Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 703: Turned out to be a meteor

For the trolls, hunting is an absolute traditional show.

In the earliest priest ceremonies, strong and ferocious prey was presented instead of the same kind.

As for the blood trolls, they are absolute admirers of 'natural selection' even before they are distorted and blackened, and like some primitive Central American natives in some original worlds, they believe that eating the same kind can inherit their power.

This is actually the root of the troll cannibalism.

Kane understands this issue and puts aside his morals and thinks that there is indeed some truth.

Swallowing is the most common way of absorption. It has a certain probability of absorbing and using the target's three strange substances or energy. The other is the need for survival. Even intelligent creatures have an animal aspect. Too much use this to talk about things, and there is a suspicion that crows are smiling.

Of course, Kane does not deny that the cannibalism of intelligent life is a complete tragedy, both for the dead and the living.

His team has never strictly touched this limit, although the life-soul system from the world of sin souls, to put it bluntly, is to eat people, but some arches should still benefit. After all, the decent of intelligent life is a face and A shameless cloth, if it is not maintained, it is really no different from a beast.

If the troll's religious patrol meets fierce beasts on the way and hunts successfully, it is regarded as a trip blessed by gods.

However, this statement was later distorted, just like Luohan and his party now, they deliberately arranged to pass the wilderness of Warcraft to complete the killing, which is a bit self-deceiving.

The contrasting location of the Warcraft Wilderness is in the Hughai area of ​​Nazmir. In Azeroth, the crustal changes brought by the Well of Eternity led to the upwelling of the originally buried oil, forming a crude slough, if not considered It is a terrible place to use crude oil.

But here, there is no oil marsh, only black soil.

Driving the mount to a small highland, Luo Khan looked at this rough place.

The dry, rotten wind screamed in the wilderness, and the ashes of dark gray dust and grit flew in the air. Although it was day, he could not feel the warmth of the sun at all, but it was like midnight in early winter. It's cold.

But there are indeed plants here, one of which is like a dead shrub, all of which can't see the leaves, but with perceptual inspection, they can find that they have vitality. This is a deformed plant that completely depends on roots for nutrients from the ground.

This is the bottom of the food chain. They support another deformed plant, which looks like a man-eating flower. It has the external characteristics of a huge bud that is usually closed. The petals are thick and serrated, and it can indeed eat blood. But what really kills them are vine-like tentacles.

This plant, known as the stinkhead by blood trolls, is the only plant in this wilderness that can easily squeeze out branches and leaves. Like sloppy swill water, dirty and unpleasant.

However, they are the main food source of the Warcraft to be hunted this time.

Luo Hanxin said: "How can the quality of the meat be better if you eat this kind of beast?"

Warcraft was originally a relatively common freshwater beast in the Nazmir area. It means a little bit of a hippo, but it looks bigger, rounder, and ugly.

Now, there is only ugliness left, or when many people press you, you have to add the ugly concept.

It may be due to the harsh environment, the Warcraft from the distortion of the freshwater beast, there is no longer the bulk of the former, even if it is an adult, it is only more than 2 meters in length, nearly 2 meters in height, about half a ton of weight, which is actually It is equivalent to a strong beef cattle.

They don't have horns, but many parts have spurs like bumps. It is also because of the severe deformity of the bones that their image has changed greatly and their cuteness has been lost.

World of Warcraft is gregarious. This group of Luohan encountered about 10 heads. When he saw Luohan ’s team coming over, he was not afraid, but roared and rushed over in a simple formation. Obviously, they The recipes are not only stinky.

Luo Khan waved his hand and handled the matter under his command. He was not interested in really following the ancient ritual set, removing his armor and playing heads-up with his shirtless.

Under the leadership of the captain, the temple warriors rode the mounts and formed a formation during the rush. A drum drum that controlled the rhythm became heated and violent, which made people listen to the blood.

This is a sonic system with BUFF magic, the sound of marching, the sound of war, the sound of centering, etc. It was Kane who turned over the box and searched for Luohan because the system is more suitable for the barbarian tribal style. , Maybe Luohan can use it. The result was really transformed into actual power by him.

At this time, except for the four guards beside Luohan, there was no other protection. The convoy was under the mountain, and the warriors had attacked.

Luohan was deliberately intentional. Without leaving any chances that seemed okay, his opponent was afraid that he would not appear in the attack.

But this time there seems to be a suspicion of Bai Xiu. The temple warriors have already killed Warcraft, and no sneak attackers have appeared. It's probably more patient, I want to observe more, collect enough information, and then start the action.

Just look at it, these puppets posing as temple warriors belong to the Ming card, and they are not afraid to read them.

The fierce warcraft, though fierce, made a mistake from the beginning. Raptors did not collide with them head-on, but jumped up like a velociraptor at an appropriate distance and knocked the target down.

Even if Warcraft is protected by bone spurs, tyrannosaurus also has the magical blessing of the rider. At the moment of smashing, it has an energy shell, which is far heavier and more powerful than ordinary velociraptors. .

Although most of the Warcraft can still quickly turn over and fight again after they fell to the ground, their skills are not fangs and claws, but collision, and now they have no speed, and they are used by the velociraptor when they fall down. The sickle claws of the dragon, which are always raised, are hurt badly, and they are naturally at a disadvantage, not to mention that this is a battle that fights more and less ...

The warcraft are howling and struggling, and they are bumping into chaos, and the temple warrior is driving the tyrannosaurus to wander around, often looking at the opportunity, and will come to ruthlessly.

Although the vitality of Warcraft is extremely tenacious, it can't stand the continuous bloodletting blow of this kind of damage continuously superimposed, even the more mad and struggling, the faster the death.

The red meat rolls, the blood splashes, and the scene is very cruel and bloody, but the blood trolls will become excited, and even the body will be strengthened to a certain extent due to such stimulation.

This is a genetic level trait caused by long-term evolution. Luohan is guided by the situation to make its positive effect better, so it seems quite a group of fierce dances.

With the passage of life, the Warcraft finally fell down and could no longer stand up.

The warriors cheered loudly and celebrated the victory. Among them, the most outstanding in the previous battle, they got off their mounts and used the ceremonial slaughter knife to cut the tribute and the heart.

After that, a part of the meat will be taken, usually the front shoulder meat. This kind of beast is similar to pigs and cattle. The front shoulder is the best meat, the bottom is the ribs, and the bottom is the back seat. The head and neck meat is bad, although the trolls I don't know the concept of lymph, but this thing is eaten, and it is natural to say whether it is good or bad.

Taking meat now is mainly symbolic and will not be eaten. After all, the meat of Warcraft has changed its quality and it is harmful to eat, but they are not short of food.

It stands to reason that the next sacrificial ceremony should be presided over by the highest priest or leader of the team.

However, the ceremony presided over by Luo Khan seemed very different. It was not a sacrifice ceremony at all, but a life-transforming ceremony.

With the completion of the orbit, the heart was swallowed by a mass of dark green thorns, and the cut front shoulder meat became a moss-turf-like thing, covered with green hairy buds.

Then they were reinserted into the body of Warcraft.

Soon after, a swallowing transformation began. In that situation, it seemed that countless worms were drilling inside the body of Warcraft, so that the epidermis was filled with clearly visible creeping effects.

About a quarter of an hour, the transformation ended in the nibbling of acceleration, and it was the composite of white bones and thorns, the natural golem, that stood up again.

In terms of category, this kind of golem can be classified as a kind of willow wood golem with the Drust, and the voodoo of the trolls have similar works, so they have a very high reasonableness of existence, but only in Among the blood trolls, the most developed voodoo is dark voodoo, and it has fallen.

After the natural golem joined the queue, the tyrannosaurus that had pulled the car before was liberated and became a spare ride. The team continued to march in the sound of marching drums.

Luohan squinted on the mount with regret and sneer. With the pace of the mount shaking his body, his attention was no longer on the current team.

He is thinking about some macro issues.

He settled in another world, after all, more than half a year.

Although he himself is immersed in farming most of the time, intelligence gathering has not stopped.

Especially the 4 Shadow Trolls, they collect information very quickly and reliably.

Judging from the information they collected, the world has been broken very badly, although there is still a sea, but farther away, there is nothing.

It feels as if the world is a plate of ice that is constantly melting from the edge.

The shadow trolls have also explored the nihilistic place at the end of the sea through their tremendous power and their own adaptability to the void.

The information obtained is that there is similar to the deep space of the universe.

Of course, there is also excess, just as the density of the ionosphere is only one-hundred millionth of the sea level, the same is true of the void, and the material flow is very serious and has a clear direction.

So if it is understood from the scientific side, the world he is now in is like a comet, and even it is not appropriate to describe it with a planet. It is said that the debris is almost the same, constantly flying, and constantly losing its quality. It's just that for some special reason, the environment is not as bad as the real big meteorite flying in the deep sky of the dome.

When he understands this situation, he naturally has to worry. Does Kane really have a way to establish a stable space channel on this fast-moving and constantly losing mass of debris?

The worst plan is for a very, very long time, and can no longer meet.

Then, what should he do?

His farming system needs to be rooted on the basis of energy and material. When this fragmented world is carried to a certain extent, it will inevitably collapse, so what about him? Wandering in the strange astral world ~ ~ until you find a world where you can live, or exhaust all death?

Either way, it seemed quite depressing to him. And this day will come unexpectedly, that is, several decades, at most not more than a hundred years, this can be roughly calculated.

Whenever I think of these things, the things in front of my hand seem to have a little bit of a taste of flying camps. They don't help much in solving problems. They are even helping to accelerate consumption.

Of course, it's not that there is no dawn.

And this hope comes from the condition of the celestial body.

The sun, moon, and stars are always in a stable state. Then, according to this situation, is it possible to deduce that the world is flying with its own fixed orbit like Comet Halley?

It is true that the demonized universe cannot be substituted into the universe view of the original world, but it was mentioned a long time ago that one of the characteristics of the Blizzard universe is not pure magic, but complex.

The reason why Luohan still has such a little hope is because of this. Now, it depends on the characteristics of the normal universe and what proportion it occupies in this space-time system. If it is high enough, then there may be the possibility of moving to another planet nearby.

The reason why it is possible is because he is not very confident in climbing to the height of space civilization in decades.

Or simply stupid, frantically accumulate energy, and use the current Ark fortress as a spaceship to cross deep space or the astral world?

It feels very unreliable, the nature of gambling is too rich, it seems that it is still the first to raise the detection means, to obtain more high-value information ...

This is the macro problem that Luohan thinks about. Some are fake and empty, but it is not enough for a lifetime, and the whole is not for a domain. Moreover, for decades, for a small group that has started to climb from a very low starting point, it is true. Is too little. In particular, he has not inherited Kane's usual sharpness in this regard.

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