Why do you want to cultivate immortals, want to live forever, and live the same life as the sky? This is probably the most common wish of cultivating immortals.

From the birth to the end of a universe, countless lives will appear on the stage, no matter how powerful the life body is, it will go through reincarnation, and the brilliant civilization will also decline after experiencing glory.

There is a beginning and an end, this is the way of heaven.

However, there is also a ray of life in the way of heaven, which shows the way for all living beings to change their fate against the sky, that is, to cultivate Taoism and become immortal. Absorb the aura of heaven and earth through practice and break through the limitations of reincarnation.

Of course, Kent's wish for a long life has been fulfilled, although he does not practice immortality.

Kent's situation is more like the first three creatures in the prehistoric universe: phoenix, dragon, and unicorn. Kent, like them, did not rely on cultivation to gain strength and lifespan, but was determined by his genes and was naturally magical.

However, cultivating immortals is not absolutely impossible, it's just that Kent's starting point is too high, and I'm afraid the effect will not be obvious.

Kent meditated for a while, opened his eyes and said, "It's still useful, I feel very energetic."

"Are you sure it's not because the stars here are younger?" Kara said doubtfully, even if she didn't meditate, she still felt good.

Without giving any face, Kent smiled bitterly: "It is indeed useful, but not very useful." "Forget it, let's find a place to live first, maybe we have to build a house by ourselves."

Everyone nodded. They were not curious about why the planets in the new universe already had vibrant vegetation. Since it was a man-made creation, it would not be surprising even if a new race suddenly appeared now.

The ecosystem on the planet is currently only plants, and lush vegetation covers the entire surface. All the plants are no strangers, but they have grown very tall with abundant energy, and they have all matured.

As Kent looks all the way,

I thought that these energy-rich trees are the so-called spiritual treasures of heaven and earth? I didn't see any flat peaches and ginseng fruits, but there were a lot of oranges, bananas, and pineapples, but this didn't mean that these fruits were spiritual fruits.

"It seems that we really have to build our own house." Kent expressed helplessness. Fortunately, he often helped repair houses hit by tornadoes when he was living on the farm, but he was no stranger to building houses.

Ganata is eager to try, she has never built a house before: "Then let's start, what are we waiting for." The tentacles become chainsaws, and she is obviously ready.

In just one hour, a row of wooden houses was completed, and some wooden beds were even made.

As the sun sank to the west, the four wandering people gathered around the bonfire, looked at each other, and worried about the boring life in the future.

Ganata and Kara are the most serious, they are still young, just the age that likes to be lively, they like to go shopping and eat. And there are no living things in this universe except plants, and they can't even eat meat.

"Everyone cheer up, the scabbard is already looking for a way to go back."

"But Karl, I think I'll be bored to death." Although she is a cousin, she is used to acting like a baby to her older cousin: "There are only four of us, I can't even imagine the future."

Kent sighed: "Actually, we can find something for ourselves to do, such as the cultivation of immortals I mentioned before, and we can make records for this prehistoric universe, just like what Lal's people did. Record all the grass and trees, and compile an encyclopedia of the universe."

Kent said that if there is really no other way, he can only live like this.

Lal agreed: "There is no spaceship without coordinates, and I can't forget my duty. This is a new multiverse, and I can record its development."

Kara and Ganata could only agree with Lal, obviously they ignored Kent's option of cultivating immortality.

...It really is a estrangement, Kent shouted in his heart: You don't understand me.

When the four of Kent spent the first night in the new universe, the first ray of consciousness was born in the nebula above Pangu's head, separated from them by the entire spiritual energy of Pangu.

Consciousness brought Xingchen to stand up slowly, standing on a galaxy, the stars are his acupuncture points, the universe is his flesh and blood: Dao fifty, Tianyan forty-nine, escape to one...

As the understanding of the concept of the universe became clearer and clearer, the outline across the galaxy began to shrink, getting smaller and smaller, and finally a white-robed Taoist appeared on a certain planet, about thirty or forty years old, with sword eyebrows His temples were as black as ink, and he stood quietly on the surface, looking up at the starry sky, but his black pupils could see through the universe.

Then the Taoist waved his hand, and the rock in front of him was instantly flat as a mirror, as if it had grown like this in the first place. Sitting cross-legged on a stone, the Taoist blends into the environment, appreciating the mysteries of the Great Dao and the ultimate question of life: who am I, where do I come from and where am I going?

The universe will tell him the answer, and the Taoist just sits without making any sound, not even his heartbeat or breathing. The rhythm of the universe is his heartbeat, and the prosperity of all things is his breath.

The Taoist was Hongjun, and he knew his name in meditation.

Two mythical beasts slowly appeared in the two footprints left by Hongjun when he was standing before, the green dragon on the left and the unicorn on the right, and a phoenix appeared where Hongjun was sitting, both were more than three meters high.

As soon as the ancestor of the three clans was born, he bowed to the meditating Taoist, then soared into the sky, flew into the universe, and turned into a star-swallowing monster in the universe and headed towards other nebulae, traveling countless light years as if visiting a neighbor's house.

Kent would never have dreamed that he had just slept and the universe was already buzzing. With the awakening of Hongjun's consciousness, countless things in the prehistoric universe have spiritual wisdom, but it is difficult to transform them for a while, but the tide of cultivation has already formed, and it only takes a short time for this prehistoric universe to become lively.

In addition to the first batch of plants born, even the first batch of rock springs began to awaken, and even the first cloud that appeared in the universe had the ability to think, all of which were within the calculations of the Dao of Heaven.

Kent Cultivator spends three days fishing and two days drying the net, basically wandering around the prehistoric universe hoping to find some 'magic weapons', but unfortunately he didn't find anything, or he has no eyesight at all.

But today Kent felt that his luck had returned. A strange tree appeared on the planet in the next galaxy, a tree that grew animal fruits.

Kent used his clairvoyance to see that the fruit contained snakes, foxes, rabbits and other animals, and the fruit gave them nutrition like a placenta.

Kent said it was unscientific. He observed that plants and animals are clearly distinct. I don’t know why this tree grows animals. Is all this predetermined by the universe program?

Kent said it was unbelievable, it was really against common sense. Kent even found that when he was close to the trees, the animals that had not yet completed their breeding were actually scared, indicating that they had intelligence before they were born. Kent suddenly found that the universe began to become interesting, and those phenomena that he could not understand were all very interesting. good research subject.

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