, and even the building blocks had changed. It was no longer Ghohn ’s and possible It's that babe, or something else. For him, it was not Azeroth at all, and there was still a whole lot of things on his side.

Kane warned himself to be patient and continue to gather information. And his echo Luohan, in the hotel in the lower city of Zuatu, thinking about how to strengthen himself.

As a farming school, Kane is very interested in the system. Whether it is an avatar or an avatar, it will be instinctively equipped with an appropriate system to make it possible to grow.

This time it was the same. Even because of the lack of extraordinary power, the extraordinary power obtained by the echo was very limited. If you use money as a metaphor, it is enough to be a starter for a salesman. Whether you can get rich quickly depends on yourself.

The response did not feel wronged. Like the incarnation, he had a memory of hardship and simplicity.

Kane deity believes that this is an important part of personality and even the three views, so it is basically not deleted.

So Rohan has a detailed memory of whether Kane was still the reincarnation Xinding.

In addition to this, the echo has another characteristic, that is, the force of the contractor of the dark force has not affected him. After all, it is the shadow of the secondary incarnation of the deity, as much as three or more dilutions, and those aura properties, or shackles, are already unobservable.

Therefore, Luohan has no divinity and no natural dark affinity.

But it is not the most original earthman Zhao Wenrui, don't forget, he is wearing the troll attribute.

This attribute is naturally not deliberately promoted, but because the customer bullies.

Before Kane had accumulated more than 20 years of practice, he had the left thumb of the **** and could hold the crown of souls made in the temple of Atahaka.

The echo will not work.

In terms of echoes, the Crown of Souls is an out-and-out great power holy weapon, and he has to borrow it. If the identity of Luohan is to be detected by other trolls, he must rely on the Souls. Crown formed shell.

It does not simply refer to the shape.

Animagus advanced transformation is enough to physically deceive the troll.

But that doesn't make much sense.

After all, this is a high-magic world. The trolls have voodoo, magic, and can be identified from the perspective of the soul. Without the crown of souls, he estimates that they can only mix between the bottom troll slave circle and the free people. Without being discerned, that was not what he wanted.

After enjoying the camouflage convenience brought by the crowns of the souls, I have to accept other influences.

Roughly speaking, he now plans his own growth path according to the troll's physique talent, which is called adaptability. If he still plays with the past set, it is sailing against the current.

Based on his comprehensive situation at this moment, it is better to know the current affairs in this respect.

Fortunately, Kane also considered these issues when arranging the system for reverberation. Eventually, Locke Khan ’s position was locked in the nature warrior.

The so-called nature warrior is actually a magic sword warrior in another sense, but the auxiliary is not magic, but the druid's natural magic.

Dominated by warriors, one is Luo Han's role needs. In addition, the actual situation is also considered.

The caster was too dazzling in Zuatu.

Except for voodoo and priests, Zuatu has no shaman, let alone a sorcerer or mage. A caster emerges out of thin air, and the source of the spell is unclear.

Therefore, the soldier belongs to the right direction.

Druid's natural magical assistance is naturally because natural magicalism is the easiest to pretend to be a voodoo line. Even if it is found to cast a spell, it is easier to make excuses.

Among trolls, there is still a lot of affinity for nature. This is also the basis of the voodoo profession. When it comes to details, it has an unusually sensitive intuition for plants and animals and can better deal with related matters. Make achievements.

In fact, affinity can be understood as a talent that people often say, but in the magic world, there are more talents with mysterious characteristics, which is directly related to the long-term power of the invasion of biological populations.

One of the racial talents of the trolls is that they are extremely capable of healing and can compete with the werewolf.

The blood trolls, who have always maintained the tradition of rumao drinking blood, are the best among them, so their racial talent is said to be super inaccurate and should be called regeneration.

The second of the talents of the blood troll is the wilderness affinity. Simple understanding, they are very adaptable to the wilderness environment, just like the wild beast adapting to the jungle.

The third talent is bloodthirsty rage. Among the troll clan, there are more than blood trolls who play blood sacrifice, but if the blood troll recognizes the second, then the first place can only be suspended. Therefore, their bloodthirsty rage is an enhanced version, which Kane calls blood anger.

As for the **** trolls of Zulutu who are the heads of urban residents, according to the relevant information he obtained, this is what happened after the ravages of evil, less than 200 years.

Two hundred years of subtlety is not enough to erase the evolutionary traces left by the blood trolls over the long years. Therefore, Kane felt that designing an original blood troll talent for Luohan was still the past.

According to this analysis, the blood trolls are naturally close to nature, and their characteristics of favoring the druid are very obvious. This is also a major reason why Kane chose to let Luohan take the position of nature warrior.

At this level of Luohan, there is no way to uniquely play personalities, and it will be easier to achieve results by following the trend ~ ~ For this reason, among the natural warriors designed by Kane, there are two constant extraordinary attributes.

The first one is called photosynthesis.

The idea for this attribute came from Drust on the island of Kul Tiras. Droste ’s ancestors had accepted the preaching of Cenarius and became a druid, but then took a wrong path and favored the darkness of nature. surface.

Druid's Druid transformation is very characteristic, half animal and half plant, the two are organically integrated, and their characteristics are very similar to the flesh and blood golem.

Kane thought the concept was pretty good.

However, it is not possible to have a concept alone, and Drust's technical system is not feasible. It does not matter. The relevant technology bred by the green skin of the medieval Warhammer is more brilliant than Drust.

In contrast, Drust only has fur, and others are absolutely stolen into the bones, parthenogenesis, photosynthesis, and can be directly planted from spores according to the environment.

Kane ’s Druid Way, in addition to the more sustainable and recyclable concept from the original world, is more fashionable. In fact, it has to rely on the technology from the green skin to support the field. It can really live in the desert, and then change the world. Create a green planet. Such a natural way is naturally forced.

It is now selected to be used on Luo Khan, which can be said to complement each other.

Another constant attribute is called Loa Guardian.

The trolls have always had the tradition of believing in God, and Loa ’s guardianship came from it, so it was not abrupt at all. Specifically, it is the guardianship of Gonk.

Gunk is the **** of the velociraptor. From the perspective of the extraordinary power category, Gunk's extraordinary power attribute is the power of nature.

So, this is a complete set, complementing each other, do n’t look at the nature warrior as Kane ’s temporary advanced class. There are level requirements for the warrior and the druid. There is such a smell of rotting ...

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