Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 693: After 1 hour

The Anti-Magic Allied Forces were not as good as Galin Torbain for a few years.

As Kane used the spear of the kingdom to destroy the main force of the Burning Legion entrenched in the Cursed Land, this statement soon became very popular, and the flavor contained in it was very complicated.

The fact is that it is so strong that it has no friends.

Strong, sometimes it can be different, or another name.

Even if he is strong in psychology, he ca n’t ignore the fact that Kane has the power to raise his hands to destroy the country, so he feels stressed and can get along with him with his ordinary heart. Smart creatures.

Of all the outstanding ones, almost every one is not lacking in self-esteem and pride. Those familiar with Kane are mostly excellent tasks, so ...

Of course, this kind of problem does not cause trouble for Kane. He knew long ago that when a person finds himself out of tune with his surroundings, it means it's time for a circle of friends.

The circle of friends who are more suitable for themselves may be full of successful careers, or may be psychiatric patients, or as he is now, the sanctuary, voters, demigods, and gods, even if he knows his deeds He will have low self-esteem, and he will not feel that his grades are so great ...

Equality in thoughts is the basis for becoming friends. It is inevitably influenced by the circumstances of the material world. Therefore, the Orientals of the original world invented the term "door to household" long ago.

Some sensitive people can always derive the meaning of depreciating or looking up from this concept. In fact, it can be a description of a summary of experience. It refers to individuals or families in similar situations, which is more likely to produce consensus and interact with each other. There won't be too much pressure,

Of course, these are far from Kane's top priorities. What he needs to pay close attention to is some ulterior motives.

No, someone has already suggested to him, seemingly humbly, whether to use the spear of heaven to destroy the Scourge of the Lich King, the evil spirits of Illidan, and the Ahn'Qiraj of Silithus?

Kane did not want to speculate on the intentions of these proposers from a malicious point of view. He just regarded them as a good starting point and was a loyal supporter of "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility".

Even so, he had to deal with it carefully, paying attention to his words and deeds. After all, he can now be said to be important, and what he said is likely to be used as a weather vane by some people, or may be over-interpreted.

According to Kane's cognition, all these problems are plainly caused by the reason of 'lack of strength'.

Not to mention the huge strength, even if he can still cast the spear of heaven now, then everything will be different. He can be stable and steady, instead of being cautious. After all, the spear of heaven can be cast, which represents a fairly qualified fault tolerance rate. It won't work now, he can't make big mistakes, otherwise the true side of foreign powers will be exposed immediately.

"Sorry, my behavior is already a typical example of the abuse of divine power, and the cursed land has been twisted by the desolate and more terrible centuries. I have to bear the main responsibility."

Kane took a bit of official tone when he doubted the senior leaders of the Anti-Union, he specifically pointed out that from the human point of view, or the perspective of intelligent creatures, his approach was completely ok. Once the Burning Legion raged in Azeroth As a result, the family was destroyed and the creatures were burned, and the damage caused was unimaginable.

But Tianxin, or the original will of nature, is not measured by speculation, but by facts. The fact is that the damage caused by the spear of heaven to the cursed land is greater than the damage caused by the invasion of the Burning Legion.

Moreover, from the perspective of power, the spear of heaven is higher than the power of the Burning Legion, so it is not tolerated by nature and requires a high price.

This statement about the power position actually has a lot to do with the inability of gods to reside in the physical world.

The power of God is too great to seriously interfere with the normal operation of the world ’s basic laws, so it will be rejected.

As for who made this rule, most people in the magic world believe that it is the God of Creation, and Kane believes that the objective law created when the universe was formed is not absolutely unbreakable, but often requires power beyond the level. In essence, it is the same as being born in a dynasty and overthrowing the dynasty, and setting up a new pattern. The difficulty is different. Naturally, it is the difference between clouds and mud. But if it is like the Titan gods who are born with powerful stars? Is it relatively easy?

Of course, this is also an illusion. At least Kane hasn't seen the existence of being strong enough to flip the universe. Generally, he can get rid of the cosmos to a certain extent through the information of detachment level.

Too far away, in short, Kane's bureaucratic suspicion is to swindle people with divine, unconscious words.

In fact, the spear of the kingdom of heaven is a relatively intriguing attack. Although it is powerful and uses magical power, strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as a real **** shot. It was a sideline, otherwise he was not fooling everyone, but responding to Azeroth's backlash.

Some of his dispelled claims are true, such as the claim that natural will emphasizes facts rather than speculation. In addition, the power of Azeroth's laws is unquestionable.

At least for Sargeras, it is the most powerful star in the known universe that has completed its exploration.

If the known universe he explored is a large gravel, then Azeroth is the diamond in the gravel.

Using Kane's theory to analyze, it is the special case that the essence of the cosmic eggs in the wow cosmic egg is not well distributed evenly during the singularity explosion.

It was because it was special enough that it was coveted by the Void Majesty and sent the ancient gods to come to be contaminated.

Since Sargeras has always been at the forefront of war, fighting against various enemies, he is more sensitive and awake than other star gods. He realized earlier that once Azeroth gave birth to a star god, it would be already The most powerful of the Astral Gods, the united power can't beat that kind, and the Void Lord started earlier than the Titan gods. In case of blackening, the star **** born by Azeroth will become the real destroyer So that the entire universe is completely destroyed.

Sargeras was reluctant to take the risk of Azeroth being blackened, so he insisted on extinguishing this possibly hidden danger through an expedition.

However, Sargeras's thinking is too high-end and magnificent, and it looks fake and empty. It is a kind of saying on the background board level. Kane is just listening to it and will not treat it as the truth.

He believed that he was not compatible with Sargeras and was naturally hostile.

Because he is order-oriented and Sargeras is chaotic, look at the behavior of the Burning Legion. If it is concentrated, the life planets destroyed or occupied by it will be regarded as villages or county towns, Sargeras The gameplay will become very intuitive, and it will make most of the modern people in the original world feel full of sight, that is, the tyrants who are violently conscripted and poor, and they will be surrendered as servants or be sanguang.

The original historical line Garrosh Hellscream was also the same as the chieftain of the tribe. The famous celebrities have the saying: `` Either be loyal to the tribe or be crushed by the tribe ''.

It ’s always easy to find a reason. Garrosh said that I did it for the tribe, the orthodox, authentic, tough style tribe. And Sargeras can also say that I did this for this universe, where the prince of the void is a terrifying existence that opposes the positive physical universe, and let it succeed, that is not that thousands of life planets were destroyed, but The universe does not exist.

Look at this statement, it all works well, one by one. No one can find a good rebuttal. Therefore, sometimes it is really not good to be right or wrong, as a judging criterion to repeatedly discuss advocacy, to become a king and defeat a conqueror, that's all.

Most of these things are used for comparison purposes, and Kane understands that what he needs is a grounded way to live a prosperous life.

Therefore, taking advantage of people's lack of such high-end knowledge, they fooled everyone.

It seems that the explanation is quite pertinent, but after a detailed analysis, the information with practical value is not disclosed at all, nor is it possible to use the spear of heaven, or what is the cost of the previous launch.

As the focus person, Kane's words and deeds were indeed followed by many people, so not long after, the Lich King and Illidan got relevant information.

Then, a strange period of peace came. It seemed to be shocked by Kane's shock, and even the Ahn'Qiraj worms stopped a lot.

Looking at the various forces of Azeroth from a macro perspective, the Scourge Represents the dark side of civilization and even Azeroth. In addition to all kinds of good combat power, there are prophets brought by the eternal dragon in time and space to rely on .

Illidan, which quickly became popular, represented the chaotic power squeezed out of the light-dark confrontation. They did not like the Lich King's gameplay, but they were not accustomed to the so-called bright side approach represented by human nations.

The alliance dominated by human beings represents the orthodox civilization of Azeroth. It is said that the light system is not a matter of fact, but it is positive and positive, because from top to bottom, there is a stable and beautiful life. The vision and goals are the same, and the other is the difference in implementation methods, which can be coordinated.

Among them, due to historical past, population, cultural customs, etc., some forces are outside the alliance, such as tribes, night elves, and goblins.

Breaking away but having a certain amount of communication and interaction can also be regarded as an important role.

There are also troll clans, pandaren, snakemen and other populations, which were dubbed as Azeroth ’s Afrolas by Kane ’s deity. Their influence is relatively small, and their main influence is limited to their long-term living areas, at least This is currently the case.

As the Burning Legion representing chaos and evil was kicked out of the game, the source of the most violent war was wiped out. It was like extinguishing a napalm flame burning on people. The deadly threat was temporarily gone.

The demon elite squads previously sent by Azgalo were like sporadic flames. Although they were small, they still burned. It was painful for this. Kane personally made great achievements.

Naturally, some people criticized Kane's behavior. Kane can now be said to be a decisive figure. It is a magic weapon used by the Alliance to suppress evil. Isn't it a little too unknowing to be in the frontline after visiting this line again and again? In case something goes wrong ...

Kane knew that behind this seemingly concerned reminder, he was curious about him and wanted to know more. Even Anthony Das asked euphemistically whether he could discuss the relevant knowledge about the spear of heaven. Obviously, it is not easy to completely blind this old mage who has entered the room in the field of arcane.

The Guangming sect maintains a strong curiosity about the concept of ‘Heavenly Kingdom’ as if it were word-picking.

Of course, compared to the red and green dragons who went to the door to ask where their queen was, the Guangming sect was far from the most sticky one.

Even the False Spirit Isar is very interested in the attack mode of the spear of the kingdom of heaven, and claims that when the False Spirit was still an entity and had its own native mother star, the prosperous civilization has already explored the use of this space-based The degree of weapons.

Listening to its detailed descriptions, it seems that it is not a lie ~ ~ And in recent years in the battle against the invasion of the Burning Legion, Isar's veins have not contributed much, and it is still an invitation from his swarm , It owes a small or no favor to the other party ...

It is for these reasons that Kane ran to the front line with the thought of avoiding disasters. Some topics have deep discussion or disclosure, leading to more questions, while others have no way to give a satisfactory answer, only to hide.

Hiding is also divided into negative and positive, Kane thinks he is the latter. He personally hunted down the evil spirits of the demons, it was a bit of a knife to kill the chickens, but the efficiency is also true. The flying eagle is released. A large area can be quickly searched by the net, and few demons can escape him with a certain divinity. Trait search and trace.

At the same time, under his command and influence, the production sequence led by the Falcon Kingdom is rapidly recovering, and production capacity is steadily increasing.

The confidence of the people of the Falcon Kingdom has risen unprecedentedly. Their princes have returned and wiped out the major threats to the world. The remaining evil is quickly disappearing. There are a series of policies to benefit the people. The future is worth looking forward to.

However, for Kane, it was a constant trouble. Just before the sweep of the devil's remnants entered the end of the 28th winter of the Warcraft calendar, a new crisis came, the Emerald Dream, something happened ...

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