Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 699: Technology rolling

Perosan rushed towards Kane at a high speed like a charged warrior, and released a lot of nightmare fireballs.

Kane seemed very calm. In order to save the magical power, he didn't even use the powerful compound combat skills as he did against Kazak, but used the dark power and evil energy absorbed by the evil spirits.

Seeing him as the core, the black energy is radiated in all directions, just like the sun is shining, and in this light, dozens of monsters in the form of sea snakes, or snake-necked dragons, emerge.

These monsters are lifelike, with a grisly and different look, giving people the feeling that Kane opened the space channel in an instant, and summoned powerful monsters from outside.

In fact, all this is the existence of mimicry, Kane's fine control, even multi-tasking, and far beyond the limits of humanity.

He didn't have this level before switching to dozens of hours.

It was only after gaining a semi-divine position that it increased exponentially.

If you change for ordinary people, after rapid improvement, you must spend a long time to adapt. Kane doesn't need it. He was originally a level of divine soul and divine power. He walked down the world for some reason, but now he has just risen back, and he is very used to it.

Seeing these dozens of giant snakes, shaking their bodies, swallowing their mouths and eating them, the nightmare fireballs fired by Perosan were actually swallowed by one of them.

This scene made Perosane feel heavy, and Kane was stronger than he expected. Such a domineering cracking method, he estimated that Savis could not do it.

The nightmare fireball originally had a backhand, but now people have almost perfect frontal moves, but on the contrary, his backhand has no possibility of exertion.

At that moment, Perosan felt embarrassed. Without a nightmare fireball cover of surplus changes, he has no confidence in the melee of the charge, but now it is already difficult to ride a tiger, only on the face.

Seeing that the already fast Perosan accelerated twice, the body brought an afterimage phantom, and between his hands, a cone of light rushed towards Kane.

Kane is now like a giant squid with dozens of tentacles. The whole body is a miraculous snake dragon. The first contact of Guangchong is the few snake dragons.

The energy of this light burst is very concentrated, and the irradiated snake dragon is like ice and snow under the electric fan, and it dissipates while flying.

Kane waved his strong wand unhurriedly, and a wave of black officials greeted him, and then a series of small explosions occurred, just like that, that is, the larger balloon exploded, but very dense.

A series of explosions caused Guang Chong to lose its inherent shape and direction, disintegrate in the air, and overflow.

At this time, Perosa had already rushed to the front, and saw him touch Kane's body with his dazzling right hand.

Nightmare Touch.

The nightmare's power was so concentrated that it had an effect similar to the frequent bursting of electro-optics during high-voltage electrical short-circuits.

Kane also reached out a hand and touched it.

Neither of them has the sense of power of rapid bombardment, but the energy contained is not trivial.

Perosan ’s nightmare touch is very shady, with a legendary curse effect beyond ordinary magic, which can increase the damage effect of the target, and the effect of this trick can be superimposed.

In other words, the more times he is touched by his nightmare, the crisper the target. In Perosan's view, the effect of this defensive defense is better than strengthening its own attacks.

Then he touched this empty touch!

It's not completely empty, but it's like sticking an arm into a cylinder of sea bowl diameter.

Perosan realized that the situation was not good at the moment, and the whole arm shook gently, as flexible and flexible as the ganglia whip that unlocked the lock.

But he still couldn't pull out his arm completely. The front of his elbow was 10 cm. This is the part he pulled out, and the rest was completely swallowed. The break was smooth and natural, as if it were originally like this.


In the explosion at a distance, an area with a radius of more than ten meters, centered on Perosan, instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, but this flame-red anomaly seemed to be blood burning.

A few tens of meters away, Perosan emerged from a sudden burst of blood in the air.

Blood flame burst.

This is an all-in-one spell that causes energy shock damage and is continuously ignited, and I take the opportunity to teleport.

Although Kane blocked the space in this area, it did not affect the short-distance phase conversion. Especially, the technique of Perosa was actually a divine spell, a special spell given by the ancient **** Enzos. If it were n’t for Kane ’s recent promotion to a demigod, the priority of the spell might be overwhelmed by Perosan.

Conversely, Perosan was unlucky this time, even if it was a few dozen hours earlier, Kane was not as difficult as it is now. Of course, if Kane insists on using magical energy to deal with him, then say another.

The fire of the nightmare burns, causing damage to both body and soul.

Kane frowned, this fire has the power of divine power, and the proportion is extremely high. Unless he uses magical power, he can't dominate. In other words, it is difficult to extinguish it with the energy he uses now, let alone absorb it.

Of course, this fire wants to hurt him, but it can't be done. Immediately, there were more poisonous green and shiny lights on the surface of those snake dragons.

Fel shell.

The effect of twisting force on twisting force is unexpectedly good, and no one can help anyone.

Perosan, who lost half of his right arm, mocked: "This is the rumored Apostle of Light?"

Kane's face didn't change his color: "It's as if you only eat and drink, not Lazar."

During the speech, Kane's right hand, which had been in contact with Perosan, flicked gently, and a huge maggot-like substance was thrown into the blazing flames.


The scarlet aura spread from the big bug, wherever it passed, the flame turned into a streamer and gathered towards the big bug.

Perosan's face changed again.

He can also use this kind of twisted creation skills, but he can't use them as easily as Kane, and the generated creations can't have such high priority control over the related energy.

Especially the latter makes Pero Sarn extremely frightened, because essentially, the twisted monster that Kane has cultivated already has the same power control authority as him.

He also knows that this should not be the case in theory. After all, he uses the power of nightmares and is the direct authorization of Enzos. And Kane used his broken arm to cultivate unauthorized black households.

But reality is so, he can not turn a blind eye.

This situation probably means that Kane used strong enough technology to bypass the permission restrictions and achieve his goal. This is what scared him the most.

To put it simply, he chose to surrender to Xavius ​​and loyalty to Enzos because they had thick legs, and the enemy with thick legs turned out to be thicker elephant legs. What should I do? Do you surrender to current affairs?

After all, he lived for more than ten thousand years, and Perosan's vision was still there. Kane did use Perosan's flesh and blood to spawn a golem.

The right forearm of this golem is Perosan, and even maintains its original shape. Compared with the highly developed muscles of the golem, it looks out of place, like a crappy prosthesis.

The golem has no skin, the muscles and muscles are directly exposed, and the muscle fibers are as clear as steel cables, full of power.

It had the same scarlet light film as Perrosas, but a poisonous green evil flame jumped in his eyes.

There is a blood mist-like energy field around the golem body. The explosive flame released by Perosan was restrained by this blood mist, extinguished and absorbed a part.

The golem opened his mouth with a blood basin without lips, stretched out his long barbed tongue to add Tim's fangs and cheeks, and then howled at Perrosas.

During this time, Perosan did not do nothing, he used the authentic shadow spell-essence ingestion.

The principle of this venomous skill is very similar to the negative engulfment method of the fatal abyss. It can continue to cause damage to the target. If there is no strong enough confrontation method, it is easy to fall into a coma in the first time. After all, the extracted content is not trivial. .

Unfortunately, this trick is useless to Kane.

Through superb energy control, Kane can take advantage of the opportunity to send intensified evil energy to the past. Where dare Perrosas to absorb this kind of thing, he can't compare with the good appetite of the evil spirit. Once inhaled, his body directly Turning into a battlefield of nightmare power and evil energy, damage will be inevitable and the probability of collapse is extremely high.

Seeing Kane had no choice, he went to the golem again.

The Golem had inhaled a considerable amount of nightmare power at this time, which was also the result of Perrosain's deliberate indulgence, because he still had backhand, at least he thought he had.

The nightmare withered.

He can control the power of the nightmare, so that the targets eroded by the power of the nightmare will be distorted and degenerated from the inside out. The golem swallowed the flames of the nightmare, and it was considered to be eroded, and it was just used to make a fuss.

The Golem really responded. It was like a steam engine where the cylinder suddenly leaked into a sieve, and the scarlet light spewed wildly. But even so, it did not die, let alone uncontrolled deformation, but to give people a lean and capable sense of sight.

In this case, Perosan's eyelids jumped straight, he was not stupid, his attack was helping the other side, and succeeding in the other side, he could still see this.

How do you fight this?

There is really no way to fight, and Kane no longer fights Perrosain, but leaves it to the flesh golem to deal with.

Just for a little while, the hidden tentacles controlled by Kane have connected the Emerald Dream Portal system. Although they have not been completely taken over, they have locked some key points so that they will not be destroyed by the nightmare's side.

On the surface, he spied the golem while commanding the evil spirits to slaughter the nightmare's cannon fodder.

Enzos, who is good at confusing people and has nightmares such as powerful confusing and controlling divine power, is not short of manpower.

In other words, Enzos's army building strategy is similar to Kane in some places, with a large number of miscellaneous soldiers. As for how specific it is, it depends on how long it took to cultivate, how much capital was spent, and what kind of enemies it used to deal with.

Take the nightmare monsters in front of you as an example. If you are dealing with ordinary vulgar combat power, you can definitely count as an elite force with strong combat power without the other party's background.

The original historical line Savis led the nightmare troops to sweep Saranil with a thunder, and even Ysera blackened. A big reason is that he took advantage of information, and Sarah ’s Druid, Sentinel and so on, but little is known about nightmare monsters.

But the situation is completely reversed.

Kane knows the roots of nightmare monsters very well, but Perosan knows nothing about evil spirits, a little bit of information, and the evil spirits have been pushed over by bulldozers all the time, collected by his eyes and ears. Arrived.

In this case, the confrontation is not dominant, and the evil spirits are very fat, and some have energy to squander. The two sides tear apart. Naturally, the nightmare party suffered a big loss as soon as it got started.

Now it has entered an avalanche state, even if these monsters are not afraid of death, the flow of those priests is quite fanatic, and the battle of death does not retreat, and it still cannot distort the defeat.

The battlefield is full of chaotic figures and the screams before death. It is because the way of eating by the evil spirits is too bloody, just like the beggars who have been hungry for a few days, tearing apart in a nearly crazy way ~ ~ Then enjoy it all over, such scenes are everywhere.

Perosa had already understood the seriousness of the situation, and he did not want to fight anymore, but missed the opportunity because of the previous fluke.

"His Royal Highness, if you persecute again, I will blow up the entrance to the dreamland of Dawn Forest. What will happen, I don't want to repeat it."

Kane nodded: "It's a good trick, like this trick, you should use it from the beginning ..."

Hearing this, Perosan's face changed again. Today his face has become a palette, and it has changed, but unfortunately this does not help to solve practical problems.

He has been paying attention all the time, and he hasn't noticed anything abnormal at the entrance. A bit, he issued a detonation order. At that moment he even thought maliciously: "If Galin is wrong with me, then my actions will be a failure that he cannot wash away."

As a result, it turned out that Kane didn't talk about him, the entrance to the dream, could not be detonated.

Perosa was also a decisive person, and asked Kane at the time: "Your Highness, if I surrender, is there a way to go?"

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