Although the Celestial-human organization has announced in a high-profile manner that it will eradicate wars, and the news has not stopped, they are still far away from the people living in peace, and they have never intuitively understood the powerful side of the Celestial-human.

Everyone's image of heaven and man is still a shot and run, always sneak attack, but a group of terrorists equipped with advanced weapons. It is generally felt that no matter how strong such an organization is, it cannot beat the regular army.

But now it is necessary to take an exaggerated international joint action to deal with the heavenly beings, and everyone suddenly has a thought: Are the heavenly humans already so powerful that they threaten the survival of the country?

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and the Western Internet was full of these kinds of remarks, expressing doubts about the president. They pay taxes to the country every year, and they are helpless against mere private armed forces. What is going on? Have all the military expenditures been implemented every year, or have they been embezzled by some officials?

Although they have reached an alliance with aeu, they still have to face the doubts of the public. However, the presidents of both sides are not prepared to explain, they will use the facts to shatter these doubts, and now they have 30 ms-disasters equipped with pseudo-solar furnaces.

With the new type of ms, no matter in terms of quantity or quality, they are no longer inferior to the heavenly beings. Now they just wait for the last blow to the heavenly beings. They only need one chance, and there will be no heavenly beings in the world anymore.

Even if the Human Revolutionary Union does not join, the new United Nations peacekeeping force is established, the highest leader is the United Nations ambassador Kona, and the goal of this team is heaven and man.

Of course, the peacekeeping army is also the goal of heaven and man. Such an army is obviously against world peace. It's just that heaven and man don't know that they are suffering from internal and external troubles.

The three brothers and sisters of the Trinity have been trying to find the location of Veda through the database of the Ptolemaic spacecraft, and finally locked the shadow on the back of the moon through a series of attempts.

Livonz, who was far away on the earth, was overjoyed. He knew it was done: "We should go one step further." He has many enemies, but he is not in a hurry. A stumbling block in the way.

So he came to Kona respectfully,

At least on the surface, he was loyally assisting Kona. Kona has never doubted Livonz, because he knows that Livonz is just a tool man made by the old immortal Iolia. They are tools and they are born to be used, otherwise they are worthless.

But no one saw the golden light in Livonz's eyes when he urged Connor to take the Celestial Project as his own. At the same time, in other parts of the world: the most secret scientific research base; the most advanced space station; inside the government; inside the military. At the same time, there are handsome young people showing golden pupils in these places. These reformers who woke up with Livonz have already penetrated into society. They do not agree with their destiny as a tool man, and they want to strive to become the world leader. After Livonz wiped out the Celestial Beings, they will activate the resources at their disposal to form a force that is completely under the orders of the Transformers. They fooled batch after batch of elites like preachers, and finally changed from being used to being used.

Then it is decided that the Trinity will strike Celestial and Human first, snatch back the solar furnace, and then lure Celestial and Human into the encirclement to destroy Celestial and Human. As the protagonists, Kona and Livonz will wait for victory on Veda.

Just when the Celestials suspected that the Trinity had other purposes, the discipline was loose, and the Celestials without any military training had no idea that the three brothers and sisters had bypassed their security system and hacked into the spacecraft database. Now all three are ready to escape.

boom! The outer shell of the transport ship was torn apart by Trinity. This is the warehouse where the solar furnace is stored. They had planned to wait for the logistics to bring the solar furnace back to the factory, but they did not expect that Trinity, who they thought was their own, stabbed it.

Alert, alert, alert...

The heavenly beings just woke up like a dream. It can only be said that they underestimated the intrigues on the battlefield.

"You, why?" As the captain, the emperor has not yet reacted. She really doesn't understand why she betrayed the heavenly man as the support of the heavenly man.

"You are too rigid!" John said, "You can only do things according to the orders of veda, and it is impossible to accomplish the goals of heaven and man. So leave the future to us." John saw that the second brother had got the solar furnace, and aimed at Tolle The dense engine fired several shots, and the particles quickly expanded from the capacitor, causing an explosion.

It doesn't feel good when a teammate who was fighting side by side suddenly betrays. Especially for naive heavenly people, many of the crew members are young masters and ladies in the ivory tower. Although they seem to have made a conscious sacrifice for peace, they have no idea that there are too many malicious things in the world besides war .

Betrayal is just one of the most common and basic ones.

Setsuna was about to pursue, but was stopped by Tieria: "Now if we leave Ptolemy, the spaceship will have no defense capability." "They will definitely make peace with the spaceship first, and we will wait for Ptolemy to recover." Fly and pursue."

"I can pursue first."

"What if the other party has an ambush? Setsu, don't mess up."

At this moment, Sha Mo was about to go crazy with anger, why are there so many people who can't understand the value of peace, and are trying to destroy it in every possible way? Why?

But Setsuna's expression didn't show, he just looked at Tieria and said calmly: "I can equip the e-device or the avalanche armor."

Knowing that Setsuna's desire for peace surpasses everyone else, Tieria said helplessly, "Equip the avalanche armor, the e-device has not been fully repaired."

The reason why it is named 'Avalanche' is that it hopes to swallow all the enemies in an instant like an avalanche.

The originally emaciated Angel was fitted with a large amount of defensive armor and weapons, turning into a muscular burly man.

Setsuna f Qingying, Angel Avalanche, let's go!

Boom, Setsu didn't know that he was about to enter the enemy's ambush circle.

On the other side, Iolia and Lei on the Veda Fortress did not wait for the aliens, but instead waited for Kona and Livonz, who were aggressive and unfriendly.

Neither Kona nor Livonz thought that Aiolia had woken up. Not only did she wake up, but she was about to recover from her rehabilitation training. Now Aiolia could live under normal gravity.

When Livonz saw the living Aiolia, his pupils would inevitably constrict, and when he saw Lei, who looked exactly like him, his eyes showed killing intent.

And Kona is still in awe of the genius who was two hundred years ago, but he is unwilling to give up his ambition. He has reached this point, and he is just short of the goal. How can he give up.

Aiolia and Lei looked at them, as if they wanted to see through the heart of the visitor. Aiolia was the first to speak: "You are from the Kona family. As the watcher of heaven and man, it seems that you shouldn't be here."

Livonz looked at Kona without saying a word. Based on his understanding of Kona, the other party would definitely not give up. So shoot, shoot! Livonz yelled in his heart, he only wanted the two people in front of him to die now.

Kona did not disappoint Livonz either, his ambition overwhelmed his awe of old immortality, the person opposite him was unarmed, and he had a gun in his hand: "Iolia, two hundred years ago, you shouldn't have woken up at all. I hope you can go back to sleep again, this time it will be a little older, how about forever?!" Sudden attack, raised his hand and shot without hesitation.

The bullet passed through Aiolia's body without hesitation.

However, it was just passing through without seeing blood at all. This is not the person but a video device. The real Aiolia and Ray slipped away long ago.

Now Aiolia said seriously through the video device: "The plan of heaven and man has deviated, but I still believe that human beings, human beings and the world have to make changes, and the key to evolution is already in their hands."

The veda permissions have been modified by Aiolia. Although they cannot fight because they have no weapons, the veda will never be reserved for traitors.

Locked, veda is silent.

The low-hanging fruit went awry again, with Livonz biting his lip and keeping a reserved outburst around Kona. Kona is not so polite, he shoots and shoots, only the gunfire can vent his anger: "Who wants you to believe it. They must not have gone far, I must kill Iolia." Kona wants to ride ms personally ended the immortal.

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