No money, this is the first time in two hundred years that Tianren felt the embarrassment of trapped funds. In the past, those funders cried and shouted to help the heavenly beings prepare various things, fearing to neglect the heavenly beings a little bit, but in the face of the crisis, these benefactors resolutely gave up their support for the heavenly beings.

There is nothing more indifferent than this.

Technology burns money, what if there is no money? There are scientists, engineers, and soldiers in the Tianren organization, but they don't make money, they just burn money.

After the end of the World War, Lockon has returned to Earth to find his younger brother to build the motherland together, and Hallelujah has also returned to Earth to be a traveler. Facing the approach of cosmic monsters, one of them chose to return to the motherland to save the situation, and the other chose to record the scenery of the earth.

Only Tieria, Amuro, and Setsuna are still fighting on the front line. Theoretically, the natural reformers have appeared, and the artificial reformers can also retreat to the second line, but now the situation is complicated and Tieria and Amuro still stay and continue to work.

"I didn't expect them to be such people." Tieria was still too naive.

"Iolia has seen through the true colors of the capitalists, so I can only use them." Amuro is very calm, saying that the celestial beings are still too young.

"It's a pity that I still treat them as comrades." Tieria was angry because he was deceived. He actually believed that the donors also supported the heavens and humans for the sake of world peace. He didn't expect that they only wanted to get benefits.

"What they fancy is the theory of evolution proposed by our Celestial Human Organization. We are just an investment for them. It's just that the investment time is very long, but the return will be very rich." Amuro said: "If the natural evolution If the reformers are controlled by them, then the reformers will become a tool for them to make money, and the future of the world will be in their hands." "Because the reformers will definitely shine in space colonization, and these capitalists will be able to Use changers to master a large number of cosmic resources to lay the foundation for the cosmic era."

"But..." Tieria hesitated to speak.

"You want to ask, since Aiolia has seen through the true colors of the capitalists, why did she accept their cooperation?" Amuro laughed, not knowing whether to laugh at Tieria's naivety or Aiolia Reality: "From the very beginning, Iolia never thought of sharing the results. If these capitalists want to rob, the God of Heaven will teach them to be human."

Unexpectedly, Aiolia also had such a dark side, and his image in Tieria's heart collapsed.

Amuro didn't say anything else. He knew Aiolia a long time ago. He knew that Aiolia was the most talented genius in a century, and he also knew that Aiolia was the most paranoid lunatic and control freak in a century. For her own ideas, Aiolia calculated everyone.

Gundam pilots, man-made reformers, and behind-the-scenes benefactors are just pawns for him to realize his ideas and evolve human beings.

But it was such a lunatic that made Amuro follow without hesitation, because only this lunatic can change the world. Changing the world is not about treating guests to dinner, it is about shedding blood and tears, having extraordinary means, being infamous, and being the first in the world. Not everyone can meet such conditions and have the courage to execute it, and Aiolia is definitely the only one in a hundred years.

Amuro even suspected that if it wasn't for the innate humans of the Human Revolutionary Union to contact the aliens, perhaps the result would not be like this. Perhaps the script written by Iolia would proceed according to the original plan: the heavens and humans would force the three major forces to combine , there will be no tough Human Revolutionary Union; Heaven and Man will defeat A-laws and artificial changers, from terrorists to heroes who save the world from fire and water, their ideas will be accepted by the whole world, not by strong new The Earth Federation stole the limelight; without aliens, heavenly beings would not know that human beings are only 300 years old, and they will promote human evolution step by step. Perhaps in a few decades, human beings will be able to enter the depths of the galaxy, and then one day and the universe The monsters encounter and have a dialogue, and then humans become extinct.

Amuro just wants to say one thing now: Man is not as good as God.

Iolia also cannot count the unreasonable existence of space monsters.

After expressing my emotions, I have to worry about money again. They had to find Wang Liumei, hoping that she could support a sum of money.

In fact, Wang Liumei doesn't have much money now. After being arrested, she was startled. She lives in fear every day in prison, knowing that money is nothing compared to freedom and life. So in exchange for her own freedom, she has successively handed over her assets to the state for management.

Wang Liumei is now only receiving dividends, and is no longer a manager, so naturally she cannot mobilize funds. But now Wang Liumei is extremely at ease, living a very comfortable life, facing the elders of the Wang family who accused her of prodigal, she just scoffed, they didn't understand anything at all.

So no money, Wang Liumei said so. She thought in her heart that the celestial beings can be regarded as people's way of drinking tea now. Although the celestial beings are very powerful, they still haven't escaped the shackles of human beings. Now the problems encountered by human beings cannot be reversed by human power. It is only natural that value be abandoned.

Miserable, no money is really miserable. On the contrary, the "Space Development Bureau" established by the New Earth Federation has countless investors expressing their willingness to invest in the immigration plan. It is best to build ten or twenty Kuafu-class immigration spaceships. Some merchant alliance groups even said that they can pay for the ships in full. cost.

It was crazy, and such a thing naturally made the officials dumbfounded. They don't know what happened to these rich people at all. Do they really think that the earth is going to be destroyed, and human beings can only escape on the Kuafu spaceship?

can't you? ! is it possible?

The officials finally wavered. They were firmly opposed to conspiracy theories before, but as more and more wealthy people gathered like sharks smelling blood, the officials had to wonder if something was really going to happen. something happened.

Kent happened to be not on the earth, so they asked the metal body still in the solar system: Is the earth in danger?

The answer of the metal body is 'yes', their parent star was indeed destroyed by the cosmic monster, but the Milky Way is safe for the time being, and the cosmic monster has not discovered it yet.

The faces of the crowd are confused, and they haven't found out yet, which means that they may find out in the future, isn't the earth really dangerous?

For a time the earth was on the brink of chaos again.

At this time, the heavens and humans had to make a choice. They decided to cooperate with the New Earth Federation and get funds to complete Quantum 00. Investigating the reality of the cosmic monsters is not the work of the Celestial Beings themselves, but a matter of concern to all human beings.

So Setsu made another attack to meet Princess Marina, who was already serving as the Secretary-General of the New Earth Federation. She is now working hard to build peace in the Middle East. She has joined the "Silk Road" trade plan that the Human Revolutionary League has been carrying out for hundreds of years. She has borrowed money from the Human Revolutionary League to carry out infrastructure construction and provide jobs for people from many countries in the Middle East. She has received unprecedented support. Rate.

Princess Marina already has a certain right to speak in the New Earth Federation, so she can fight for the Celestials, and it is not the first time that the Celestials and the New Earth Federation have cooperated. Now that there is a foundation, everything is easy to talk about.

However, the New Earth Federation wanted to take this opportunity to give the Celestial-human private arm to Zhaoan. The Celestial-human organization is too dangerous. If the New Earth Federation doesn’t do something, everyone will learn from the Celestial-human organization in the future. God knows how much it will cause to the new government. trouble.

And so a negotiation began.

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