Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 697: Concentrated outbreak

Dream scars.

These are the guardians of the Emerald Dream, a description of the areas deeply eroded by nightmares. It is also the key point of this crisis.

Kane also heard this statement for the first time. There is no such concept in his prophetic message. It is not difficult to understand the specifics. If the Emerald Dream is a painting, then when the scratches on the dream started, it was like a moldy spot that appeared when the scroll was improperly preserved. Now, the moldy spot is further deteriorated and completely decayed.

The biggest problem brought about by ulceration is ‘leakage’, like a hole in the bottom of the ship is being cut, and the polluted energy is pouring out day and night at the scar, so that the scar is constantly torn, and the area and even the entire emerald dream begins to collapse.

Kane naturally has his own understanding of what happened.

He believes that there are two main points worth noting.

First, according to the description of the original historical line (the sleeper quest line of the chapter of Wrath of the Lich King), Ysera was once trapped in the emerald nightmare by Xavius, and many of her heirs were also affected, and the queen was ruthlessly executed. ’S order to clear and strangle all creatures infected by the nightmare.

Isarios went to the Dragonbone Wilderness to find a way to awaken Ysera ...

Second, this Azeroth is biased toward darkness, not the orthodox Azeroth.

Combining these two points, combined with Ysera was thrown into the world for a few years (even 6 years for the skin, now it is the late autumn of the 28th year of the Warcraft calendar, the 27th year of the original historical line of Warcraft calendar opened the wrath of the Lich King Chapter, 30 Years of Cataclysm), Kane has reason to believe that the problem of the original historical line that caused Ysera to be trapped by the nightmare has erupted viciously, so there is now this out.

That's why he didn't say anything, so he walked up with Isarios and started to solve the problem. This happened, he really had the pot.

The world that he came to has changed greatly since 20 years ago. Through unremitting efforts, he weakened and delayed the two major events of natural disasters and fire and invasion.

Originally, according to the normal development, there is still a chance to further increase the size of the small and the size of the small. After all, the overall situation was still stable for the alliance camp. He also had a few powerful cards in his hand, and his blood worms entered the acceleration. At the stage of development, new powerful cards are constantly brewing.

But a failed expedition directly delayed 6 years. In the past 6 years, the Falken Kingdom and even the Blood Sucker Swarm have been delayed due to the geological weapons created by the Lich King + Eternal Dragon, and then have declined because of the burning invasion. As a result, the overall situation plummeted, creating a situation where drinking thirst quenches thirst, and problems concentrate.

Even if his king returned and started the backup energy, a problem that wiped out the burning legion, but there are still many backlog problems. After all, as time goes by, all that should be brewed is also in place.

Like the rise of the Ahn'Qiraj worm empire, this was a major event that took place in the chapter of the Frozen Throne, which was after the invasion of the Burning Legion and Archimonde's Dead Sea Mount Garr.

The burning expedition, specifically, Kazak opened the door to darkness, and the Burning Legion used the broken Draenor world as the forward base and attacked Azeroth again. As a result, the Horde and the Alliance again staged the second coalition in the end of the Second Orc War Counterattack countdown.

Then there was the wrath of the Lich. The Scourge accumulated power in Northrend. Once again, there was a trend that threatened the world. The Alliance and the Horde took the initiative to attack, so there was a series of major events.

A quick look at the timeline and what happened will reveal that the forward camp is stepping out of the quagmire step by step. When the Wrath of the Lich King has already had the ability to take the initiative, although he can only fight against powerful enemies after uniting, But after all, the overall situation is improving.

But in this world, the backlog of problems broke out, and the burning invasion merged with the original historical line of the burning expedition, and it was basically resisted by the alliance alone, which made the alliance very hurt.

If he had n’t revived Stromgarde in his early years, he not only spurred the rapid recovery of human nations from the trauma of the Second War of the Beasts, but also helped the dwarves to get out of the quagmire, helping the dwarf to avoid a fatal population loss (Normore Root leprosy gnome incident), strengthened the sea power of Kul Tiras (the original history line fell silent with the death of Dailin Proudmoore and the destruction of the fleet, licking the wound for more than ten years is equal to nothing), indirectly draws The swaying Quel'Thalas elves.

The original history of the Frozen Throne chapter was too heavily hit, and met the Union Marshal Garriss of the Communist Party ’s private enemies. Eventually Kael'thas took part of Illidan to the outland, and the other part was put into the arms of the tribe, including Sylva Nas and the Forgotten, after all, Sylvanas was also a Quel'Thalas elf. From the power map, he and the blood elves can help each other to deal with the remnants of natural disasters in the plagued land of East and West. Nass's emotional orientation is also a point (the blood elves leave the Quel'Thalas region, the first stop is the Undercity, and triggers the elves of the high elves).

Even, Kane also indirectly used the power of goblins and even tribes (becoming a raw material base and product dumping ground) through the group of people, and almost spawned new forces out of nothing, the Freemasonry of Northrend (original history In the line, this part of people either died early or became a natural disaster cannon fodder after death).

He did so many things, and the results he brought were exhausted in the fierce battle with the Burning Legion. The only thing that is gratifying is that the frame is still there, hurting some muscles and bones (loss of more than 100,000 is light and strong), but he is confident that recovery will be much faster than after the second human-beast war.

The premise is that it can no longer be hit hard, otherwise it will collapse.

However, there are still several hidden building blocks, but he has smashed the spare power into it.

This is what makes Cain melancholy.

As someone said: One of the most constant phenomena in this world is that it is often difficult for us to really control.

Now it was the power of the nightmare that came out first. Unsurprisingly, Kane was not surprised, just a little sigh.

Sighing that he was already deeply involved, in order to win, he bowed down more than he did when he worked for the Vientiane door system. At this moment, he was bound to be deeply tied. After the implementation of this decision, I do n’t know how many years I have thrown in this world .

Sometimes when I think about it, he is also very low. He is always too deep into the play, and he unconsciously carried a huge burden. Just because of this, he has been sarcasm for others. The more powerful the responsibility, the greater the responsibility. .

Conversely, otherwise? Ignore the wind and light clouds, let them live or die? I really can't do it, especially since I have already had a more in-depth interaction. When I encounter a major event and fall off the rake, I have a little bit of blessing to enjoy.

If you really don't have that strength, the scum will be slag. After living for so many years, you have long understood that the skin is sometimes used to sell, and if you force yourself to die, you will really die.

However, it is obvious that it has strength, but it hides. From the root, this is a denial of yourself and even the goal you are pursuing. Over the years, what is the purpose of climbing on the mountain of power? Did n’t you say loudly to straighten your waist? But it turned out to be OK, but this is a spur of inertia. Why do you still pursue power? Looking for a happy place, how can you get drunk and live your life?

I have to say that every time at this time, Kane feels that he is still an individual, because this kind of thinking mode is very human, sensible, emotional, competitive, all kinds of unstoppable fetters ...

He sees himself this way, and Isarios clearly has a different opinion.

In the eyes of Isarios, Kane ’s inhuman characteristics are very obvious, just look at the stuff he called “evil ghosts”.

To challenge the bottom line of the morality of Lunchang, apart from standing on one's own side, the other is that the so-called evil forces are not as dark as this one.

The prototype of the evil spirit is a broken soul and a rotten body. To put it plainly, it is because of various reasons, the deceased who has not been completely reduced to basic matter and energy.

Kane took advantage of them and carried out a purification. Let those parts that do not meet their standards quickly decompose and dissipate, and use the reaction force of this operation to merge the parts that meet the standards.

This kind of operation has never stopped. The essence of these evil spirits swallowing is actually repeating this operation again and again.

So they are not devoured because of starvation, but to find homosexual substances, and as the accumulation of homosexual substances, this trend becomes more and more obvious and strong.

From the core point of view, these evil spirits created by Kane are real monsters. The real evil is pure in nature and has no distractions.

This pure evil dissipation of soul fluctuations can make a determined old guy like Isarios have a deep chill.

Looking at those nightmare monsters, it feels like a little sheep facing a hungry wolf. Although in fact these nightmare monsters show the savage, the kind of claws, but the evil spirits, it seems that the two simple and straightforward movements come and go, but the heart will be born 'the evil spirits are old hunters, and Nightmare monsters are nothing but the pretense of pretending to be in the outside world.

The evil spirits are obviously very powerful, but they will avoid the edge of the nightmare monsters. They seem to mess around, they are actually looking for opportunities to attack. Once they are found, the scene, 啧啧! Isarios is also a carnivorous and predator, and his childhood and juvenile memories are still there. He can still recall the various situations of predators, but he must admit that when it is effective and cruel, when he is the most **** and stinky, It is far better than these evil spirits.

It is often two or three evil spirits who rush up and tear the target alive instantly, and then within 1 to 2 seconds, there is only a mess left.

But this is not the end, these evil spirits still have a special job of washing the floor.

It ’s the most common bounces, staring at the rugged ground, and you will find that it wo n’t take long for the debris of the nightmare monsters to be cleaned up by the coming and going ghosts. Will not stay.

Isarios wondered if this situation would be a matter for the future, and tell the Queen and even Cenarius that Galin Talbain, even a determined ally, is very, very dangerous, even He is very reliable, but these terrible evils are really worrying.

For example, if something happens to be sent to another world again, these evil things are no longer in control. Once they are out of the cage, the consequences can't be imagined!

Of course, there is indeed the kind of refreshing feeling of finding a strong thigh. The nightmare monster is simply to deliver food, and the failure to defeat the army is not enough to describe its misfortune. The infected material and energy are all swallowed and then turned into feces.

This kind of feces does not feel disgusting to Isarios. It looks like rolling black smoke, which is like dry ice, and it is close to the ground. The resulting environment makes people feel like they are traveling in a pond with water vapor.

Kane walked slowly and slowly behind the group of evil spirits ~ ~ Obviously thinking about something, he seemed a little bit uncomfortable with the battle in front of him, but he was not idle, he would be from time to time Sowing some seeds, or waving the detective far away, an oversized evil spirit will be split into two, the process is like mitosis.

The seeds that Kane dropped will gradually transform the black smoke into black soil and quickly grow into a rich, orderly jungle.

Isarios has no interest in this kind of jungle. The developed roots they form form a densely woven network, which allows the soil to be firmly bound and covered. Grass, trees, and vines rely on each other. The integration features are rich and make people There is a sense of depression in the plant cage, which is not natural at all.

However, it must be said that this orderly jungle has an immediate effect on the stable area. The emerald dream is unbalanced and facing collapse. One of the specific prominent features is that the scene becomes blurred and unreal.

The jungle that Kane made was not, very real, very existential, even like those evil spirits, domineering and overbearing growth, expansion, and conversion.

Indeed, this is a characteristic that Kane deliberately created, growing wildly ...

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