Into the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 50: Do n’t imitate the sages in this place

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During the meeting of several happy monks, Wang Qi thought hard in his bed.

Xiong Mo's experiment gave him a hint of inspiration. But this kind of hazy stuff could not make him a breakthrough.

Because what he wants to challenge is the common sense of Shenzhou Xiandao.

In the passing novels that Wang Qi has seen in his previous life, the meaning of the protagonist is the common sense of the indigenous people. But here is the reality. As a seeker of the way of heaven and earth, the monks of China will not have too many loopholes to drill the theory of cultivation.

Since he said, "It is impossible to practice the exercises to a high depth without understanding the theory," then he would not be able to circumvent the theory of evolution and practice "Tian Yan Tu Lu" casually.


"How can Xiong Mo, a monk of the Spirit Beast Mountain, come to teach the class of Liu Yunzong?"

Wang Qi has been concerned about this problem for a long time. But now, it is replaced by a bigger problem.

"His experiment involved zoology, genetics, biochemistry, and bioengineering. The insect monster's experiment involved the aerodynamics represented by Liu Yunzong, and the flower monster's one needed optics ..."

If it is a general experiment, it can be explained that an experiment is completed by a large research team. But Xiong Mo's research is too important, and no monk is willing to play with him. According to the experimental plan and the experimental report, these were all done by him.

But can a person master so many theories?

"Mastering theory" and "understanding theory" are not the same thing. Otherwise, today ’s Fa-cultivation does not have to exclude most of those who seek immortality, let alone to deal with the ancient Fa-cultivation. With the memory of high-level monks, it ’s just a leisure to carry a library, if you endorse it, Would n’t this practice be able to spread the world by distributing theory books?

"I need a Watson to find a blind spot ..."

Wang Qi rolled over and muttered to himself.

As a result, he pondered all night.

The next day, Su Junyu was shocked when he saw Wang Qi: "So depressed, did you go to understand the way of life last night?"

The phrase "the way of understanding the soul" is equivalent to "research biology" on the earth between monks. It is the abbreviation of "the way of multiplying the living creatures", and it has the meaning of lewdness under certain circumstances. But Su Junyu forgot, it didn't take long for Wang Qi to step into the fairy road, where could he understand this connotation?

Wang Qi thought that he was indeed thinking about the experiment of a spiritual beast mountain monk, so he nodded: "It is true."

Su Junyu's complexion immediately became subtle: "Which one is Xin Yue ... ah, it's wrong! I'm a teaching assistant who deducts you from acting, bastard! You are a student, ah, ah!"

Wang Qi understood the meaning of Su Junyu's words a little, but his focus fell elsewhere: "What kind of place does Xin Yue actually have?"

"Don't you know?" Su Junyu seemed to take a hard mind attack: "Is it the so-called true love ... how long does it take to lie down ..."

What is the general statement of your FFF group ... Wang Qi looked at Su Junyu with a pained face: "It is too low-level to spend the first time in Fengyue place ..."

This sentence had a critical effect on Su Junyu: "I, I, I, I don't envy the guy who is in that kind of place ... not at all!"

"Eh?" Wang Qi came interested: "How many years have you been single?"

"Asshole, even you come to laugh at me ... are you too?"

Wang Qi responded gently: "How old are you? How old are you?"

Su Junyu was defeated by Wang Qi's vicious combos, squatting and defending his head, uh, maybe crying with a headache. Seeing the advice of his old friend, Wang Qi felt heartily happy.

Is this to build your own happiness on the suffering of others? what? I have spent my whole life? Ah ha ha ha ha such a small thing ... Why ha ha ha suddenly a bit depressed?

After a while, Su Junyu recovered: "Forget it, I don't think you will be a big step ahead ... what did you do last night?"

"I read Teacher Xiong's experiment report and experiment plan."

Su Junyu showed sympathy: "What, it turns out that the mental health value is so low that it is a nightmare."

Wang Qi: "I am really thinking about the problem. How did Teacher Xiong's experiment work?"

Su Junyu was shocked: "You have awakened a new ... orientation?"

"I think half-human half-worm is also a kind of cute point." Wang Qi is very serious: "And I am not thinking about reproducing the experiment."

With that said, Wang Qi told Su Junyu his doubts.

Why can Xiong Mo use experiments that span so many fields?

Doesn't it mean that you can understand the exercises and spells in this area only if you understand the theory?

After listening to Wang Qi's theory, Su Junyu shook his head: "You have made a mistake in a basic concept."

Wang Qi puzzled: "What?"

"The relationship between 'predecessor seeks reason' and 'my generation practice skill', the relationship between the two is not so simple." Su Junyu flicked his finger to Wang Qi: "However, you just ask the right person! Law, on the grasp of the relationship between these two, no one is better than me. "

He was so arrogant, a look like "Come and ask me, I will tell you".

Wang Qi bowed: "I hope Brother Su will not hesitate to enlighten me."

Su Junyu nodded with satisfaction: "Ruzi can also be taught. Do you know what you are learning now?"

"The axioms summarized by the predecessors of each major school when they explored Dadao."

Su Junyu nodded: "So do you think an axiom is enough to construct a spell?"

Wang Qi was taken aback. Seems to catch something.

"One technique and one method are all supported by several axioms." Su Junyu continued to introduce: "Like a tree wants to grow, bark and xylem are essential-you understand what xylem is? Okay. We compare a spell to a leaf, then the fundamental avenue contained in this spell is the xylem of the tree, and the other axiom involved in this spell is the bark. "

"Without other axioms, the tree is still a tree, and it is also a good material. It can be used as a material to build your path to enlightenment and a ladder to the sky. However, the lack of" bark ", which is the other axiom that constitutes the spell, the wood will always It ’s just wood, and the Tao is simply the Tao, and there is no 'surgery'. "

"And if there is only bark, the leaves can still exist, but lack of xylem, it is impossible to grow tall, and the wind will fall down. Therefore, no one can get the Tao by one skill unless he is high enough to follow the skill. The counter-introduction came out. "

"In other words, a great technique will involve many axioms. Even if you do n’t understand the fundamentals of this technique, as long as you realize that this technique involves one of the axioms, it will be done. Of course, the bark is peeled off from the follower. A tree with only one bark will not be overgrown, and the spells made in this way are probably not as strong as those made by those who have realized the fundamental way. "

After Su Junyu finished speaking, his face was furious, waiting for Wang Qi to praise. However, he was disappointed. He looked at Wang Qi and found that his face was terrible.

Wang Qi asked: "Brother Su. I dare to ask the monks how to express congratulations after they have realized a major way? What customs are there in the fairy road?"

Su Junyu pondered: "The words of customs ... I have retained the tradition of imitating geometric demon kings. The demon king realized in the bath one day, forgot to wear clothes, and Yu Jianfei shouted 'I know' in the air. Demon king. The disciples often imitate-hey! What are you doing? "

Wang Qi took off his belt and put his hand on the lapel, and answered coldly, "Imitate the sages."

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