Interstellar Love Diary

Chapter 71: Heroes are hard to be

Long Ruo stared at the giant five-pointed star complex on the console, combined with the image he had vaguely perceived just now, and had an idea in his mind.

"The entire dungeon is built according to the structure of a pentagram." Long Ruo pointed to the layout map on the sensor and said, "I have seen a lot of materials about the ancient earth. The pentagram is a type of magic that is often used in magic. The symbol actually represents a person’s body. This vertex is the head, representing spiritual power, and if this vertex points to the sky, it represents the holy power."

Long Ruo pointed to a corner on the layout map and said: "The heart of the earth is in this area, and the energy activity in this area is the strongest."

"I got it." Arion curled his eyebrows, thinking about how he entered the area that represented the sacred power that Long Ruo said without disturbing people.

He was sitting in the driver's seat, earnestly operating the mech, and his expression was so handsome that Long Ruo couldn't turn his eyes away.

"Looking at what?" Arion turned his head and glanced at him, then pressed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Looking at it later, it's important to do business first."

Long Ruo thought, this is what Arien likes. He is strong and sincere, firm and fearless, full of confidence but not arrogant, just like the old knight, who is both brave and compassionate for the weak, fair and full. The spirit of sacrifice is full of honor. Such Arien made him unable to look away.

"How can we descend into the city below without causing commotion, without disturbing anyone."

Arion stared into the distance without speaking.

"Listen." He said solemnly, "There are a total of 72 buttons on this panel, of which only a dozen are commonly used. Press the second button in the middle to drive in a straight line. The lower left corner represents a left turn. Turning to the right is the third button from the bottom, climbing is the second row from the bottom, third from the left, and falling is the sixth..."

Arien said and demonstrated it again, and asked: "Did you remember it clearly?"

Long Ruo's eyes widened and looked at him warily: "What do you want to do?"

Arion said: "I want you to operate this mecha for five minutes, and I will go to that sacred power area to solve the problem."

Long Ruo: "..."

Long Ruo suddenly exploded: "I haven't even driven the aircraft!"

Do you want to be so cheating! The only thing he had driven before was his colleague’s little sheep. He hadn't touched the four-wheeled sheep. Now he jumped directly to something as tall as a mecha. He couldn't accept it!

Arien put his arm around the dragon, let him sit in his seat, and said, "Come on, there is no time, you are so smart, I believe you will be able to drive this small mecha easily."

Long Ruo: "?!"

He doesn't believe in himself at all!

Arien helped him to fasten the safety belt, held his hand to let him follow the simple operation, turned around and began to peel off the combat uniform of the mecha warrior who had fallen into a coma, put it on himself, and the communicator contacted the terminal. He took it down and put it on his wrist.

"When I open the hatch and jump out, you will close the hatch immediately. Remember which key is to close the hatch? You must close the hatch immediately, otherwise the impact of the high-speed flying mecha will be more than three. Cut you into pieces in seconds." He said.

Long Ruo looked at him with a "fuck" face, what should I do? It feels dangerous!

Arien bent down and kissed Halongren, raised his hand to touch his face, his eyes filled with tenderness: "I will give you a signal two minutes after I jump out of the mecha. You drive the mecha to leave, the farther the better, You will be safe if you leave this base."

"What about you?" Long Ruo looked at him and said.

"After ruining the heart of the earth, I will go to you." Arien's fingers lingered on his face, and said, "Long Ruo, I love you."

Long Ruo wanted to say, Arion shouldn't go. In fact, the safety of the entire Zelang Star combined is not as important as the safety of his Arion alone. Arien is a hero, but he is not. He is just an ordinary timid and a little selfish earthling. He has no interest in saving the planet. He just wants to be with his beloved and live a life of peace and happiness. .

He looked at Arion's resolute face, but didn't say anything. He just hugged his neck, gave him a hard kiss, and said, "Arian, I love you too."

"I love you more." Arion hugged Long Ruo tightly, kissed him back heavily, then pushed Long Ruo away and said, "It's now!"

The mecha had flown to a blind spot that the monitor could not find, Long Ruo opened the hatch, and Arion carried the hapless mecha warrior with his backhand and jumped down.

Long Ruo resisted the urge to look back, and instantly closed the hatch, his eyes were red, and hot liquid was flowing down.

Long Ruo was controlling the mecha inadequately. Suddenly the sound of the communicator came from his ear. Long Ruo subconsciously looked at the contact terminal on his wrist, and there was no communication coming in quietly.

The signal light of the communicator in the cabin flickered.

Long Ruo was in a hurry, which is the button of the communicator? Arion taught him the function of buttons just now, but which one is the communicator?

He looked at the row of buttons on the panel, and thought to forget, just press any one. If he presses it wrong, he will be out of luck.

A cold electronic voice came from the contact terminal: "Water Star No. 1803, patrolling is very hard. Your mech is parked at the position of Water Star and Fire Star. Please finish and get off duty at 13 o'clock. Handover."

Long Ruo: "?!"

He knew it would not go so smoothly!

He glanced at the time on the control panel, and there were thirty seconds left at 13 o'clock. This is easy to understand, but where is the water star and the fire star?

He really is not an astrological expert!

He doesn't even know where the water star and the fire star is, okay?

"Water Star No. 1803, please complete the handover with the off-duty patrol at 13 o'clock at the position of the Water Star Fire Star. You have 25 seconds left. Overdue will be handled by an intruder." The tone sounded again.

"Twenty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-two, twenty-one..."

Long Ruo: "..."

He looked at the layout of the sensor. This underground base was built in the layout of a pentagram, and the location of each vertex was another one-type pentagram building. Isn’t the water star and the fire star located in the lower right corner of the upper right corner of the building complex?

Forget it, that's it.

Long Ruo operated the mecha to fly to the building complex in the upper left corner of the dungeon.

The electronic sound is still counting down.

"Sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen... seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!"

At the last second, Long Ruo finally parked the mecha in the spaceship port on the right wing.

"Water Star No. 1803, you have worked hard, and may the Holy Power bless you."

Long Ruo: "..."

OK! It's dangerous! Almost being treated as an intruder.

A hero is really not so good, he must have the consciousness to be shot into a sieve at any time.

The author has something to say: I’m sorry~ the stupid author recently went to the scumbag drama, but the beautiful boy in the eighth season of the Voice of America audition is really messed up, and it immediately ignited the stupid author’s confidence in the three-dimensional **.

Everyone who likes to watch entertainment programs can check it out. The beautiful boy who appeared last in the first episode of the eighth season is simply Thrandil’s son. It's so soft and cute to laugh, but the sound is so offensive!

I strongly recommend everyone to watch it, it will appear in about 76 minutes!

The stupid author watched it online on the verycd eDonkey Daquan, and the barrage is better than the show. Hahaha!

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