Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 357: Finished! Finished!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"I am!"

"This **** bull is too great!"

Watching the huge black bull running out, and the skyscraper that crashed behind him and stirred up the dusty sky, countless people were stunned. You know, it ’s so easy to destroy a dozen-story skyscraper. I don't know how much to put!

But now, a cow did it!

And not even two minutes away, is this cow a crazy shovelling machine!


"Give me my full attack!"

"In three minutes, this black bull must be killed!"

Office of the President of the United States.

A slightly fat middle-aged man growled at the screen in front of him. He really felt like a dog, and he had given him this kind of thing just a month before he took office. It's just a complete face slap!

When he took office, he clearly stated that he must resolutely protect the life safety and interests of the American emperor! But these are only a few days. Today, so many people have been killed or injured. I am afraid that they will break the record of peace time!

In any case, he must give an explanation to the people of the United States. Otherwise, his position as president may not be able to sit firmly.

"What Cangmen! What League of Legends! When this time is over, you must completely eradicate it! All sins are pushed on them!"

The new president must find a scapegoat. Otherwise, the anger of the US imperial people will definitely overthrow him. Moreover, his president firmly believes that these three horror creatures are absolutely inseparable from the League of Legends.

If not, why don't you come early and not late, it suddenly appeared when the Cangmen was besieged, and it was thrown out from Cangmen's base camp!


"This **** hero league must be killed this time! Otherwise, it will be difficult for civilians to be angry!"

The new president knew that the skyscraper had just collapsed and didn't know how many people would die!

"hold onto!"

"Even if you die, you must destroy this American emperor and die again!"

Many people around the world do n’t think that this huge black bull can survive. You must know that today ’s advanced technology, let alone cattle, can star you down even if the stars in the sky can kill you. It ’s just a matter of time .

Just like the huge puppet just now, it was blasted into dregs.


And just as Ning Tianlin came out of this skyscraper and ran to the next, there were missiles, bombing towards his position, but he escaped easily.

The speed of a missile is much slower than that of a bullet.


Ning Tianlin did not hesitate, but just jumped into shape and broke into the opposite skyscraper. There is the headquarters of the Morgan Consortium on global banking. However, within a minute, Ning Tianlin ran out again. .

At the same time he was accompanied by the collapse of the entire skyscraper.

Immediately after that, there were the third, fourth, and seven minutes later, there were already six hundred-story skyscrapers, which, in the attention of the world, collapsed and turned into ruins.

"Good guy."

"A lot of furnishings!"

Two minutes later, when Ning Tianlin's huge figure appeared on the street again, in front of him was a whole row of heavy tanks, occupying the street.

The main thing is that behind these heavy tanks, there are also rows of heavy tanks, heavy armored vehicles! One after the other, nearly 500 vehicles, arranged in a growing matrix.

What the US emperor will do this time is to block Ning Tianlin here!

Are n’t you awesome, one tank, two tanks, five tanks. You can give the top flight in one corner. Then I have a dozen, twenty or thirty tanks lined up, depending on how you top it!

Also, the commanders who arranged these will not believe it. If so many tanks fire at the same time, you will not be able to beat you into scum! Especially they have a helicopter in the sky!

Most importantly, there are still five fighter planes circling in the clouds in the air!

They are here to fight Ning Tianlin!

Don't believe it, so many cash weapons can't even solve a cow!

No matter how big a cow is, it's still a cow!

"Ha ha."

It was just abrupt, Ning Tianlin stopped running, and then smiled in the attention of the audience around the world. It was just his smile that scared the audience of the world's viewers!

"You ... saw it ... just this cow, smiled?"

Beijing Bei, Siyuan College, Shi Xiaojun and the dormitory all felt that goose bumps suddenly appeared behind them, because they had just noticed that the corner of this cow's mouth was smiling!

This cow, Tamar will laugh!

"Yes ... yes, it's laughing!" The man beside him was also stunned.

"This cow is laughing! It is laughing!" Too many people just feel a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts, because they are sure that the huge black cow just now is really laughing. He is just like anyone, Laughing!

Does he have someone's passion and someone's wisdom?

The President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Japan, the Emperor of Russia, and so on were all scared by the smile of this cow! People at their level have never seen a cow show a smile as human!

They even saw taunts from this smile!

Yes, indeed ridicule, this cow's smile is sneer! It seems to sneer at these heavy tanks ahead! Heavy armored vehicle!

"Oh my God!"

"This cow ... it ... it stands up!"

"It turned out to be just like a human!"

It was just the next scene that opened everyone's eyes wide, and their faces were even more shocked and shocked, because in the attention of all of them, this **** bull stood up like a human!

It turned upright!

Originally, the huge body of more than five meters was climbed on the ground, but now, with a length of more than five meters, it has become stiff, especially the two corners of its head, this time it is directly inserted into the sky, such as a two-handled sword same!

"It ... what it stands up for!"

"How could a cow stand up?

"Don't ... it's really refined, with human awareness?"

Many people think inconceivably, especially the Chinese people see this scene, and in their minds, three words emerged in no time, Niu Wang!

Long black hair, two horns soaring into the sky, both limbs landing on the ground, not what the Devil King is!

"If you have a steel fork in your hand, it will be the demon king!"

A middle-aged man sat in a chair and whispered to himself, but then, the next scene rolled him directly from the chair.

I saw this huge black bull, his right hoof stretched out, a whole body red, and the flame-like Fangtian Huaji appeared directly on its right hoof, and then it was firmly held by it. Between the cows' paws!

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