Inuyasha: the strongest dog god

Inuyasha: The Strongest Dog God Chapter 48


"What dog god is cold, what is the kingdom of ten thousand demons, it is still vulnerable in front of the powerful Hundred Ghost Bats like me, die for me!"

Over the seashore, Dayu Maru, hiding in the barrier, laughed, and at the same time continuously spewed out a sound wave that bombarded Mohan and the army of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

"Idiot, just waiting for your attack!"


The Hundred Ghost Bats are monsters that live on the western coast. Their family has a powerful barrier that has been passed down from generation to generation. If Dayumaru has been hiding in the barrier, Mohan really can't help him, but he opens the barrier to start The attack gave Mo Han a chance.

Unsurprisingly, the demon-qi reflow formed by [Blasting Flow] hit Dayu Maru through the passage opened by the barrier, and Dayu Maru also fell into the sky in a mournful scream.

"Da Yu Wan, surrender, or die!"

"Yes, damn..."

Stepping on Da Yu Maru's head, Mo said coldly, and Da Yu Maru's eyes were full of unwillingness...

Chapter 43-A Hundred Years of Development

Mo Han expected to conquer the West Kingdom in ten years, and he did.

In just ten years, Mo Han led the group of monsters under him to defeat one powerful group of monsters, turning the entire Western Kingdom into their territory of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters!

If he wants, Mo Han can continue to expand, even if the entire Dongying becomes the territory of their kingdom of ten thousand demons, it is not impossible.

But Mohan was not like that. After occupying the western region, Mohan stopped the expansion and expedition.

It's not that I don't want to, but it doesn't work.

With the expansion of the territory and the growth of the population, Mo Han has already clearly felt the feeling that their seedlings cannot be lost in the country of ten thousand monsters.

Their kingdom of ten thousand monsters now has hundreds of thousands of people of monsters. If you count those mountain spirits, wild monsters, monsters, and ghosts, the number will be even more, but the entire kingdom of ten thousand monsters can handle affairs only with Indifferent Han, Lingyue Xianji As well as a few people like Baoxiangui, below are a group of chaotic monsters Qiubai.

They can still restrain Mohan who are usually close, but those who are far apart are beyond reach. They often go out in groups to cause harm, and they often engage in infighting with disagreements.

Originally monsters, these are all normal, can those who don't go out and do some bad things be called monsters?Can a monster be called a monster if you do not fight twice in a fight and kill someone?

But this kind of thing is intolerable!

What he wants to build is a real country of monsters. Everyone must be civilized and polite. Don't fight and kill like crazy people all day long.

They want to be a group of quality monsters in the new era, can they still be like a group of beasts!

Therefore, Mo Han decided that they should temporarily stop expanding, and want to build, establish a system, and truly create their monster civilization in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters!

This may take a lot of time, decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

But it doesn't matter, they are monsters, the most important thing is time!

Do whatever you think. First of all, Mo Han laid down a few rules, which can also be said to be the laws of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

The first, the monsters in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters are not allowed to attack humans on their own initiative, and offenders kill!

Article two, monsters in the kingdom of ten thousand monsters are not allowed to kill compatriots in the kingdom of ten thousand monsters, offenders kill!

Article three, the monsters in the kingdom of ten thousand monsters...

Anyway, there are only seven or eight items in total. It's not that Mo Han didn't want to make it more detailed, but he knew that he couldn't remember those who got too many, so he made the most important ones for now.

For example, the first monsters in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons are not allowed to actively attack humans. On the one hand, Mo Han was also a human in his previous life and has a certain affinity for this race. On the other hand, human beings are cherished by the luck of the universe. Race, against them usually does not end well.

Of course, Mohan is naturally not so rigid, they can not take the initiative to provoke humans, but if humans want to provoke them, then he will not be polite!

With the enactment of the law, and after several more iron-and-blood punishments, the atmosphere in the entire kingdom of monsters has really improved, and Mo Han finally feels like a king, not a mountain king.

But then a new problem appeared. Mohan wouldn't let the monsters below grab and kill the monsters below, so what would they eat?

Let's go with you, the boss of Inugami, you can't make everyone hungry, right?!

This is indeed a problem, but there are more solutions than problems.

Don’t you just want to eat? We do our own production and grow our own!

Monsters, they all have strength. The daily work of a mountain ghost is worth the work of dozens or even hundreds of farmers. Let them all open up wasteland and farm!

After the crops are planted, let the river ghosts who have nothing to do all day long to water the water, so that the little spirits who usually can only play soy sauce can also catch the insects.

Hmph, I really want to talk about growing crops, even those humans who have mastered modern technology can't compare to these monsters who control all kinds of natural forces. They will have a big harvest in a few months!

However, before that, you still have to figure out a way to get some food, otherwise, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters under his staff, and they will really have to eat grass in a few days.

For this reason, Mo Han also felt a headache. After thinking about it, he finally hit the human body with his idea.

Mo Han didn't want to rob humans, but found several human lords and kings and proposed to do business with them.

There are many precious minerals and medicinal materials in the forest, which are needed by humans but are difficult to obtain. Mohan proposed that they could use these to exchange some food with them.

Not only that, even the bones and horns left by some monsters after they die can also be traded, and humans can use them to make some high-quality armors and weapons.

At first, several lords and kings were stunned. A monster came out trying to do business with them. Are they crazy or the world crazy?

Although he doubted Mo Han's true purpose very much, after Mo Han showed his power a bit, several lords and kings could only pinch their noses and agree.

No matter what his purpose is, he should treat it as breaking money and avoiding disasters, and let this terrible plague go away first.

However, when the transaction was completed and a group of monsters really sent various precious medicinal materials and minerals into their castle, several lords and kings were shocked again.

Well, that monster turned out to be a real game!

They only exchanged some food for so many precious medicinal materials and minerals, and several lords and kings with a little more flexible mind could not help but get excited after calculating.

They make a lot of money on this deal!!!

As a result, the transaction and connection between the kingdom of ten thousand demons and humans was established in this way.

The lords and kings of mankind obtained various precious medicinal materials, minerals and even monster bones from Mohan, and Mohan obtained food from them to solve the livelihood problem of the kingdom of ten thousand monsters.

Although it is still far away for the people of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons to lead a well-off life, there is still no problem with barely getting enough food and clothing.

Well, let's just do it for now.

After solving the most important livelihood problem, the next step is real development.

Now Mohan, Lingyue Xianji, and Baoxiangui are the ones who really manage the kingdom of ten thousand demons. Even Dao Dao Zhai can only be regarded as a technical talent, and they build weapons that rarely participate in management all day long.

This is not how Mohan and the others are greedy for power, but there is no way. Most of the monsters are a group of animals. You can let them work and fight wars. Let them manage and engage in internal affairs.

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