Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 665: Grand festival

Luohan sacrificed to Gonker and made Gonker miss it, but it was actually the power of faith.

That was drawn by Luo Khan in the small blood sacrifice of yesterday, using the technology of the core of faith (the heart system of the kingdom of God).

His blatant operation is a typical blasphemy. No **** can tolerate such theft. The premise is to know that it happened.

This has to mention the malpractices of the trolls in this world. These troll priests, while taking advantage of the weakness of the gods, by mastering the technology of inheritance, and playing blatantly to intercept the flow, they are the most shameful blasphemers.

In order to obtain divine power from God, these priests use their own methods to first grasp the tradable resources of the power of faith, and then talk to God about the conditions.

The weak Lord Loa is like a person who has been maliciously filled with two bottles of white liquor, two bottles of beer, plus a bottle of wine, not far from alcohol poisoning, trance, half-silly, shouting in the fog I can still drink.

As a result, the priests used it, and they could only leave a little bit of power to survive, and it was still inferior, just like the black coal kiln workers would die in a few years, of course, God wants to be more durable. This is Really.

The priests who exploited and exploited God's head did not necessarily know all the belief systems. In fact, they ca n’t blame them all. They are not gods. It ’s not normal to know that God ’s set is completely normal, not to mention that a few upstarts with cash cows will be patient to invest heavily in analyzing the working principle of cash cows?

This is actually the looting.

It took a while to grab a ticket, and when there is no more, find a silly one to grab him. The key point is to find and grab, not to study how silly is born.

As a result, Luo Khan easily achieved technical crushing, and took advantage of the warm atmosphere on the spot to collect a group of nearly blatant, well-chosen good faith.

Later, when the viper bracelet was turned into a natural bracelet, Yazma's power was used as a knocking brick, the power of faith collected as a tribute, and the materials purchased as a medium to complete the ceremony.

Gonk, who was always forced to drink fake alcohol, suddenly encountered such a ceremonial and thoughtful sacrifice, and he was naturally glad to answer.

Sure enough, the offerings are also very good, although in fact it is only the level of two two burned knives, which is comparable to inferior fake wine, I do n’t know where it is going, and Luohan does not have much magic power, enough to transform the bracelet, So this interaction and consummation.

With Gonk's natural power as a cover color, Luo Khan was determined in his heart at this time and calmly followed the crowd to the main square.

By the time he and Samma and Daga came to the square together, there was already a surge of people in the water.

The Grand Plaza is also in the Midtown area, but it has a characteristic that there are no buildings around it. It is like the bow of the aircraft carrier. Some of it is suspended, and a thick boulder is diagonally supported underneath, like a super terrace.

Anyone who knows all sorts of anecdotes of Zuatu knows that the part of the square that hangs in the sky is almost the default position of the rulers during the large assembly of Zuatu. They often wait in the collective waiting of the people who arrive first. Show one or two hands of gods and gods and other tricks to keep the people in awe of them.

This time is no exception. Because Luohan and his party came by a point, when Daga explained the high-level anecdotes of Zu Atu to him, the extraordinary show began.

It was the nobles who arrived first. They were lined up by the warriors and entered under the guard of honor.

These blood trolls have the decent appearance that most wealthy people have. They are clean and bright, and their skin is delicate. The spirit of the whole person is also better. They are not high-spirited. Most of them are elegant. You can see that you have received systematic education from walking and lying down.

Arriving later than the nobles were the priest groups in the temples.

In Luohan's view, the appearance of these priests is very circus-like, and there is nothing to describe in detail. It is nothing more than a bird and a beast.

To the feeling of Luohan, these priest teams can't wait to advertise their independence and characteristics, how to get their eyes on them, so they are equipped with many props and even sound and light effects controlled by divine power.

The temple warrior also followed the bad luck, and the dressed-up "flower branch exhibition" was comparable to those of the hip-hop dancers in the tropical islands.

Of course, if you look at it from the perspective of the troll's literary tradition, it makes sense. In nature, the bright colors are mostly warning colors, and ‘danger’ and ‘do n’t touch me’ express such meaning, not beauty.

The culture of trolls has a very strong original flavor, so 'Hua Li Huo' in other people's culture is not equal to playfulness, but brave warfare, so many male feathers and bones dress up like male peacock, It is precisely showing bravery, not softness.

The presence of the priests in various temples adds a beautiful color to the square, just like visiting the martyrs monument and giving the wreath, it is colorful and glorious for people to watch.

The line of the Temple of Sabe only appeared after a while.

As the host of this big festival, the Temple of Sabe seems to be more strenuous from top to bottom. In addition to the fixed temple warriors rely on, war puppets and armed priests also appeared.

Uzula came flying out of the sky. Her body was covered with golden light. The translucent golden feather snake formed by this light always released thousands of brilliances, which were slightly closer, and you could even feel it clearly. The temperature of the released sunlight.

The sun is as dazzling as the sun, and you can't force it. You must say that Uzula's packaging scheme is bold and successful. Luohan noticed that the bottom trolls were more sincere in their respect for Sabe. Obviously, Sabe can become the head of the gods in the people, indeed because of its commendable strengths.

Luohan also found a detail. The order of the rulers is also very particular. The stronger and the more core, like the priest group of the Temple of Sabe, the team is located at the center of the entire ruling layer array, and Like Yazma and Hess, they are more marginal.

This ranking is recognized by each other, and after entering the venue, they ran to their respective positions, orderly and very tacit.

In addition, Zuatu also seems to follow the ‘the higher the qualification, the more late to the scene. The unspoken rule is that there is a bigger card than the priests of the Temple of Sabe, and the one who came later is the witch king Varkan.

Wakan is the uncrowned king of Zuatu. It is said that he had assembled the gods with great power and reached an agreement with him to jointly support Zuatu ’s refuge, and isolate the evil from the suffering. Catastrophe trolls breathing.

So this man, from a legal point of view, is naturally tall, like a true **** walking on earth.

Wakan seems to know that his status is too high, and every time he appears, the teachers are engaged in moving the crowd, which is suspected of disturbing the people. Therefore, he rarely appeared in public, but his authority has not been damaged by this, and the mystery has increased.

Today, Vakkan's first impression of Rohan is to bring his own BGM.

This background music is not originated from the drummer's team specially arranged by him, which plays the momentum before and after its debut, but the extraordinary power falls like rain, so that all beings bathe in it, and the people here are also very sing for this. It is like a super concert scene of Uranus Superstar, forming a chorus. Although the content of the chorus is simple, and even the singing is not clear, but the atmosphere formed by the crowded place is even the light of the previous Sabe priest team. Nothing beats it.

Luohan listened to the merchant Daga who explained to him that in Zuatu, only Vakkan had the power and ability to bring down this rain of blessings, and benefit all beings.

Luo Khan's malicious analysis of this, that Wakan's extraordinary power has a problem. Everyone is poor, but you can squander a lot of money, and there is no greasiness behind you to have a ghost. This is Luo Khan's idea. In fact, he has no evidence to prove that Wakan's extraordinary power has a problem.

As for the appearance of Wakkan, in such large gatherings, there is no special equipment, and it is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Wakan's dress is also of the type of deep pockets and big hats. Among the rulers, there are many clothes on it, and it is the kind of tinkling ring, a pile of fragmented pendants, walking like a wind chime and trivial. very.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to tell what kind of ghost form is hidden inside.

Perhaps it is because the force is high enough and stable, and there is no need to add more. The appearance of Vakkan, except for the rain of extraordinary power, like the rain, the whole room is full of extravagance, and there is no outstanding performance in other aspects. In order to greet, Benao was in the most central and highest position belonging to him. Without movement, the venue was given to today's protagonist, the performance of the Sabe priest group.

If the Sabe Priest Group is a theater company, then Uzula is undoubtedly the big horn in the theater company. The entire theater company surrounds her and points to the kind of food she eats.

Uzula began to perform, not to the large number of people across the square, but to give an explanation to the ruling people. Xingshi mobilized everyone to ring the holy gong, forcing everyone to put down the things at hand and come to chase this place, there is no way to say it.

Uzula's statement is simple, she showed the golden scepter, showed the power of the golden feather snake crown, and lifted out the **** Sabe.

Faced with this situation, almost all rulers, more or less, showed a greasy look like eating a fly.

This is because they realized how much benefit they could not divide this time.

Every time something similar happens, as long as it is an unconventional convening, it means a big bleeding from the sponsor. All parties must be compensated adequately, which was agreed upon at the beginning.

According to the original agreement, such as the Temple of Sabe with strong gods as backers, you can achieve a change of direction discount, the prerequisite is the oracle.

But by the oracle discount, to put it bluntly, it is the benefit that should have been provided by God in the secular organization, and it should be borne by God himself.

Sabe, the **** of feathers and snakes, still has this credit. Unlike other miserable gods, even if you play this trick, you have to take out the mortgage first.

No need for Thabe, he can ‘pay’ afterwards, and what hurts the priests most is that Thabe ’s payment is the exchange of resources between gods and spirits.

This is what makes them unhappy. No one is as good as they are. If they do not get the benefits, they feel that this trip is worthless, but because of the rules agreed upon by each other, they can't leave their sleeves and leave the field, so they are depressed.

If the rulers are only depressed, ordinary people gathered here can only be described as pitiful.

After all, there were still a few reasons for failing to get to the square before the gong ended.

For example, there is such a family. The mother is ill, bedridden, the child is not sensible, and the father works hard outside the city.

When I heard the sound of the gong and hurried home, it was not too early. Then I carried my wife and took the child to the square, but I couldn't make it.

The result was a typical arrest, coupled with the rulers are now very unhappy, crooked mouth, this family has no way of life.

Going to jail will become the sacrifice for the next blood sacrifice, and the rulers will not easily waste this family's life. And most other trolls do n’t feel that this is wrong ~ ~ There is no harm without comparison. In these trolls, the rules are set early in the morning, and you have n’t been able to do it, even if there is a middle , Can only lament that he is unlucky, even destined to be so. If it is not destiny, how come there is no left and right next to the side, to help one?

Che Guevara of the origin world once said this: "They (mainly referring to the capitalist interest groups in power) will give you to build schools, build hospitals, and provide at least relief relief because we have come and fought."

These words profoundly reflect that if you want to change the injustice, retreat and patience will only encourage the other party's arrogance and make it more within reach. Only by awakening and struggling, and at least five steps of blood splattering, can the other party converge.

This situation makes people feel angry just thinking about it, but it is an inevitable face of the disadvantaged groups.

Luohan understands this, so he never talks about a savior. He knows that he is just a ruler who has more conscience than other colleagues because he has technology.

He knew that such a social phenomenon like Zuatu wanted a radical change, it was because the cognition of the underlying trolls changed, and it was not just a catastrophe that triggered the change. Yes, it is a very comprehensive awakening and improvement of freedom consciousness.

The chaos and tragedies that Zuatu is now performing are inseparable from the dependence of the underlying trolls on the ruler and their current status. Isn't there such a saying: no cage can restrain the will to yearn for freedom.

Luo Khan does not talk about heroic courage, relief or relief, but he does want to defeat Zu Atu ’s existing decaying rulers, but before that, he has to pass a search and arrest test.

Although his current hearing is not enough for him to hear the content of Uzula's conversation, he still has some judgments. He realizes that this gathering may really be aimed at him ...

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