Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 370: Just leave the plane

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Star Wars, do you think my" zero plan "can be realized?"

On an international flight, Ning Tianlin leaned on a soft chair in the first class, closed his eyes, but was thinking about another thing.

"Host, you are asking too much!"

Of course, the combat system knows what the clearing plan in Ning Tianlin's mind refers to, and indifferently said, "In this world, there is nothing that cannot be achieved, just to see if you want to do it!"

"Moreover, since you already have me, the greatest combat power system in the universe, if you ca n’t achieve anything big, you can buy a piece of tofu and knock it to death!"

"Then hope, and hope everything goes well tomorrow." Ning Tianlin sighed softly.

The clearing plan was a requirement for Ning Tianlin's high-level League of Legends when they left, that is, those who have awarded 50 points, that is, they must be back to their cities by noon tomorrow.

Then tomorrow night, at 2:00 am U.S. time, he led the congregation and launched a bloodwashing operation against the Mafia in their respective cities. We must master the rivers and lakes of these cities in the shortest possible time.

And this time, unlike in the past, it is a permanent grasp!

In other words, starting tomorrow, we will continue to uproot the forces of large mafia around the world! Let there be no mafia in this world, on this earth!

In the future, the rivers and lakes of the entire world will be controlled by their League of Legends! All rules are formulated by their League of Legends!

The Mafia is constantly cleared, so it is called a zeroing plan.

And by that time, the League of Legends will continue to change its functions and improve the mechanism. It will no longer be a river or lake force, but a large organization, a global league of heroes!

In the future, it is even more necessary to get out of the earth and dominate the galaxy, the large alliance of the universe!

This zeroing plan may have been difficult if not before, because it is not only the Mafia, but also governments with complex roots. After all, a killing will be inevitable.

The killing will certainly attract the attention of the police of various countries and even the army!

At that time, the opponents of the League of Legends will change from a mafia to two forces.

But now things are very different. Because in the first few hours, the world has seen the strength of the League of Legends, and governments of all countries will definitely weigh it if they want to make trouble or make League of Legends difficult.

Because if you mess up with the League of Legends and release something like the Bull Devil to your country, the damage caused is absolutely unimaginable!

So now is the best time to execute the "Zero Plan"! And Ning Tianlin knows that as long as it is planned to be completed tomorrow, his task of "building the world's first rivers and lakes" can be completely completed!

Because at that time, no mafia is the opponent of the League of Legends! And the name of the League of Legends has spread throughout the world!

"Star Wars, to be honest, if it wasn't for your task of" building the world's first rivers and lakes ", I don't think I would form this League of Legends!

"I think it's my dream to run the universe alone."

Ning Tianlin has spoken his own heart. Compared to this control of power, he prefers the growth of killing and killing.

"Lonely, naturally it is pleasure and enmity." The combat system sneered, "But you do n’t forget the host. You have a family. When you leave the earth, you are also prepared to let your family follow you. go away?"

"They will definitely stay on Earth. By then, who will serve them? You won't let your parents, not even a driver? Are those robots that I have redeemed for you? Or, what did they encounter? Do everything yourself? "

"Furthermore, the formation of forces will be very helpful for you to gain energy points in the future. The strength of a person to collect treasures is naturally limited, but countless people help you collect them.

"It's like this exchange platform. I dare say that as long as you people know that this is a real exchange platform and can provide them with everything they want, they will actively contribute Tianmadibao to redeem points. ! "

"And if you let yourself search for these treasures one by one, you will not know how much time it will take you."

"I know that." Ning Tianlin nodded, he knew that this was a fast way to collect essence, after all, heaven and earth treasures could be exchanged for essence in the combat system.

The more treasures there are, the more essence there is. All he needs to do is raise the points a bit.

Like a millennium ginseng, in the combat system, you can exchange 50 points, which is 50 points of energy. He Ning Tianlin only needs to mark the purchase price as 25 points, that is, he only needs to pay the exchanger 25 points of energy, and he can earn a difference of 25 points.

It seems that twenty-five o'clock is rare now. But very few, and if one day, this exchange platform can achieve the entire galaxy and even the universe, every moment, he Ning Tianlin does not know how many Jingqi points are credited.

"I understand all these principles. But what I want to say is not these, but the 'heart'." Ning Tianlin said earnestly. "My original heart is that I prefer to hold a Fangtian painting halberd for thousands of miles. Road, alone! "

"God blocks God, Buddha blocks Buddha! Freedom, freedom, freedom!"

"It's not that there is a force, a fascination with power."

Just suddenly, Ning Tianlin took a long breath in his heart, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "But it's okay, this is only temporary. When the League of Legends is ready, I will give power to someone I trust. "

"In this way, I can operate autonomously without me having to worry. When there is a real enemy and I need it, my ally will naturally appear!"

"Now. Think about tomorrow's" zero plan ", can everything go well!"

Thinking about it, I'm going to change from a fake to a real sleep. In these days in the United States, he either killed or fought, he never took a good rest, and now he lay down quietly. He was really tired.

However, just as he was about to fall asleep, the front row was awkward, and there were two men's chuckles, and the laughter that was full of prostitution and sway, and some men understood, made him help. Frown.

When he fell asleep, he didn't like to be disturbed. Especially being awakened halfway, it is easy to get angry.

Moreover, when he heard the conversation between the two men later, Ning Tianlin's frown had turned into a slight murderous brow. These two people, still leave the plane, don't go to Huaxia!

Note: Chapter III ends.

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