Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


It's just that the commander snorted, terrifyingly? Funny! Their soldiers are the most terrifying things in the world! What else is scarier than them?

Their guns and weapons can shred anything in the world!

"turn on!"

Could not help but commanded to a soldier on the side. And this soldier also came forward, walked to the front, pressed the black button.



Soon, a rattling sound came from the entire ground, and then a gap slowly leaked out, and it became bigger and bigger, until it was about the size of a half coffin, and stopped.

Because the inside is all of an ice cellar, storing the main body of the previous door, as soon as the gap is opened, a cold cold air is lifted from below and can be seen by the naked eye.

"You, you, you look down!"

The commander said three soldiers on his side. He was sure that the bodies of the mafia gangsters were absolutely hidden inside.


The three soldiers saluted, and then struck the submachine gun king on their bodies, ready to go. No matter how deep it is below, the three of them will cooperate with each other, and they will be sure of it. Each is a two-meter big man, and the stacked Rohan is six meters.

Six meters is absolutely enough!

"My first, your second, his third, let's line up."

A soldier made a command, walked towards the gap, and bent down, ready to see how deep the black and faint underneath was.


It was just his head that just before the middle of the gap, a scarlet creature rushed out from the inside, and when he didn't respond at all, he bit his neck, and then "clicked", "clicked" "Swallowed in the stomach.


"So big!"

"My goodness!"

The commander was stunned, the soldiers were stunned, the photographers were stunned, and everyone in Cangmen was stunned. Even the audiences around the world were stunned. Then everyone screamed.

Because they recognize what it is, hey! So big! It is more than four meters long and is as thick as an ordinary tung tree!

In this world, how can there be such a big puppet!

And as soon as they came up, they swallowed an American soldier directly!

It just didn't wait for these people to respond. This stunned, after swallowing one person, they rushed out, biting the neck of a nearby soldier at a very fast speed, and the opponent even shot. No chance!


"Hurry up!"

The commander was stunned, but anyway, it was a long-running role, and he yelled! Just a look of panic, God! In this world, how can there be such a big puppet!

The following is n’t your Cangmen placing the master ’s hall of worship, why is there such a thing!




Bullets like crazy shots without money, and most of them hit the body of the cricket, after all, the cricket's body is large enough, there is no need to aim at all!




Just to everyone's horror, the bullet was hit, but it had no effect at all! All the bullets hit the slug, as if they were hit on extremely hard metal, even sparks were sputtered!

"so hard!"

This was everyone's first reaction, but then, it seemed that the puppet was also offended. Regardless, after swallowing the second soldier, he rushed to the nearest one.



Two times, I swallowed the soldier!


"This is 蜈蚣 精!"

"This is perfect!"

In Huaxia, many people who saw this scene could not help but spontaneously appeared the word "monster" in their head.


"All-round shooting!"

The commander was afraid now, because he saw that this huge puppet was not afraid of bullets at all, and their bullets hit the puppet's body and had no effect at all.

Even the body was not backed by the Lord, but then, as if reacting, it glared at Ning Tianlin and yelled, "What's going on?"

"Tell me what's going on!"

"What is this tama!"

"Why do you have such a thing in Cangmen!"

This puppet came out of the underground of Cangmen. He didn't believe that Cangmen would not know! Moreover, from the eyes of Ning Tianlin, he did not see any sense of fear at all, so he was sure, this young man definitely knew before him!

"I don't like how others treat me."

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes, exuding a sense of killing in his eyes. He didn't know how long, no one dared to talk to him like this, and yelled at him like this.

There are such people, but they are all dead.

"You get me out of here!"

"You tama tell me, what the **** is this, and how do you stop it!"

Seeing that another commanding soldier had died in the hands of the uncle, the commander went forward directly, grabbed Ning Tianlin's collar, and asked loudly. With a "bang", he was about to continue to question, a big mouth, directly bit his neck, and flew him out.

Then clicked, clicked twice, and swallowed it.

"Allied, do we need to do it?"

At this time, fat leopards and some people who had been injected with genetic drugs are staring at this pupa, with a solemn look, and they did not expect that such things would be drilled down.

They guessed that even if they shot it themselves, they couldn't help it, and even they would suffer. The combat effectiveness of this slug was definitely better than them.

It ’s just that they ’re not sure what ’s going on in this league, will they also shoot at their League of Legends players? Although they are now devouring American soldiers, maybe they ’ll wait for them, and they will also fight against them. People start.

"No need to."

"Stay here for the show."

Ning Tianlin shook his head and motioned to stay aside. And Ning Tianlin's reaction also made the fat leopards nervous, and suddenly felt that it was very likely that this was related to his own leader.

If not, how could it be so calm!

And indeed, this puppet is exactly the flying puppet raised by Ning Tianlin. Today people all over the world are watching. He is embarrassed to do it himself, but since these people dare to break into the headquarters of the League of Legends, if they want to destroy them, they should have died Awareness!

Even dare to grab his collar, really dying!

And today, this matter will never end so easily. He Ning Tianlin, he will make the whole of New York, and even the entire US emperor, make him upside down! Blood flows into the river!

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