Inuyasha: the strongest dog god

Inuyasha: The Strongest Dog God Chapter 13

After scanning the burned village for a week, Mo Han said.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue didn't say anything more, the two of them rose into the air, then turned into two light clusters and went away...


A few days later, in a remote village.

"Master Inugami, I wonder if you are still satisfied with our hospitality?"

The old village chief looked at Mo Han and asked cautiously.

"Woo, not bad, it makes you bother, Master Village."

He answered indifferently while enjoying the food prepared by the village chief's servant.

"But this Lord Fairy..."

"Oh, she is not interested in your human food, just ignore her."

"This, this way..."

Seeing that Ling Yue Xianji didn't express any dissatisfaction, but was resting quietly on the tatami, the old village chief also sighed slightly.

In fact, their village has always been infested by monsters, many crops have been destroyed, and many villagers have died.

Although the samurai and mages had been invited to destroy the monsters before, the monsters were not destroyed. Instead, the samurai and mages were eaten by the monsters.

However, not long ago, these two monster adults, who claimed to be Inu God and Xian Ji, descended from the sky and easily wiped out the monster they had troubled for a long time. For a while, the villagers in the village were happy and afraid.

The good news is that the monsters that have been harassing them have finally been wiped out, but the fear is that two more terrifying monsters will come!

The other villagers were very uneasy. In the end, the old village chief bit his head to communicate with Mohan and the others. When they found that Mohan was different from the other monsters, they could still communicate and speak well, the village chief also Secretly relieved.

Of course, only this Lord Inu God named Mo Han seemed to be able to talk better, and Lord Immortal Ji named Ling Yue made the village chief afraid.

But these are all good, the village chief just wants to entertain them, and then send them away, so that their village can be well in the future.

Chapter 13

"Ah, I'm finally satisfied."

After eating and drinking, Mo Han patted his stomach comfortably.

In fact, the food prepared by the village chief is nothing more than crude tea and light rice, which is far from the delicacies that Mohan had eaten in his previous life. However, due to limited conditions, this is something they can use to entertain Mohan. The best food ever.

"My lord village, I have some questions I want to ask you."

Did not forget his business, Mo Han said.

"Please tell me, Lord Inugami, I will answer you as long as I know."

The old village chief said with trepidation.

I knew that the village chief was still a little afraid of himself, but Mo Han didn't care. After all, he was a monster now, and it would be abnormal if the other party was not afraid of him.

So Mo Han then asked some questions he wanted to know, and the village chief answered one by one.

According to the village chief, they are now located somewhere in the West Kingdom. What kind of country is it called? What kind of lord is on it, but the redundant village chief can't tell.

After all, the times are backward and the transportation is not well developed. There are still many demons and thieves rampant outside. Many people in the village have not even gone out in their entire lives, so it is naturally impossible to know much information.

Although a little speechless, these are not too important to Mo Han. From the village chief's mouth, he confirmed the time they are now.

Around the 8th century AD!

In some of the plots in the original work of Genju, Kagome traveled from modern times to the Warring States period 500 years ago. The encounter with Inuyasha was in the 16th century, and there are still seven or eight hundred years away from their present day.

At the same time, Mo Han's previous life also accidentally saw a sophisticated party boss combing the world of "Inuyasha" on the Internet. According to the above statement, if the story of Inuyasha and Kagome is in the 16th century, then Inuyasha The love song with Kikyo should have happened at the end of the 15th century.

As for the birth of the jade of the four souls and the maiden Cuizi, it will go forward for hundreds of years. It was about the Heian period in the 10th century, about 200 years before Mohan and the others.

Of course, the history of this world differs greatly from the history of the real world. Ancient Japan did not have such a messy era. It was almost collectively referred to as the Warring States period, but there should not be much discrepancy on the timeline.

After knowing this, Mo Han's heart was slightly excited.

Although the time for him to travel into this world seems to be a little bit earlier, it's okay to be earlier, the earlier he has time to make more preparations.

With his current growth rate, when the Miko Cuizi is born 200 years later, I am afraid he will have become a real monster!

Since God let him come into this world, Mo Han didn't plan to be an unknown salted fish.

The wife of the dog wants to marry, the wife of the princess wants it, and the two dog babies, Shishengwan and Inuyasha, are also going to be born. As for the battle with the dragon bone spirit and the death with the Setsuna Mengwan, these are absolutely not!

With his more powerful talent, blood, strength, and foresight than the King of Fighting Tooth, he can do too many things, and he can completely avoid the tragic ending of King of Fighting Tooth in the original book.

In this life, don't say what kind of dog general, even if he becomes a real dog god, it is impossible!

"What are you happy about?"

The voice of Immortal Fairy Ling Yue, lying on one side of the tatami, her bright beautiful eyes seemed to see Mo Han through.

"No, nothing."

Quickly restrained his emotions, Mo Han replied.

Mo Han said in his heart that I was thinking about how to fall asleep and you let you be my dog ​​wife, but how could I tell you these things!

Having already learned what he wanted to know from the village chief, Mo Han did not intend to stay here.

After the village chief and the villagers happily bid farewell, Mo Han and Ling Yue Xianji left the village and embarked on their journey again...


"Crack quack!! Crouch quack!!!"

Several hoarse crows rang, and they echoed in the valley.

Not the boring corpse dancing crows, just ordinary jackdaws.

On the rugged mountain road, Mo Han and Immortal Fairy Ling Yue were walking one after another. Mo Han in front looked around and looked enthusiastic, but Immortal Fairy Ling Yue looked very upset.

"When can we go back?!"

I couldn't help it anymore, Ling Yuexian Ji asked angrily.

It has been several months since they left the jungle and came to the human world. During this period, the two have also visited many human villages and towns.

Immortal Fairy Lingyue didn't have much interest in the human world. She followed her father Dog King's orders. Although she barely had a little patience at the beginning, now she doesn't even have the last patience. Up.

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