At the moment, the real world.

“Groove, groove, groove! This one called Zhuzang, looks thick eyebrows, the result is not honest!! ”

“I lean? The woman who fancy her master, the woman who fancy her master? This guy called Takezo, there is something!! ”

“I lean, shock my three views, this is also too outrageous, right? I admit that the scene just now is indeed beautiful, Shizuka is also beautiful, even me, the old driver, is moved, but, didn’t he call Nobita Master? ”

“Hey, although Nobita and Shizuka are very close and are companions, they don’t seem to show particularly intimate behavior, did that person misunderstand?”

“This Nima, Shizuka’s expression just now, obviously likes Nobita!! This person also came over, although Nobita looked at the waste, but the person is still very good, I didn’t expect that this wave, actually led the wolf into the room! ! ! ”

“This boy called Zhuzo, actually wants to learn the agreement of those celebrity swordsmen, hahahaha, laugh at me, how many pounds and taels does he have? Never heard his name at all! ”

“Smiled, Shizuka: Your apprentice doesn’t look at me right!!!

On the network, at the moment the comments completely exploded!

It’s just amazing!

No one would have thought that there was such a way to unfold?

The real world, the clearing.

After Shizuka heard these words, people were numb, unbelievable, looking at the honest-looking teenager in the video, she was immediately stunned….

This… Is it a direct confession?

But yourself….

Whether it is the current self or the self in the video, it is not half interesting to the teenager!

The main thing is….

I like Nobita, is it so obvious?

In the video….

So at this moment, Shizuka is numb!

Now I only feel dizzy and a little confused.

After Nobita saw the above picture, the person was also completely confused and numb!

This is special….

One by one, the master shouted so vigorously….

Just confessed to Shizuka, who has been secretly in love for so many years?

No, or do you want Shizuka to be his wife?

Are you kidding!

Nobita now has 10,000 grooves in his heart, and even Doraemon next to him is numb at the moment!

When I just saw the video, I could obviously see that Shizuka was interesting to Nobita, and her heart was ecstatic, Nobita was finally going to be happy!


In an instant, such an operation appeared in Zhuzo!

Even with the most advanced core algorithm, Doraemon feels that something can’t work, and it almost smokes!

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu seized this opportunity and began to laugh at Nobita without hesitation:

“Laugh at me, Nobita, this is the apprentice you chose?”

“I have long said that that person is not reliable at all, pure soft egg!!”

The little man next to him also quickly echoed:

“Yes, yes, it’s not reliable at all, it’s exactly the same as Nobita!!”

Nobita also recovered at this time, took a few deep breaths, and finally calmed his heart.

Ignoring the ridicule of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, his gaze fell on Shizuka beside him, and he was immediately stunned.


At this moment, his throat suddenly choked, a little overwhelmed!

Myself, and Shizuka seem to be just friends, this….

In what capacity should I say it?


Themselves, just friends.

Just friends….

Quietly, Nobita’s hand holding Shizuka slowly loosened, and his heart became empty and his heart was stuffed

A feeling of powerlessness pervades the body….

Sadness to the extreme is not sad emotion, but rather, a deep powerlessness….

Despair brings powerlessness….

It was as if a basin of ice water suddenly poured on Nobita’s body, and the originally hot and excited emotions suddenly calmed down at this moment!


Marriage, wife….

If Shizuka marries herself.

Himself, is he really capable of giving Shizuka happiness?

Can a person like himself really give Shizuka happiness?


Only by leaving yourself can you truly make Shizuka happy!!

Even Shizuka holding her hand was just plain afraid!

Myself… It’s just taking advantage of people’s danger!!

Nobita lowered his head and slowly released his grip on Shizuka’s hand as well, if that’s the case….

Then I would rather be alone in pain and numb alone, but I don’t want Shizuka to be unhappy!

The atmosphere became delicate, Doraemon watched all this, the words he wanted to say were not spoken, Nobita’s sad emotions he could detect….

No, not sadness, but incomparable calm!

Nobita: He’s serious….

What does he want to do?!!

Just when Nobita’s hand quietly was about to slide out of Shizuka’s palm, Shizuka’s hand suddenly used force, grabbing Nobita’s hand and preventing it from slipping from his hand!

Nobita looked up, his eyes full of shock, looked at Shizuka in front of him, and muttered:


At this moment, Shizuka was already in tears, her eyes were red, and crystal tears swirled in her eyes, looking at Nobita with an almost pleading look.

Nobita looked at Shizuka like this, his heart, which had already become cold, suddenly began to panic at this moment, and his hands were in a hurry:

“Shizuka, what’s wrong with you? Don’t cry…”

Shizuka still looked at Nobita in front of her, with crystal tears in her eyes, her eyes were red, her heart was sour, and she was a little choked:


“I like you…”

When the words fell, Doraemon was stunned, and the fat tiger and Xiaofu next to him were also frozen!

At this moment, Nobita’s movements also froze!

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Shizuka in front of him with incredulous eyes.

After Shizuka finished choking up, her tears were completely strained, like a kite with a broken thread, and the tears of the bean size kept falling, and she suddenly pounced on Nobita and hugged him tightly.

The voice choked and said intermittently:

“Nobita, no, don’t leave me, okay…”

Just now, as Nobita’s hand slipped, Shizuka’s heart was empty, as if there was something extremely important to leave.

That feeling is uncomfortable, an indescribable feeling!

It felt like something was being emptied in an instant….

Shizuka could clearly feel Nobita’s emotions, that desperate calm, that extreme loss, which made her nose sour.

After hugging Nobita, tears couldn’t stop flowing, and he choked up and said

“I like you, I really like you!”

“I really like you…”

“Don’t leave me…”

Shizuka cried red eyes, bean-sized tears kept dripping, choked, and said intermittently.

The childish face was full of tears at the moment, and his voice seemed to tremble a little due to his emotion….

But at this moment, the three Doraemon, who were already numb, are even more numb!

Completely numb!!

Doraemon’s eyes were about to bulge

The fat tiger was directly choked and coughed

Xiaofu only felt a little dizzy, as if in a dream!

PS: This, the little author personally experienced, felt that giving up was the best for her, suddenly, all over the body powerlessness, that is helpless despair….

But the result is good, Shizuka, which the little author has liked since childhood, is also like this, with red eyes, looking at me, the two people walk silently, quietly saying….

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