After Li Dong posted the message on the guild channel, neither God Killer 01 nor Peak Maniac dared to answer.

It didn't take long for the president to sell Meng to win and sent a friend message to Li Dong:

Only when you sell Meng will you win: I know you're a big guy, but don't you offend everyone to death? Look at what their identities are, you just scold people, brother-in-law? If you do this, my guild can't stand. Of course, you're not afraid of anything alone, but I still have a guild here, and they don't dare to do anything to you, what should we do? I hope the big guy understands.

National brother-in-law: What do you mean, President?

Only when you sell cuteness will you win: I know that it is all your credit to be able to win Blue Star City, but one yard is one yard, and you can also not fight the city war, but you will not be allowed to open the tower after the city war, which is too much brother-in-law.

Selling cuteness will win: Guild resources are shared by everyone, you can also open up the Heavenly Tower? With your strength, I believe they will definitely not be able to rob you, right? As the president, I must be planning for the long-term development of the guild, I hope to understand.

Only by selling cuteness can you win a bite of yours, Li Dong also understood what she meant.

She's making fun of herself.

Immediately afterwards, a system message came out on

the guild channel: [Guild News]: The president will sell cuteness to win the Babel Trial, and players who have reached level 50 in this guild can teleport to Blue Star City through the Blue Star City Teleporter, find the Babel Tower Teleporter, teleport to the Babel Tower, and challenge.

[Guild News]: Players who have opened the Babel Trial, and the guild level of 50 can be teleported to Blue Star City through the Blue Star City Teleporter, find the Babel Teleporter, and teleport to the Tower of Babel for a challenge.

Two guild messages suddenly appeared, and the entire picturesque guild channel was quiet.

It didn't take long for God Killer 01 to speak out.

Picturesque Guild Channel

: [God Killing 01]: Hehe.

Then, there is the peak madness.

[Peak Maniac]: It's all a guild, harmony is precious, harmony is precious, we will retreat after beating the Tower of Babel.

"Okay, very!" Li Dong gritted his teeth, his figure flashed, and he had already arrived at the Babel Tower Teleporter.

The guild appeared in the Blue Star City teleporter, and everyone was teleported to the rooftop of Blue Star City for the first time.

However, there is still some distance from the rooftop to the Babel Teleporter.

Li Dong now has a movement speed of 450,000, and now he uses the limit speed, and others can't even catch his shadow.

So, he was the first to come to the gate of Babel.

Immediately after, I saw the peak madness, killing the god 01, selling the cute will win, the peak condensation, killing the god 02, several players appeared at the door of the Tower of Babel.

Seeing Li Dongtie standing at the door with a blue face, Killing God 01 smiled at Li Dong and said

, "If I say something, don't you don't like to listen." A person's game is not called a game, no matter how strong a person is, there is no way to compare with the power of a guild, so it is good to do it yourself. Walking

past Li Dong, Killing God 01 turned his head and said:

"If you want to kill me, I'll wait for you at any time, this is just the early stage of the game, now it's not strong or not, the one who laughs last is the king, I hope you can keep up with the rhythm." "

Although everyone knows that Li Dong is powerful, they all think that he got some adventure in the early stage of the game, so he can stand out.

But as time goes by, ordinary players like Li Dong who rely on luck can't compare to those of them who throw hundreds of millions of RMB at all.

Since he has torn his face, Killing God 01 has decided not to save face for Li Dong.

Li Dong, on the other hand, did not speak with a cold face.

At the moment, he is unleashing an infinite splash of magic.

However, the Tower of Babel in Blue Star City is different from the Tower of Babel, the main city before the Merge Zone.

This is a safe zone, so you can't attack the player at all.

Originally, he also wanted to put the doppelganger at the door, let the doppelganger block the door and kill the peak madness and the killing god 01, and go to open the heavenly tower with peace of mind.

It's good now, my own deity can't make a move, let alone a clone.

"Damn!" Li

Dong scolded in his heart.

Immediately, he sent a friend message to Zhao Qing

: [National Brother-in-law]: Qingqing, you also applied to join the Picturesque Guild.

[Zhao Qing]: Good brother-in-law.

Zhao Qing is now unconditionally obedient to Li Dong, and he won't ask anything at all.


Picturesque Guild Channel: [Guild News]: Player Zhao Qing has joined the Jiangshan Picturesque Guild.

To apply for membership in a guild, you must obtain the approval of the president or vice president.

Obviously, adding Zhao Qing so quickly must be an application for membership that Vice President Gillian agreed.

It's definitely not about selling cuteness to win.

[Big Gillian]: Welcome the beauties to join the club, everyone come out and welcome the beauties.

[Little Gillian]: Welcome Sister Qing, huhu~

[You know the remnants of that night]: The beauty is bursting with photos, wow...

[Sister Hong'er]: You're going to die all night.

[You know the remnants of that night]: Woo... I was wrong wife....

[Sell cuteness to win]: Welcome beauty.

Selling cuteness will win At this moment, she is opening up the one-star BOSS on the fifth floor of the Heavenly Tower with the peak maniac and others, she saw that the big Gillian and Zhao Qing joined the club, and hurriedly took the time to send a message to welcome Zhao Qing.

After all, it was too unpleasant just now, and this is just a good time to ease the relationship with Li Dong.

In fact, she didn't want to offend Li Dong very much.

But there is no way, compared with a person and a force, she can distinguish which is more important.

So she chose the latter and stood in line to kill God 01.

Now Zhao Qing is also level 50, after all, there is a lot of experience in killing demon beasts at this stage, and it is not difficult to upgrade.

Besides, there is also experience pill to eat.

Whether it is a level 10 player who farms gold in the novice village, a player who farms monsters in the main city and monster area, or a monster player in the Blue Star Domain, you can burst out the experience pill.

It's just that the higher the level of the monster, the higher the quality of the experience pill that bursts, and the more experience you add.

And digging out the secret realm, etc., will also dig out the experience pill.

With so many players in the whole region fighting monsters every day, the daily output of Experience Dan is also very amazing.

Civilian players will not eat the experience pill themselves, they will sell it to the local tyrant in the trading house, and exchange it for gold coins to buy what they need.

So, the first-tier players have now reached level 50.

Li Dong opened the guild channel and looked at it, even if it was a picturesque guild, there were many people who had risen to level 50.

Now, except for the supreme nine-star boss of the Tower of Babel, Li Dong, the boss of other stars, is not interested.

If they want to fight, let them fight.

But the Supreme Nine Stars, he must take it.

Immediately, Li Dong sent messages to Big Gillian and Little Gillian to add friends respectively.

Soon, Gillian passed Li Dong's friend application.

Friend news

: [Big Gillian]: Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, you are trying to scare the slave family to death, you are really flattered! [Little Gillian]: Hello brother-in-law,


[Big Gillian]: What

do you have to tell your brother-in-law?[Little Gillian]: What

advice do you have for your brother-in-law?

After adding friends, Gillian kept sending messages to Li Dong.

Obviously, the big guy suddenly took the initiative to add friends, and the two of them were still a little excited in their hearts.

Li Dong didn't talk nonsense, he went straight to the point and told Gillian what he thought.

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